I'm a grunion ... swimming against the tide...but one of many...and always in sync with the moon. I like outdoor stuff. paddling my own canoe, poking hot coals, toasty flannel sleeping bags, making out on picnic tables in dark parks, dirt bikes, playing ball. Then girly stuff like pretty ribbons, corsets, ponies, flowers (the potted kind), stained glass ... brainier stuff like universal consciousness, smarter education systems, ethics v religion, compassion, patience & optimized listening skills, survival of all species ... mommy stuff like ADD, nutrition for higher neurotransmission ... and crafts out of recyclables.
..Oprah - .. one degree from everybody.
My 'hook-up' will be to produce one of her shows. A pretty bow of hope wrapped around so many other shows that have focused on the fallen. An 'ah-ha' show...reversing negative fates.
.....I'd like to meet someone who can teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. : )
¸...¸.*¨) ¸.*¨)
(¸... (¸... ... ¸¸.¨¯... Peace, love, health & happiness
The Secret...is to believe it...with passion
have a good mama
and then find the perfect yang to your yen
**if you fall on your face, at least you were moving forward.**
Collective Soul...always ...ALWAYS...did I say, "ALWAYS?" I'm always singing in my head, but have the inability to get it out...especially if I think about it (say, "APD"...Ed fixes that). U2(18), Inxs, Def Leppard, CheapTrick on long car rides. Girl Band cassette mixes with the top down (but that was pre-minivanmamatime). The Donnas, The Calling, Nickelback on my Shuffle : ) Loodle singing "Iron Man." --- Because I'm a little bit country and you're a little bit rock n roll. Heck, I'm a lotta rock n roll and even more Disney soundtrack.
hhmmm. Can you say 'Harrison' and 'Broderick'...? (hint: both my boys are named after movie actors, both girls after book characters)
The ones I can watch from the couch and not get that creepy feeling someone is behind me...and everybody is happy and smoochie in the end.
Yay Tivo -- Sarah Connor (21Apr2011), D'Housewives, O's Show... and bless the Disney Channel and Sprout. And yes, girls like Mythbusters, Dirty Jobs, and Build It Bigger, too. (on YouTube...Elegant Universe with Brian Greene)
Anything that has pop-ups, levers, wheels, or fuzzy spots.
I read everything that serendipideously appears on my monitor. Wikipedia (I've been sticking my nose in everything from Gopi Krishna to Goethe to B29s to Neuroscience to Rudolf Steiner to carpentry as part of Vatsyayana's KamaSutra...the other 80% that is NOT what goes where...really, who can't figure that out?)
The Astrology of Midlife and Aging by Erin Sullivan
every thing Joseph Campbell
Mark Twain (essays and editorials mostly)
my Brownie Girl Scout Leaders handbook.
The Once and Future King by T. H. White
Karmic Astrology by Ruth Aharoni
A Return to Love by Marianne Williamson (which preceded 'A New Earth' but covers 'A Course in Miracles' and talks about Love...where Tolle avoids it)
The Universe in a Single Atom: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality by Dalai Lama
Heaven Can Wait by Leonore Fleischer (that whole 'Haven't we met before? thing')
Atom and Archetype: The Pauli/Jung Letters, 1932-1958
just finished: 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl
Now Reading: Cosmos and Psyche
Hereos in general. People that 'Do the Right Thing'...especially when it is the hardest thing to do.
The inventors of disposable diapers, Tivo, refridgeration, mircowave ovens, cell phones, bleach, and Febreeze.
Wolfgang Pauli
Rachel Carson
Mileva Einstein
Remo F Roth (analysis outside the box)
O, Ellen, & Maria (women who speak up) : )
whoever cultivated chocolate
anyone who can just get me to a beach
Who ever saves me from whatever it is I've gotten myself into... (me? ... me! but goodness...I am slow at it.)