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Mystical Mother Nature

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I am what some say a mythical personification of nature. Images of women representing "mother" earth, and mother nature, are timeless. Long before history was recorded, goddesses were worshipped for their association with fertility, fecundity, and agricultural bounty. Priestesses held dominion over Incan, Assyrian, Babylonian, Slavonic, Roman, Greek, Proto-Indo-European, and Iroquoian fertility religions in the millennia prior to the inception of patriarchial religions.Algonquin legend says that "beneath the clouds lives the Earth-Mother from whom is derived the Water of Life, who at her bosom feeds plants, animals and men". She is known as Nakomis, the Grandmother.Although not a scientific term, the term 'mother nature' has sometimes been used in science-related papers, of either global (rarely universal) unexplained phenomena or of life-related phenomena which acquire their energy either from photosynthesis or chemosynthesis with no apparent intelligent human assistance, because it is a more neutral term than the word God.History of Me The word nature comes from the Latin word, natura, meaning birth or character. In English its first recorded use, in the sense of the entirety of the phenomena of the world, was very late in history in 1662; however Natura, and the personification of Mother Nature, was widely popular in the Middle Ages and can be traced to Ancient Greece in origin. The pre-Socratic philosophers of Greece had invented Nature when they abstracted the entirety of phenomenon of the world into a single name and spoken of as a single object: Natura. Later Greek thinkers such as Aristotle were not as entirely inclusive, excluding the stars and moon, the "Supernatural", from Nature. Thus from this Aristotilian view€”nature existing inside a larger framework and not inclusive of everything€”Nature became a personified deity, and it is from this we have the origins of a mythological goddess Nature. Later medieval Christian thinkers did not see Nature as inclusive of everything, but thought that I was created by God, my place lay on earth, below the heavens and moon€”Nature lay somewhere in the middle, with agents above me and below me. For the medieval mind I was only a personification, not a goddess. The modern concept of Nature, all inclusive of all phenomenon, has returned to its original pre-Socratic roots no longer a personification or deity except in a rhetorical sense, a bow to my illustrious traditions.Greek Myth Specifically in Greek mythology, the myth of Demeter and Persephone tells the story of a mother who discovers that her daughter has been abducted by Hades, who drags Persephone into the underworld with him. Demeter, goddess of the harvest, whose name originally meant 'earth mother,' wreaked revenge upon the earth by refusing to provide any crops, so that the "entire human race would have perished of cruel, biting hunger if Zeus had not been concerned". I would not permit the earth to bear fruit until I saw my daughter again, and so Hades was forced by Zeus to allow Persephone to live with her mother, but while Persephone had lived in the Underworld, she had been forced to eat seeds of the Pomegrante, the food of the dead. When Hermes came to take Persephone back to her mother Hades argued that she had tasted the fruit of the dead, therefore, must remain with him and be queen of the underworld. Zeus made a deal with Hades, for every seed that Persephone ate she would have to stay in the Underworld with Hades, the other months she would remain with her me. She had eaten 6 pomegranate seeds and had to spend 6 months with Hades, 6 cold months mankind refers to as Winter and Fall. However, the price humankind pays, according to the myth, is that when autumn winds arrive, and the earth hardens and becomes covered in snow and frost, Demeter is without her daughter, and allows no fecundity or growth; in contrast, the spring and summer months are those of rejoicing, flowers in bloom, and the beginning of months of warmth and fertility.In this Greek myth, Demeter, the earth mother, has the power to deny humankind fruits of the harvest. A mother so powerful and so vengeful is an ambivalent figure in myth and history. The metaphor of mother nature continues to permeate the imagination of painters and writers, whose perceptions shape their audiences' images of, and beliefs about, mother, nature and women in general.Myspace Backgrounds
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I'd like to meet:

Beautiful Mother Nature
Beautiful Mother Nature She looked at me with a smile on her face Then she started to cry She said why did my children forsake me
She felt like she was dying Oh ungrateful children When she was young she was beautiful and strong The more children se had the more things went wrong Now she's feeling old and cold And her heart doesn't feel love anymore
Beautiful Mother Nature She sat me down and told me to sing her a song Maybe it would make her feel better Maybe her children would sing along
And see the wrong we have done Make amends to mend her heart She still wouldn't hate none of her children No matter what cruel things they've done She'll always be there when her babies are crying She's a mother a mother you can depend on
Beautiful Mother Nature She's hoping her children will love her again Like once she remember Before skyscrapers and chemical plants When she was all that we had Before they polluted her sacred land Now her tears are falling like acid rain And her voice sounds like earthquakeI had to beg her Mother please don't leave Give another chance I'll take to the kids Beautiful Mother Nature She was my Beautiful Mother Nature Still is my Beautiful Mother Nature She is my Beautiful Mother Nature Still is myWritten by David "Ziggy" Marley


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Mother Nature's Son" is a song by the Beatles released on the White Album. It was written while the band was in India. The Lennon/McCartney song was written primarily by McCartney.


I have even made television. Mother Nature - Dena Dietrich starred as the forest matron, Mother Nature in a series of successful 30-second commercials for Chiffon Margarine (1971-79). Dressed in a gown of white and adorned with a crown of daisies, Mother nature addresses an unseen narrator who informs her "That's Chiffon Margarine, not butter." A perplexed Mother Nature replies "Margarine, oh, no, it's too sweet, too creamy." When the narrator tells her "Chiffon's so delicious, I guess it fooled even you, Mother Nature," the perturbed woodland goddess lets loose lightning and thunder to express her anger. Her trademark catchphrase was "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature!" The melodic tagline for the ad reads: "If you think it's butter and it's's Chiffon." And this was years before Fabio and a product called "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter."
In 2005, the Rain-X® Company, which makes windshield and car finish products created a commercial featuring Mother Nature. In their ad spot, an attractive female carrying a long wooden staff and dressed in a flowing gown approaches a blue car parked in a suburban driveway. Suddenly, Mother Nature raises her staff and begins to hit the car violently. After repeated attempts to damage the car, she cries in frustration and whacks the surface of the car even harder - but with no effect. The tagline spoken by an unseen announcer proclaims: "Mother Nature can be harsh on your car." The point of the ad: Buy Rain-X®.
Only commercials but I'm always happy to just be noticed..


Anyone who does any of these things:
Brown-bag it to the neighborhood park over lunch.
Tuck in a packet of springtime flower seeds inside the envelopes you mail out your bill payments in during the month of April - won't that surprise your bill collectors!?!
Take a detour on your way to work to the kiddie park, get out of your parked car and run to the swing sets. Swing as high as you can.
Take a loaf of bread to a nearby lake and feed the ducks.
Go skinny dipping. Walk barefoot through a muddy creek. Don't forget to squish your toes in the mud.
Lay in the grass and look at the clouds imagining what their shapes represent.
Make a dandelion neck-chain.
Take an afternoon nap under a shady tree.
Hug a tree!
Catch a toad, whisper your heart's yearnings to it while holding it in your hands. Release it.
Plant a sapling.
Go for a walk in the rain (no fair using an umbrella).
Collect seashells along the beach.
Surprise someone with a May Basket in September.
Take a child along with you on your next "hugging nature adventure."
Share this list with a friend.

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Baby, I'm Amazed By You!

Just have to share with the world of Myspacers that I have the most amazing man in the world! He works so hard at calming my massive fears that follow me through life and fixes problems I have with ce...
Posted by Mystical Mother Nature on Sat, 22 Jul 2006 06:57:00 PST