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Astrology Muse

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About Me

Hello and thanks for stopping by!
I'm Barbara, and one of my main areas of interest and practice is astrology, exploring the ancient orders of cosmological thought on the nature and quality of time, how it was ordered, and seen to unfold in relation to life.
Myspace, yourspace - "ourspace" - I thought the perfect place to share some musings on this ancient wisdom tradition and, hopefully, offer some fresh considerations as to how we go about connecting the dots.
As the Moon cycles round to join the Sun, may left hands also join with the right in extending circles of peace, welcome, friendship and appreciation.
Thank you for joining me here.
Astrology-Astronomy sites:
(please click on bold text to access link)
Deborah Houlding's Skyscript for traditional astrology, as well as a vast array of resources.
Renaissance Astrology by Christopher Warnock, Esq. for Horary and Electional astrology.
Astrodienst for constructing your own free charts.
Lois Rodden's Astrodatabank for the latest research into astrological techniques as well as being a large resource for data listings.
Anne Wright on The Fixed Stars .
Bernadette Brady on Fixed Stars at Zyntara .
Kim Falconer on Astrology, Mythology & Quantum Physics , including Asteroids, the Vertex and much more.
Martha Lang-Wescott on Asteroids at Treehouse Mountain .
Richard Nolle's site Astropro Interactive with articles, world predictions, directory of links etc.
Philip Sedgwick on Galactic Astrology .
Noel Tyl's site with an extensive archive of articles on the modern psychological approach to Tropical astrology under Astrological Techniques, Counselling Insights & Notebook.
Astrologica a free on-line astrology course which also teaches how to calculate charts by hand, junior and senior astrology lessons etc.
The Federation of Australian Astrologers
John Dobson
creator of the "Dobsonian" telescope mount and co-founder of the Sidewalk Astronomers Organization
Your Sky which displays the sky at your location for a given time with horizon controls.
Australian Aboriginal Astronomy and star lore.
Australian Astronomy

My Interests

Northern Hemisphere:
CURRENT MOON lunar phases

Southern Hemisphere:
CURRENT MOON lunar phases

AstroViewer night sky map

White Buffalo Calf Woman.
For the Legend please see here.


Currently reading:
"The Secret Life of Salvador Dali" by Salvador Dali & "Tulip in the Desert" - a Selection of the Poetry of Muhammad Iqbal.
Last book I've had published (children's):
"Billy Dance"
(To view, please click on bold text)
For books on Astrology, some suggestions...
Traditional/Classical Astrology:
- Al-biruni: "The Book of Instruction in the Elements of the Art of Astrology";
- Dorotheus: Carmen Astrologicum;
- John Frawley: "Real Astrology", "Real Astrology Applied" and "The Horary Textbook";
- James Holden: Ali Al-Khayyat - Judgement of Nativities;
- Lehman: Essential Dignities;
- William Lilly: "Christian Astrology" Bks I & II and III (Nativities);
- Firmicus Maternus: Matheseos Libri VIII
- Seyyed Hossein Nasr - An Introduction to Islamic Cosmological Doctrines;
- Ptolemy's: Tetrabiblos, Almagest & The Geography;
- Christopher Warnock: "De Imaginibus";
- Robert Zoller: Hermes Trismegistus - Liber Hermetis
Predictive Astrology:
- Bernadette Brady: The Eagle & the Lark;
- Steven Forrest: The Changing Sky
- Robert Zoller: The Arabic Parts in Astrology, A Lost Key to Prediction;
Modern/Natal Astrology:
- Blaschke: Progressions;
- Ebertin: Combination of Stellar Influences;
- Liz Green: Saturn - A New Look at an Old Devil; Pluto - The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul & Vol II; The Astrological Neptune & Quest for Redemption;
- Green & Sasportas: The Inner Planets, The Luminaries;
- Rob Hand: Planets in Transit;
- Melanie Reinhart: Chiron & The Healing Journey;
- Dane Rudyhar: The Lunation Cycle;
- Howard Sasportas: The Gods of Change;
- Schulman: Karmic Astrology - Joy & The Part of Fortune;
- Noel Tyl: Synthesis & Counselling in Astrology, Solar Arcs;
- Wickenberg: Your Hidden Powers (Intercepted Signs & Planets);
Mundane Astrology:
- M. Baigent, N. Campion & C. Harvey's "Mundane Astrology";
- Nicholas Campion - The World Book of Horoscopes;
- Green, Raphael & Carter - Mundane Astrology;
- Raphael's Mundane Astrology.
Fixed Stars in Astrology:
- Richard Hinckley Allan: Star Names - Their Lore & Meaning;
- Michael Bakic: Cambridge Guide to the Constellations;
- Bernadette Brady: Brady's Book of Fixed Stars;
- Vivian Robson: Fixed Stars & Constellations in Astrology;
Sabian Symbols in Astrology:
- Blain Bovee: Sabian Symbols & Astrological Analysis;
- Dr Marc Edmund Jones: The Sabian Symbols in Astrology;
- Dane Rudyar: An Astrological Mandala;
Some general background reading for Astrology:
- Aratus: Phaenomena;
- Henry Cornelius Agrippa: Three Books of Occult Philosophy;
- Dante Aligheri: The Divine Comedy;
- Ibn 'Arabi: The Seven Days of the Heart
- M. Bartusiak: Archives of the Universe;
- B. Brady: Astrology, a Place in Chaos
- Titus Burckhardt: Alchemy - Science of the Cosmos, Science of the Soul;
- Titus Burckhardt: Sacred Art in East & West;
- J. Evans: The History & Practice of Ancient Astronomy;
- Eknath Easwaran: The Bhagavad Gita, The Dhammapada, The Upanishads;
- Donald L. Fixico: The American Indian Mind in a Linear World";
- R. Lawlor: Voices of the First Day;
- R.P. Masani: The Conference of the Birds - A Sufi Allegory;
- P. Morewedge: The Mystical Philosophy of Avicenna;
- Ghazi bin Muhammed: The Sacred Origin of Sport & Culture;
- Rochberg: Heavenly Writing;
- Swerdlow: The Babylonian Theory of the Planets;
- Swerdlow: Ancient Astronomy & Celestial Divination;
- Nicholas de Vore: Encyclopedia of Astrology

My Blog

Ancient Zodiacs originating from southern climes & perspective ... May 08

If studying astronomy or astrology from a position in the southern climes (south of the equator), it may be of interest to note that not all ancient zodiacs handed down to us through time originate fr...
Posted by Astrology Muse on Sun, 04 May 2008 12:30:00 PST

Babylonian astronomy within the historiography of science - Part II ... May 08

Urania, Muse of Astronomy.The one who elevates man's thought from terrestrial to celestial objects, giving him harmony and peace. Urania, the deity who derives her name from Ouranos (sky): according...
Posted by Astrology Muse on Thu, 01 May 2008 12:12:00 PST

Babylonian astronomy within the historiography of science - Prt I ... May 08

Urania, Muse of Astronomy.The one who elevates man's thought from terrestrial to celestial objects, giving him harmony and peace. Me vero primum dulces ante omnia Musae,quarum sacra fero ingenti per...
Posted by Astrology Muse on Thu, 01 May 2008 06:02:00 PST

Hell Explained by Chemistry Student ... (April 2008)

HELL EXPLAINED BY CHEMISTRY STUDENTThe following is an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid term.The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it w...
Posted by Astrology Muse on Sun, 06 Apr 2008 02:57:00 PST

Sirius, celestial navigation & Warriors of the Light & (March 2008)

  Vision Quest   With transiting Mars approaching the longitudinal degree of Fixed Star Sirius actions are being energized.Spring has sprung in the northern climes, while Earth’s sout...
Posted by Astrology Muse on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 08:19:00 PST

Food for thought: Opinion = Onion + pi (Jan 08)

PLUS Opinion = onion + piMulti-layered, sharp bitter or sweet pungent, peeling back the layers of an onion can bring a tear to the sensitive eye.The addition of pi transforms onion into a constant. T...
Posted by Astrology Muse on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 09:51:00 PST

Feeling the pressure? Musing upon Venus as she intensifies her gaze ... (Aug 07)

In the days leading up to this last Full Moon (July 30th) Venus turned retrograde.When a planet is seen to turn retrograde the quality of the energy (light) of itsinfluence also changes and is conside...
Posted by Astrology Muse on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 01:49:00 PST

Elephants and Event Horizons ...

To read the full article please click here.At first glance, using an elephant as an example is perhaps enough to bring a smile to any astrologer's face.In traditional astrology, William Lilly attribut...
Posted by Astrology Muse on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 09:28:00 PST

"Elementary, dear Watson!" ... Musing upon elements in astrology & where East meets West.

"From a drop of water a logician could infer the possibility of an Atlantic or a Niagara without having seen or heard of one or the other." A Study in Scarlet."Elements" in astrology bring together a ...
Posted by Astrology Muse on Wed, 23 May 2007 03:35:00 PST

Recycling the Sun ... and raindrops from Mars.

The walking of ancient well-trodden paths.Solar recycling (Sun's Analemma)Material recycling (Earth's Analemma)And raindrops - or tears - from Mars (Mars Analemma)More here on Analemma's....
Posted by Astrology Muse on Tue, 15 May 2007 08:23:00 PST