Jerry profile picture


The higher I go, the crookeder it becomes. - Michael Corleone from The Godfather Part III

About Me

Life should be more than about clocking in and clocking out. Goose stepping was never for me. Time to get on LIVING and never look back. Enjoy my time here and do as much as I can.The first video I worked on with a group of really great people. Please watch Videopolis... I think you'll enjoy it.My friend, Francis Abbey, made this wonderful film. Please watch Dogstar. He also did Videopolis. A very creative filmmaker to watch. Elric Kane directed this one. He and Francis are on my friends list.The Trailer for Paul Busetti's Cannibal Cheerleader Camp!!! This is the film we have been waiting for. The Greatest Cast and it's all local!!!The trailer for PTA's There Will Be Blood. Daniel Day Lewis returns!!!The firts two minutes of Paul Busetti's Cannibal Cheerleader Camp.I co-host Movie Geeks United with Jamey and Chris. Here is our first commercial:The New Boxing Day trailer from Francis Abbey and Ten Sundays Productions: ..
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My Interests

Film, Books, Music. Weightlifting and any sort of cardio exercise-- lots of time at the gym. Lots of running. Still some cycling. Keeping up with current events. Lots of pop culture stuff too. Comic books are cool with me. My family is my greatest interest. Writing more than just in my journal-- writing it all down. Using my mini-DV camera more as well. And of course our dog. He is so cool.

I'd like to meet:

Keep in touch with old friends. And make new friends. Meet people with varied and different interests. People who aren't afraid to have their own opinion and do their own thing. And that means you. I consider myself very fortunate to know many of the friends on my list. They (including those not on My Space) have been great sources of inspiration, learning and fun. I want to meet all of you. ..

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It's all over the place. Jane's Addiction, Soundgarden, Rollins Band, Sonic Youth, The Rolling Stones, Beck, David Bowie, Rob Zombie, Slayer, U2, The Black Crowes, Metallica, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, The White Stripes, The Queens Of The Stone Age, The Strokes, Eminem, The Donnas, Nina Gordon, The Arctic Monkeys, The Hives, The Obsessed, The Sex Pistols, Black Flag, Liz Phair, Neil Young, Motorhead, Nothingface, The Deftones, The Breeders, Veruca Salt, Radiohead, Pearl Jam, Johnny Cash, Fantomas, The Clash, Primus, Alice In Chains, Wilco, The Amps, Joy Division, Belly, Audioslave, Rage Against The Machine, CCR, System Of A Down, Mudhoney, X, The Who, Fugazi, Bjork, Juliana Hatfield, The Pixies, Nirvana, New Order, Tom Petty, The Run-In, The Misfits, Danzig, Dinosaur Jr., Aimee Mann, Monster Magnet, Public Enemy, Ice-T, Clutch, Cypress Hill, Ice Cube, Dead Kennedys, The Butthole Surfers, Social Distortion, PJ Harvey, The Cure, The Replacements, Paul Westerberg, Los Lobos, Fatboy Slim, The Beastie Boys, AIR, Jerry Goldsmith, Maurice Jarre, Ennio Morricone, John Williams, John Barry, The Allman Brothers, The Cowboy Junkies, Steve Earle, Eric Clapton, The Band, Foo Fighters Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen, The Hidden Hand, Slayer, Tool, The Red Hot Chili Peppers and lots of others.


The amount that I watch in a week is obscene. I cannot pick favorites-- there isn't enough space on the net for that kind of thing. And please don't let this list scare you. I am a listaholic when it comes to films and books. The Wild Bunch, Apocalypse Now, Cross Of Iron, Mad Max, Night Of The Generals, Buckaroo Banzai, Singles, Almost Famous, Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Stalingrad, Heat, Collateral, All About My Mother, Sexy Beast, La Strada, 8&1/2, Amarcord, Belle Du Jour, Under The Sand, Eight Femmes, Repulsion, Chinatown, Five Easy Pieces, Obsession, Carrie, Blow Out, Run Lola Run, Heaven, Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down!, Riding Giants, Gunner Palace, Go, Hannah And Her Sisters, Love And Death, Sleeper, Bukowski: Born Into This, Nine Queens, Y Tu Mama Tambien, Winter Kills, Who'll Stop The Rain, Fearless, The Boys From Brazil, The Omen, Crossfire, The Year Of Living Dangerously, Witness, In The Company Of Men, The Wicker Man, Cape Fear, The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, Grand Illusion, The Rules Of the Game, Hud, The Hustler, All The President's Men, The Misfits,Wise Blood, Red River, Planet Of The Apes, Soylent Green, Midnight Run, Stagecoach, The Searchers, Three Days Of the Condor, The Godfather Saga, The Road Warrior, Excalibur, Hard Boiled, Goodfellas, Taxi Driver, On The Waterfront, L.A. Confidential, Day For Night, Z, The Collector, Criss Cross, Elmer Gantry, The Killers, Adaptation, Being John Malkovich, Best In Show, Izo, Gozu, Nobody Knows, Lone Wolf and Cub films, Zatoichi film series, Waiting For Guffman, This Is Spinal Tap, The Talented Mr. Ripley, Ripley's Game, Oldboy, Things To Come, Escape From New York, The Thing, Big Trouble In Little China, The Dawn Patrol, Captain Blood, Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang, Vertigo, Cookie, Straight To Hell, Giant, East Of Eden, Fireworks, Gladiator, Black Hawk Down, Jesus Son, Some Kind Of Monster, E.T., Schindler's List, The Piano, The Ref, Notorious, Charade, Gunga Din, The Apartment, Dogma, Save The Tiger, Some Like It Hot, A Clockwork Orange, Ulee's Gold, Wedding Crashers, The 40-Year Old Virgin, Before The Rain, S.O.B., Network, Once Were Warriors, The Dogs Of War, In The Mood For Love, Chunking Express, Dragon Inn, L.A. Confidential, 8 Mile, The Maltese Falcon, Some Kind Of Wonderful, They Live By Night, Strangers On A Train, Paradise Lost, Greystoke, Rollerball (original version), Those Pirates Of the Caribbean films, The Right Stuff, Henry: Portrait Of A Serial Killer, Ghostbusters, There's Something About Mary, Two For The Road, Bladerunner, Leaving Las Vegas, Donnie Brasco, Party Girl, Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind, Lost Highway, Lawrence Of Arabia, The Star Wars Saga, Full Contact, The Wonder Boys, Clerks, Short Cuts, Casino Royale, Fight Club, Donnie Darko, Repo Man, Anythiing by Wes Anderson and the Coen Brothers, Seven, Lost In Translation, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Romeo Is Bleeding, My Favorite Year, Blow, The American Friend, Paris, Texas, The Tailor Of Panama, Things To Do In Denver When You're Dead, The Virgin Suicides, The Misfits, Gone With The Wind, Broken Flowers, Stranger Than Paradise, Dogtown And Z-Boys,Layer Cake, Munich, Dead Man, Night On Earth, Jaws, Tequila Sunrise, Spies Like Us, Deal Of the Century, Amelie, The Professionals, Diva, Doctor Zhivago, The Devil's Rejects, Office Space, Sonatine, Coffy, The Bridge On The River Kwai, Kelly's Heroes, Mystic River, Million Dollar Baby, Murderball, The Beat That Skipped My Heart, Cache, Once Upon A Time In The West, The Downfall, Munich, Master And Commander: The Far Side Of the World, Say Anything, Picnic At Hanging Rock, Ninotchka, Cinema Paradiso, The Hunger, Kiss Me Deadly, Sunshine State, Lone Star, Key Largo, Spider, Snatch, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, The Bourne Supremacy, The Italian Job (Original Version), Videodrome, The Hit, Grosse Pointe Blank, The Emerald Forest, Hope And Glory, The Constant Gardner, Point Blank, The Dirty Dozen, Battle Royale, Pulse, Ichi The Killer, The Devil's Backbone, The Friends Of Eddie Coyle, In Good Company, About A Boy, City Of God, The Motorcycle Diaries, The Ruling Class, Hilary And Jackie, Metroland, Breaking The Waves, Dancer In The Dark, Spartacus, The Stuntman, Underground, The Big Red One, The Great Escape, Where Eagles Dare, Patton, Blue Velvet, Wild At Heart, Full Metal Jacket, Anything by Tarantino, Trust, Amateur, Henry Fool, Simple Men, Desperado, Sin City, Tank Girl, Out Of The Past, Heaven Knows Mr. Allison, Laurel Canyon, Hostel, The Machinist, Empire Of The Sun, Magnum Force, Back To School, Little Caesar, White Heat, History Of Violence, V For Vendetta, Lots of Yakuza films, Spider, The Postman Always Rings Twice, Slingblade, A Simple Plan, Ghost World, Edward Scissorhands, Batman Begins, Hellboy, Spiderman 2, Garden State, Buffalo 66, Requiem For A Dream, Pi, Happiness, Twelve Monkeys, The Fisher King, Old School, Animal House, The Blues Brothers, Stripes, Where The Buffalo Roam, Bad Santa, Crumb, Caddyshack, Strange Brew, The Fisher King, Foxy Brown, Superman I and II, Superman Returns, Spanking The Monkey, Three Kings, I Heart Huckabees, The Syrian Bride, Paradise Now, Natural Born Killers, Army Of Darkness, JFK, The Seven Samurai, Audition, Throne Of Blood, Sword Of Doom, Yojimbo, Stray Dog, Bullet In The Head, Casablanca, The Corporation, Memento, The Third Man, Salvador, Touch Of Evil, Straw Dogs, The Proposition, Magnolia, Boogie Nights, The Last Wave, Team America: World Police, Dancer In The Dark, House Of Flying Daggers, Paths Of Glory, The Killing, The Wind And The Lion, The Man Who Would Be King, Thank You For Smoking, Get Carter, The Long Good Friday, Le Samourai, The Professional, Bob Le Flambeur, La Femme Nikita, 3-Iron, Three: Extremes, Inside Man, The 25th Hour, Summer Of Sam, King Kong (33 and 05 versions), Swingers, Swimming With Sharks, The Usual Suspects, The Way Of the Gun, Chasing Amy, Taxi Driver, Mean Streets, Mr. Klein, Dog Day Afternoon, Scarface(Both versions), Carlito's Way, Serpico, Made, Wedding Crashers, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Heat, Punch Drunk Love, Thief, Chasing Amy, All that Toho Kaiju eiga stuff, The Texas Chainsaw Masscre (Original Version), The Hills Have Eyes (Original Version), Alien, Aliens, Mallrats, Grand Hotel, The Year Of the Dragon, The Deer Hunter, Shoot The Piano Player, Slacker, American History X, After Hours, Barcelona, Barfly, Angel Heart, Killing Zoe, Dazed and Confused, Traffic, Kicking And Screaming, The Squid And The Whale, The Limey, The Fountain, A Scanner Darkly, Venus, Waking Life, Schizopolis, Out Of Sight, Anchorman, The Departed, Casino Royale (2006), The Prestige, The Queen, Borat, Grindhouse, Hot Fuzz, Zodiac, The Bourne Ultimatum, Knocked Up, Waitress, Superbad, Away From Her, Children Of Men, Pan's Labyrinth, Volver, Black Snake Moan, The Mist, Southland Tales, No Country For Old Men, American Gangster, Michael Clayton, There Will Be Blood, The Savages, The Diving Bell And The Butterfly and thousands more. This list will continue to grow.


Rescue Me, The Sopranos, Six Feet Under, The Job, Entourage, Deadwood, Battlestar Galactica, The Wire, The Avengers, The Prisoner, Absolutely Fabulous, Extras, Adult Swim stuff, The Simpsons, South Park, Daria, King Of The Hill, 30 Rock, Lost, 24, SNL, SCTV, Benny Hill, Masters Of Horror, Family Guy, Dr. Who, The Daily Show, Futurama, Wiseguy, The X-Files, Cheers, Seinfeld, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Weeds, The Office and a soft spot for the now defunct Tough Crowd. Colin Quinn, Greg Giraldo, Nick Di Paolo, Jim Norton, Rich Vos and Judy Gold always made me laugh so hard.


Lets stick to authors: John LeCarre, Bret Easton Ellis, Jay Mcinerney, Chuck Palahniuk, Barry Gifford, Philip K. Dick, Norman Spinrad, Bruce Sterling, Jerry Stahl, Alex Garland, Eric Bogosian, David Mamet, William Gibson,Kurt Vonnegut, Niall Ferguson, Henry Rollins, Jessica Stern, Karen Armstrong, Kurt Vonnegut, Neal Stephenson, John Shirley, Sinclair Lewis, Robert Stone, Martin Cruz Smith, Richard Stark, Tom Perrotta, Lawrence Block, Jack Womack, Lewis Shiner, Joe Haldeman, Hubert Selby, Christopher Buckley, Douglas Coupland, Robert Harris, Joan Didion, John Gregory Dunne, Philip Roth, Frederick Forsyth, Mark Bowden, Eric Schlosser, David Thomson, Art Linson, Christopher Hitchens, Gore Vidal, Anne Lamott, Maureen Dowd, Stephen King, David Foster Wallace, TC Boyle, George Pelecanos, Michael Connelly, Dennis Lehane, Denis Johnson, Robert Conquest, Noam Chomsky, Chalmers Johnson, Jonathan Lethem, Haruki Murakami, Elaine Pagels, Dean Koontz, Max Barry, Hunter S. Thompsn, John Fante, James Ellroy, Jim Thompson, Charles Willeford, Peter Biskind, Peter Bart, Charles Bukowski, Martin Amis, Salman Rushdie, Don Delillo, David Benoiff, Tom Wolfe, Russell Banks, JG Ballard, Elmore Leonard, Neil Gaiman, James Lee Burke, Walter Mosley, Amy Goodman, Stephen Hunter, Sharon Waxman, Stephen King, Arthur C. Clarke, Robert Kaplan, Paul Theroux, Paul Krugman, Ian McEwan, Pauline Kael, Barbara Ehrenreich, Robert Fisk and many others.


My Mom. My Dad. My Brothers. My friends.

My Blog

Bow Down to "The Big Lebowski" And help Michael

You must all add and subscribe to Michael. He is one of the our loyal friends and readers and has all around great taste in films.  He is back and we need you to add and subscribe to him. Always ...
Posted by Jerry on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:00:00 PST

30 Years Of Insanity and the Tyranny of Obsession

"Hokey religions and ancient weapons are no match for a good blaster at your side, kid."-- Han Solo from Star Wars: A New HopeIt was the longest line I had ever seen to get into a movie  theater....
Posted by Jerry on Thu, 24 May 2007 02:19:00 PST

The Perfect Mid-Week Movie Geek Fest (REPOST)

A big thnak you to everyone who helped out on the last blog. Francis thanks all of you and I thank all of you. Peace!!!-- Jerry  Just a reminder to click the the title below if you haven't h...
Posted by Jerry on Wed, 23 May 2007 07:01:00 PST

When The Seeker Asks For A Favor...

You better believe I am going to do it for him.  My friend, Francis aka The Seeker, needs everyone to come over and check out his latest  blog.  I owe Francis a lot. If it was for him, ...
Posted by Jerry on Tue, 22 May 2007 03:29:00 PST

David Lynch...One Question.... (REPOST)

Just out of curiosity.... If you had the opportunity to ask David Lynch one question... ...what would that question be?...
Posted by Jerry on Mon, 21 May 2007 03:59:00 PST

The Kids Stay On The Air

"I don't know how to do anything else."-- Vincent Hanna from HeatWith the exception of messing up the introduction tonight, the show went pretty well. So yeah, everyone got to hear Charlton Heston dou...
Posted by Jerry on Mon, 21 May 2007 08:08:00 PST

Special Guest tonight on MOVIE GEEKS UNITED! (REPOST)

Tonight on MOVIE GEEKS UNITED! Cannes Film Fest talk, featuring a special interview with guest Dave DeBorde Flick Picks of the Week.... ...and the Movie Geeks list their top ten most promising film...
Posted by Jerry on Sun, 20 May 2007 12:47:00 PST

Our Future Legendary Film Directors (REPOST)

Posted by Jerry on Sat, 19 May 2007 12:05:00 PST

Away From Her Review Link (Spoilers!!!)

Please follow this link to take you to my review of Sarah Polley's Away From Her.Away From Her Review At you and please check out the whole site. A wonderful website f...
Posted by Jerry on Sat, 19 May 2007 10:13:00 PST

Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro...together again!!!! (REPOST)

Posted by Jerry on Thu, 17 May 2007 03:52:00 PST