Beautiful Mother Nature
Beautiful Mother Nature She looked at me with a smile on her face
Then she started to cry She said why did my children forsake me
She felt like she was dying
Oh ungrateful children When she was young she was beautiful and strong The more children se had the more things went wrong Now she's feeling old and cold And her heart doesn't feel love anymore
Beautiful Mother Nature She sat me down and told me to sing her a song Maybe it would make her feel better Maybe her children would sing along
And see the wrong we have done
Make amends to mend her heart She still wouldn't hate none of her children No matter what cruel things they've done She'll always be there when her babies are crying She's a mother a mother you can depend on
Beautiful Mother Nature
She's hoping her children will love her again
Like once she remember
Before skyscrapers and chemical plants
When she was all that we had
Before they polluted her sacred land
Now her tears are falling like acid rain
And her voice sounds like earthquakeI had to beg her Mother please don't leave
Give another chance I'll take to the kids
Beautiful Mother Nature
She was my
Beautiful Mother Nature
Still is my
Beautiful Mother Nature
She is my
Beautiful Mother Nature
Still is myWritten by David "Ziggy" Marley
Music Video Codes By ..
Mother Nature's Son" is a song by the Beatles released on the White Album. It was written while the band was in India. The Lennon/McCartney song was written primarily by McCartney.
I have even made television. Mother Nature - Dena Dietrich starred as the forest matron, Mother Nature in a series of successful 30-second commercials for Chiffon Margarine (1971-79). Dressed in a gown of white and adorned with a crown of daisies, Mother nature addresses an unseen narrator who informs her "That's Chiffon Margarine, not butter." A perplexed Mother Nature replies "Margarine, oh, no, it's too sweet, too creamy." When the narrator tells her "Chiffon's so delicious, I guess it fooled even you, Mother Nature," the perturbed woodland goddess lets loose lightning and thunder to express her anger. Her trademark catchphrase was "It's not nice to fool Mother Nature!" The melodic tagline for the ad reads: "If you think it's butter and it's's Chiffon." And this was years before Fabio and a product called "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter."
In 2005, the Rain-X® Company, which makes windshield and car finish products created a commercial featuring Mother Nature. In their ad spot, an attractive female carrying a long wooden staff and dressed in a flowing gown approaches a blue car parked in a suburban driveway. Suddenly, Mother Nature raises her staff and begins to hit the car violently. After repeated attempts to damage the car, she cries in frustration and whacks the surface of the car even harder - but with no effect. The tagline spoken by an unseen announcer proclaims: "Mother Nature can be harsh on your car." The point of the ad: Buy Rain-X®.
Only commercials but I'm always happy to just be noticed..
Anyone who does any of these things:
Brown-bag it to the neighborhood park over lunch.
Tuck in a packet of springtime flower seeds inside the envelopes you mail out your bill payments in during the month of April - won't that surprise your bill collectors!?!
Take a detour on your way to work to the kiddie park, get out of your parked car and run to the swing sets. Swing as high as you can.
Take a loaf of bread to a nearby lake and feed the ducks.
Go skinny dipping.
Walk barefoot through a muddy creek. Don't forget to squish your toes in the mud.
Lay in the grass and look at the clouds imagining what their shapes represent.
Make a dandelion neck-chain.
Take an afternoon nap under a shady tree.
Hug a tree!
Catch a toad, whisper your heart's yearnings to it while holding it in your hands. Release it.
Plant a sapling.
Go for a walk in the rain (no fair using an umbrella).
Collect seashells along the beach.
Surprise someone with a May Basket in September.
Take a child along with you on your next "hugging nature adventure."
Share this list with a friend.