My interest is horror movies, novels, the whole genre,
but I have a particular love for the the Zombies. The whole George Romero Universe that set the pace and then things got even better with 2004s upgrades so many varient themes it's pretty cool. I love writing horror fiction I am writing a zombie story titled Bounty Hunted. It's a work in progress and it will be available for proof reading. The first few chapters will be posted in my blog section and additional chapters will follow. I will accept critiques from anyone on my friends list. Please message me any critisisms or suggestions in regards to Bounty Hunted. I take all comments seriously as I am trying to produce a quality story and this is my first endeavor. I hope you enjoy my work in progress. The Time has never been better to be a horror fan. There are so many more independent film companies out there who are turning out better projects due to their love of the medium than at any other time. We should support these film makers and their films because they are representing the pulse of our beloved horror. Many are operating on a shoestring budget but are not turning out shoestring projects. there also has never been a more diversified group of Authors who are submitting works of the macabre that run the gammit from eerie to downright horrifing and disturbing. Then finally there are the diehard horror fans who do more in their everyday activities to promote and honor this artform. The performance artists,fan fiction writers, comic book artists and authors as well as the everyday fan of that unspeakable something that goes bump in the night. It is to you that I dedicate this page. If you are a friend of mine on MySpace then no matter how different we are as people we share and have in common an appreciation for this generally misunderstood and underated Artform. Feel free to leave any of your deepest and darkest comments or links to your sites and I will post and share your love of horror with all that stop by and view my page. There is always room in the Lower Levels for my friends and for those just visiting I can always fit you in even if I have to use blades or chainsaws or....Well you get the picture.
Bad Justyzz
The Lower Levels.. classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="
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TheLower Levels Lords And Ladies Of The Apocalypse
I have Some KickAss friends.
George A Romero Diary Of The Dead
Nycky The Cruel
Silabus The Blade Brandier
Darth Xavier
Gata Misery Cherri
Doctor Zombie
Jessica Paranormal Mama
Mr. Horror
Phantom Freak
Boneyard Betty
Manda Twilight
German Gothic
Siranna Bast
Nicholas Grabowsky
Living Dead Girl
Rick XX6
The Norman D Invasion
Zombie Grrrl
Morticia AKA doll parts
Dirk Manning
Clown From Hell
Sir Jinx
The Creepy Kentuckian
John Everson
The Boogey Man
Insanely Evil
Dark Spider Miss Horrorfest Finalist
Nat Jones
Rabid Badger
Jessica K
Theres A Fine Line Between Love And A Waste OfTime
Liquid Evil
Catrina Horror Author/ Poet
Undead [Hu Nation/Empire] (R.I.P JOSH)
Zombie Killer Extraordinaire
Ms Monster
Jeff The Zombie
Glitter Angel
Zombie Friends
Zombie Squad
The Flesh Farm
Philly Zombie Crawl
Horror's Hallowed Grounds
Click here to get a TOP 16+ onyour Myspace profile.
Alternative, Gangsta And Death Metal. My Favs Are Stone Temple Pilots, Evanescence, Snoop Dogg, Royskopp, Pearl Jam, Nirvana, Metallica, Disturbed, Motorhead, Everlast And Deus Ex.
my frazy music , movies and books !
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Battlestar Galactica,The Sopranos,The Wire,DeadWood,Lucky Louie, GhostHunters,TNA Wrestling, WWE-24/7, The Discovery Networks. FearNet
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The Zombie Survival Guide: By Max Brooks.
The Stand: By Stephan King.
Behold A Pale Horse: By William Milton Cooper.
my frazy music , movies and books !
How to make a Bad Justyzz
1 part competetiveness
3 parts courage
3 parts energy
Layer ingredientes in a shot glass. Add lustfulness to taste! Do not overindulge!
Personality cocktail
All Those Who Embrace Their Dark Nature And Those Who Are Willing To Show Their Artistic Nature No Matter How Controversial It Appears.