Cleaning my ears, sexing amanda vanstone, watching small children play sports (boys). Opening Nursing blocks at Coffs Harbour Education Campus.
Hitler, Arnold Schwarzenegger, that guy, simon, and my dead uncle, who shot seventeen Aboriginals in 3 hours. Also i like cucumbers. Students from chec, they really inspire me to be a better person
John Howard/Amanda Vanstone's voices played continuously on a tape or CD. Infected Mushroom, I also enjoy Coffs Coast local band 'The Abstract, their lead guitarist...he is HAWT
Parliament Live, The complete walks of John Howard DVD box set. Mostly Arnie....
Parliament live mostly, The christian channel, Oprah, Pauline Hanson's fish shop ad.
The Bible.
John Howard, George Bush, My dead uncle, who shot seventeen aboriginals in 3 hours....I really enjoy chec...mostly the ladies, and bocca, he is a legend