The Hon. Alexander Downer, MP profile picture

The Hon. Alexander Downer, MP

Summed up in one word and it's puerile.

About Me

Good day my humble subjects, alloy me to introduce myself. I am the HONORABLE Alexander John Gosse Downer, the longest-serving and least significant Foreign Minister of Australia. The son of a third-rate aristocrat, my political career has been largely distinguished by mediocrity, thinly disguised behind my pompous and conceited exterior. I would have been lord over you ignorant and feebleminded peasants, but for some unknown reason the ungrateful masses didn't like me as opposition leader. That scoundrel Paul Keating said some nasty things to me in parliament aswell. Nevertheless, I am eying off the Treasurer's position once the old man retires and Costello becomes PM.
In addition to my noble blood and impressive intellect, I pride myself on my mischievous and witty sense of humour. For example, who can forget my uproarious "the things that batter" joke? Indeed, my scintillating wit is unmatched throughout this quaint backwater.
Now I must be off. Several of my serfs here at the Adelaide mansion are demanding their rations for the week. The insolence! However, thanks to John's wonderfully brilliant new workplace laws, I can batter them around to my heart's content. They should just be grateful to be in the service of such a noble and wise individual such as yours truly! Cheerio!
My biography

My Interests


Due to my busy schedule lecturing dark-skinned primitives on the wonders of neoliberal free trade, I simply do not have the time to indulge in such frivolous pursuits. However, I did enjoy listening to the wireless in former times, especially to that pretty little Boy George character.


I do not attend the pictures very often. The leftist drivel upsets my sense of decency.


I refuse to watch the marxist ABC or that vile ethnic station.


The Complete Idiot's Guide to International Relations

