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Music by Nina Pak and Marta Wiley available at CDbaby.com

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Music by Nina Pak and Marta Wiley available at CDbaby.com
Links to Hathors Sister's other sites
Nina CD baby Hathor Tribe Marta


Hathors Sister is a collaborative music project by Nina Pak and Marta Wiley. Which began with experimentation in the studio, recording unusual sounds and chanting as backgrounds for songs, and then adapting some of Ninas poetry into lyrics for musical compositions which in the beginning were created by Marta alone. Marta however began to include Nina in the process of creating the music in the studio, and encouraging her to go beyond the comfortable voice over of spoken word. Now both women are involved in the creative process of creating the music and singing. However Marta is the trained vocalist and by far the stronger singing voice on the recordings. The music is an experiment with voice, using mantras; and various instruments and objects to make sound, Which brings an unusual, haunting flavor to the music. Vocals are by Marta Wiley and Nina Pak, with an occasional guest performer. Hathors Sister has three finished albums and another in the process of being recorded.


Many thanks to all those who have supported and encouraged Nina Pak and Marta Wiley to fulfill their dreams, and have been a constant positive force in our lives: Ilia Pak, Nena and Mike Wiely, Gardner and Cristiana Cole. And to all our friends and family we love you and are grateful for your forbearance and generosity. To Ilia Pak who made this and other websites possible by writing the code and making everything work! And for his seemingly endless patience and willingness to teach me how to design for the web. All music is copyrighted by Nina Pak and Marta Wiley for Hathors Sister.© 2007 Images on this page are copyrighted by Nina Pak © 2007 Please do not copy without permission.