Kate profile picture


about as useful as a screen door on a submarine

About Me

Worry not that no one knows of you; seek to be worth knowing. --Confucius
The care bears were a cult
the smurfs were communists
and Gilligans Island was a direct representation of hell.
About me?
I'm a bossy, obsessive compulsive control freak.
My name is Kate, Katie by way of endearment.
Many thanks to Alyce for her impressive skills in putting together this profile.
*Hint* if you are trying to leave me a comment and can't find the button look at my 'general' section
Currently at UNSW studying Criminology
It's behavioural sciences, so no I am not playing with dead bodies, that would be Forensic Criminology
I'm pragmatic, cynical and almost a painfully logical thinker
It's only being realistic
Apparently I'm 'proper', I love good manners and correct grammar
You'll know if I'm really angry... I won't be blinking
incredibly stubborn, slightly argumentative and almost disagreeably proud
and I just hate being wrong.
I'm not much of a people person, and I come off as aloof, I'm not really...I just get nervous around new people
Hmmm I just read through this and it all sounds terribly pretentious...
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My Interests

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My family and friends, they mean an awful lot to me and they make life that much more pleasant.

Reading, nothing better than settling down for a day with a good book and a pot of tea, any book recommendations please give them to me.

Honesty and diplomacy, it's best to be truthful to people but that doesn't mean you can't be tactful while doing so.

Good manners and proper ettiquette
(it's so underrated now and a dying concern in society).

Meeting new people and hearing their stories and experiences.

People that are able to display some semblance of intelligence, I hate to be bitchy but ditsy people irritate me immensly
and I have little to no time for them

Watching people in the streets to see how they interact with others and such.

Both making and wearing corsets, wearing them is more fun though.

Being organised and cleaning, it helps calm me and order my thoughts.

I like knowing where I'm going, metaphorically and literally.
Direction is a goals best friend

I'd like to meet:

Someone who will discuss the slow erosion of the feminist doctrine in post modern western patriarchal hegemony with me.


Dresden Dolls
A Perfect Circle
Kidney Theives
Smashing Pumpkins
Marcy Playground
Tracey Bonham


Spider man, because he's the only hero who managed to remember that his underwear were supposed to go on first.

My Blog

My 18th- Round 2!

Thursday the 28th of June 2007. Because Bridgev was unable to celebrate my birthday with me on the actual day (she decided to be responsible as she had an exam the next day-unlike Michelle who also ha...
Posted by Kate on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 06:30:00 PST

My 18th - Round 1.

Tuesday the 26th 2007, my 18th :). I wake up to some wonderful messages, phone calls, myspace and facebook comments from my lovely friends and family, I then proceed to have a pretty lazy morni...
Posted by Kate on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 06:10:00 PST

The negatives of napping

It was wet, raining and dark this afternoon, perfect time for a nap, no? Especially seeing as I got home from work at 11 30 last night and had to be on a 7.05 train this morning, (keeping in min...
Posted by Kate on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 06:24:00 PST

On the topic of sexuality

I've just been reminded of some more pet peeves of mine. (I have quiet a few don't I? Must mean I'm a horrible person...But anyways back to what I was saying) Pet peeves in realation to sexuality: It...
Posted by Kate on Tue, 21 Nov 2006 03:21:00 PST


You know what pisses me off even more than those stupid "since you opened this you will have really good luck if you repost it with this *insert ridiculously stupid and annoying title options* title...
Posted by Kate on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 04:00:00 PST

And away I go.

Yep, half way through my exams having done 4/8, just the two extensions, modern history and Bio to go so I'll finish this Tuesday. And then on Thursday I hop on a plane and move overseas to Honolulu...
Posted by Kate on Wed, 01 Nov 2006 10:30:00 PST

And I'm the whore?

I'm sorry, perhaps I am utterly blind and stupid but when I look in the mirror to me my clothes do not scream 'whore' Yet in town the other day and some dickhead, pimply, try hard wigger openly sneer...
Posted by Kate on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 08:11:00 PST

Toothless men in Leaderhousen

Yes indeed, Mahalias 18th at a German restaurant celebrating Octoberfest and lo and behold a relatively toothless old man (strictly he wasn't toothless, just missing noticable front ones) ...
Posted by Kate on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 08:02:00 PST

Coffee, Cats and a date with Dostoevsky

All in all my Saturday night. And its been freaking wonderful. Yep =]. Plus I've started work on a new corset, but now I need to buy grommits.   *note: Dostoevsky is a 19th century russian nove...
Posted by Kate on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 05:18:00 PST


Indeed, my levels of self exiled hermitude are reaching greater and greater heights. Saturday night and I'm sitting with my mother who is asleep watching the 'how to chanel' and they are discussing ...
Posted by Kate on Sat, 12 Aug 2006 05:41:00 PST