DBaCC profile picture


Don't ask. Don't think. It's not very zen like.

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator
DBaCC is an insane keyboardist/experimental sound artist who is hell bent on blazing a devastating path of pure insanity.
My plan is simple
promote nothing (no-thing)
focus on being unbeing
burn everything
"Let Go" will be my mantra (+)
I see a new revolution - of undoing - of not doing
No one will hear. No one will see. Great wandering madmen
who walk unaware
will sit perplexed as I laugh - enlightened
None of this matters
All of it is absurd. There is no point.
No end - no final destination or goal
no purpose - no enlightenment for anyone
I will revolutionize peace, euphoria, zen mind, fuck all, meaningless, ecclessiastical doldrum of uncanny unknowability
until we all lie still and recognize that our beating
pulse is a more beautiful sound than
a thousand T.S.Monk's @ piano.
I have 10 years of non-existence unheard
SOON - haha - someone will hear + then...
...the end
DBaCC is a music/noise project started in spring of 2000. In it's first inception it lasted about six months, before being shelved. During that time a five song EP was released entitled "I Gotta Kick My Crack Habit", (which was available almost exclusively in Mp3 format). The track "Public Canings Are Funny" from that EP appeared on an international noise comp Eat Dead Flies, which received postive reviews from various sources.
DBaCC's sound has been described as "strange combinations of harsh/ambient sculptures with nice, sweeping bass tones under grating harsh cuts" -Aversion Online
DBaCC is Marc Patterson, his bass guitar, a ton of effects, and a computer. After a nearly 4 year sabbatical, DBaCC is in the process of putting together a new album, slated for release in early 2005. The new DBaCC album will be a fast, loud, gritty, and slightly maniacal full frontal attack on the senses in a more punk rock style.

My Interests

crazy burlesque girls, computers, film, Guinness, hockey, low brow art, horror film, online gaming, punk rock, rockabilly, rollerderby, tattoo's, technology/wired/wi-fi culture, watching people, writing/spoken word, Zen, Unadulterated Bliss

I'd like to meet:

Crazy people like me! I love new friend day! Show me your tat and I'll show you mine! :0


PUNK AS FUCK!! - The Clash, Black Flag, Social Distortion, Screeching Weasel, Dropkick Murphy's, Johnny Cash, Rev Horton Heat, Mike Ness, Charlie Feathers, Patsy Cline, Southern Culture on the Skids, Fugazi, Joe Coffee, Minor Threat, Red Reaction, Rise Against, Roger Miret & The Disasters, Bikini Kill, Roger Miller, Ashley Simpson, Jawbreaker, Scott H. Biram, DBaCC


Too many titles - let's try directors: Alfred Hitchcock, Lucio Fulci, Wes Craven, Jess Franco, Alexandre Aja, Tim Sullivan, Rolfe Kanefsky, Quentin Tarantino. I also like most anything Zombie related.


Fuck Television


Way too many to even think about getting into here. I like a lot of the beat writers - Jack Kerouac, William Burroughs. Also into Jack Ketchum, Chuck Palaniuck, Shunryu Suzuki, Henry Miller


Anyone who grabs life by the balls and takes what they want. You get one time around, so don't piss it away living by someone elses rules.

My Blog

Films I Watch for the Hot Chicks

In response to my friends Annie's post about films she watches just for the hot guys I need to post this... From Dusk Til Dawn - Saw it in the theater tanked on booze right after I got out of boot cam...
Posted by DBaCC on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 07:08:00 PST

It’s Inevitable - You’re getting deleted.

Fuck it.  I'm deleting you.  But chances are, I'm not.  See, if you're actually reading this - that means you might give a fuck.  I'm just doing some new years housecleaning a...
Posted by DBaCC on Mon, 07 Jan 2008 03:13:00 PST

New DBaCC Music Page

For those of you friends who don't allow requests from bands, (most of you) but who would still like to be "friends" - click on over to http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewpro file...
Posted by DBaCC on Thu, 26 Jul 2007 03:40:00 PST

Name changes etc...

So - keeping in the spirit of random updates you'll notice that I've changed my display name from the long running "Psyko" to "DBaCC".  DBaCC of course is the URL under which this MySpace page ex...
Posted by DBaCC on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 02:26:00 PST

Meadowlands Review

Meadowlands, the new dark drama from Showtime premieres this Sunday night and Showtime was kind enough to drop the first four episodes to me in advance.  If I say nothing else I will promise you'...
Posted by DBaCC on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 07:29:00 PST

Kill House DVD Review

Avarice, greed, materialism& just a few of the keys to the American dream. Kill House is a "black comedy" that follows a series of grisly murders taking place within the Los Angeles real estate commu...
Posted by DBaCC on Fri, 25 May 2007 07:05:00 PST

First Sun Plans Remake of Suspira

From the Hollywood Reporter: CANNES -- Italy-based production company First Sun said Thursday that it has acquired the rights to make an English-language version of Dario Argento's 1977 horror classic...
Posted by DBaCC on Sat, 19 May 2007 07:15:00 PST

Timber Falls

When the summertime rolls around I just can't get enough of backwoods slasher flicks.  There's just something about them that lulls me in over, and over like a starving junky.  Timber Falls ...
Posted by DBaCC on Thu, 17 May 2007 06:56:00 PST

While the wife is away... The Horror shall play!

Well - It's just a quiet little Saturday and for the first time in a couple months I have the joint to myself.  What better than my own mini film fest?  So - here's what I've got lined up fo...
Posted by DBaCC on Sat, 12 May 2007 06:30:00 PST

Freakin Spider Man?

WTF?  Spider Man 3 crushes the box office.  I can't say I'm surprised, but jeez... what a pile of shit the film is.  Shows what big $$ and slick marketing can buy... well - more like wh...
Posted by DBaCC on Tue, 08 May 2007 02:22:00 PST