Paracinema Magazine profile picture

Paracinema Magazine

I am here for Networking

About Me

Paracinema is an emerging quarterly film magazine whose content focuses mainly on cult film; Horror, B Movies, Indie, Exploitation, Underground, Foreign, Sci Fi, etc... What you will NOT find in our pages:- movie reviews
- music reviews
- toy or action figure news
- book reviews
- only horror content
You get the idea. Those publications that do have such features are good at what they do. We are not them.What you WILL find:- in-depth analytical pieces
- interviews
- informative articles about movie "classics"
- amazing, original, film inspired art
- peeks into the future of cult film making
We are the magazine for people who love film.
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

George A. Romero, David Lynch, John Waters, David Cronenberg, Quentin Tarantino, John Carpenter, Frank Miller, Larry Cohen, Tobe Hooper, Neil Gaiman, Lloyd Kaufman, Wes Craven, Peter Jackson, Dario Argento...among many others.



| The Last House on the Left | Irreversible | The Hills Have Eyes | I Spit On Your Grave | Invaders from Mars | Forbidden Planet | The War of the Worlds | CHUD | Eraserhead | The Elephant Man | | Q:The Winged Serpent | Twin Peaks | Jacob's Ladder | The Serpent And The Rainbow | Flash Gordon (1980) | Tron | Videodrome | Scanners | The Brood | The Fly | Escape From New York | They Live | Rabid | Audition | Shaun of the Dead | 28 Days Later | Night of The Living Dead | Dawn of The Dead | Day of The Dead | Land of The Dead | Pink Flamingos | Female Trouble | Crybaby | Hairspray | The Thing | Prince of Darkness | Resident Evil | Pan's Labyrinth | The Host | The Exorcist | Rosemary's Baby | Dune | The Shining | House of 1000 Corpses | The Devil's Rejects | The Halloween movies | Evil Dead 1-2 | Army of Darkness | The Blair Witch Project | Dreamcatcher | Cujo | Creepshow | Suspiria | Jaws | An American Werewolf in London | The Birds | Death Race 2000 | Salem's Lot | Silver Bullet | Misery | Howard The Duck | Phantom of The Paradise | Maximum Overdrive | The Hellraiser movies | Grindhouse | The Fog | Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) | Poltergeist | Big Trouble in Little China | Dead Alive | Street Trash | The Stuff | Carrie | The Amityville Horror | The Rocky Horror Picture Show | Psycho | Kill Bill Vol.1-2 | The Alien movies | Mulholland Dr. | Bad Taste | From Dusk Till Dawn | Cannibal Holocaust | Toxic Avenger | High Tension | Sleepaway Camp | Jackie Brown | Lost Boys | Night of The Comet | House on Haunted Hill | Vertigo | Rear Window | Zombi 2 | Cannibal Ferox | The Phantasm movies | Blue Velvet | Hard Candy | Pet Cemetery | Pi - Faith in Chaos | Cat's Eye | Re-Animator | Slither | The Day The Earth Stood Still | Fire Starter | The Running Man | The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai Across the 8th Dimension | Blade Runner | Return of the Living Dead | 2001: A Space Odyssey | The Toolbox Murders | A History of Violence | Shogun Assassin | The King Of Kong |