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Amanda Vanstone

"Australia has a record second to none in the treatment of refugees..."

About Me

My name is Amanda Vanstone, and I am the respected Minister for the department of Indigenous, Immigration, and multi-cultural affairs. As you probably know, I have a record second to none in the treatment of refugees (if you dont believe me you can refer your enquiry to either Tony Abbott (also a member of myspace), John Howard, or ring 1800 7383773, or just simply send me a letter or a message, and I shall set you straight.)

My Interests

Preserving a safe white conservative Australia.

I'd like to meet:

Any Australians, preferably white conservative christians with a record second to none in the treatment of their everyday lives. (if you are of a coloured or muslim background, I encourage you to hand yourself over immediately for an anti-terrorism screening test. This is what any true Australian would do)


Tony Abbotts speeches played continuosly on cd. I dont like music, it encourages too much creativity.


The complete walks of Jonathan Winston Howard Box set.


Christian morning prophecy with John Right.


The bible, the complete works of Jonathan Winston Howard book set


John Howard, George bushg, condalisa rice, hitler, Tony Abbott