Today, April 15th 2008 I am writing a short preface- A MANIFESTO AND ARTISTS STATEMENT to my fellow citizens here as a new intro to my site: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * To CONTACT me: [email protected] **or** ph: 503 753 3811 * * * * * * * * * * *
Discover Jesse Sykes & The Sweet Hereafter !* * * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * A gallery of many of my photographic and pastel sketched images in a single page view (now 3 pages) is also available at the Cloudy Nights Astronomy site at >
**** Pg 2 >
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The above is a collage of recent pastel sketchs of the moon shown in NASA's and the Cloudy Nights Astronomy Forums - All works on black background are 9" X 12". Others on blue are 20" X 24".
A pastel sketch in 20" X 24" format that I submitted to NASA's which they published to their front page May 15 ~ 16th 2008 >
This site is more about the general bio-scopic confluence of my entire life in observational astronomy-stargazing and many practiced artistic mediums since childhood. Many people will write and ask me for advice on religious belief, photography, artistic methods, or just life in general. I must demur and admit, I am no expert in any one area; I am possibly just a lucky Bohemian hack and only willing to allow nature to take its course.
(Below) A pastel sketch rendering that I produced for NASA's on Dec 14 2006 after observng an intense solar flare- c 2006 M. Seibold
Above is the 20 X 24" pastel which I rendered for NASA's after observing with the public (photo immediately above) at Edgefield Manor through my h-alpha telescope, an intense flare around sunspot 960. - c'Jun 3 2007- M. Seibold
1.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Herein lies the secret- The Taoist or Pantheistic path or the way. It is all there for all of us who would allow it. Will you?
My most recent spiritual experience was living in a predominantly Hindu culture in the south Pacific. That culture is the oldest religion in the world and it is undeniable- This is their most sacred chant; The Guyatri Mantra - The words are in the Sanskrit language >
*A succinct and delightful translation by S. Krishnamurthy is: We meditate upon the radiant Divine Light
of that adorable Sun of Spiritual Consciousness;
May it awaken our intuitional consciousness.
I have been the embodiment of oblique innuendo that I believe encourages a misinterpretation of what I am really attempting to do for my fellow man and woman. Find the reality of their own existentialism, whether that is possible for some or not to be. That is my ultimate question. Who are we, where did we come from and where are we going to? I know one thing for sure: We are all on this planet together. ************************************************************
I am searching for those that share common high artistic-scientific pursuits; educational concerns for improving the local community and preserving ecological sustenance and equality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.
****************************************************** And as today is Leonardo di Vinci's birthday, he was known for not finishing things; so I know I am never finished- Arthur C. Clarke commented to Stanley Kubrick as they worked on the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey; "An artists work is never done, only abandoned." ************************************************************
****************** * I caught this impromptu image of my students on top Larch Mountain during the Autumn 2004 term that I was adjunct professor of astronomy at Concordia University- I had John Souza provide his 20 inch large Dobsonian telescope for the students to observe through under a dark sky > * * *
* * * * *
*Keep in mind that all of my photography unless otherwise noted is entirely raw negative single images from an old wet-based acetate film process 35mm camera that I bought when I was 18 and attending art school. My recent work although intense realistic/abstract pastel sketches as published in NASA website front pages, involves more sidewalk astronomy such as I provided for International Astronomy Night on April 12th 2008 - Or is it a cosmic coffee commercial for Starbucks? I have probably sold more coffee for them in this cosmic manner than they know? > They appear to be observing my latest 20" X 24" pastel sketch that I rendered for NASA's July 17th 2008 >
I allowed many patrons at a local coffee house to observe Saturn and its rings and the first quarter moon.
Todays youth may think that all online imagery is digital and manipulated via Photoshop button-pushing. This may be yet another corruption of our new world of technocracy. The image-is-everything as comfort-in-familiarity as the online world prevails but many may not know real art from the diference of manipulated and direct stealing or sampling (as they call it.) Lets think back to the past for a moment. Can I take you back there now? * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The following image for starters is a primer, one of my award winning works that many demand to own a copy of (*yes they are available by arrangement- please write to ask here or at [email protected] -Also you may contact Top Friends here: Sardonis Verite or Patti), following is a 45 minute time exposure that I took in the Central Oregon desert at the Oregon Star Party that was published full page in Astronomy magazine in Sept 1994 worldwide as was the 'red tree' version (an unknown bystander "painted the tree with a red light") taken from a year later ([published three months later in Astronomy as a Christmas Tree version in December 1994) which I like to attach this specific Emerson poetry to as it is most apropos >
(this should inspire you to read on as to how and why I have been inspired to produce this type of photographic process, pastel sketches and oil painting art) > > > *Do not forget to eventually scroll to the RIGHT COLUMN > > > href="
9t" target="_blank">
The Myspace site was originally created here to display the 65,000 word true story (The Solar Prophet blogs)- A daily journal of the true 10,000 mile road trip that I made for the publics benefit (and mine?) in May ~ June 2000; and not necessarily my original award winning fine art and photography- If it inspires you in the least, to go out and look up and learn something about our home in this universe then it has done its job. Many people write me and comment on one or two photos or one artwork but they never get to the second (right column) ?? They never see all the other art or additional work- Whats less being more, is that they never read the blog?? It is an easy 180 page short (and true) story of the 10,000 mile road trip made in one months time (Thats right! - I literally drove 9,782 miles within a month but it is so much more than the driving- See the news belowand the thousands of hours I prophecized for the public as demanded and desired and ordered by them and the begging teachers of educational institutions. And I mean the whole thing- to the end which is what this is really all about, although the fun of getting there in 10,000 miles of solo driving was also the real fun for me too! Imagine staring directly at the sun for thousands of hours through a special research grade optical instrument but not alone. Imagine sharing this with thousands of strangers on the sidewalks. Imagine how many new people you meet and you are giving them the most powerful thing known to us. It is not the sun the way you thought you knew it- Only previously as a bright blinding white light and heat in the sky- Take a look > The following are actual still photos that I have taken through the h-alpha telescope- This is actually what it looks like live through an h-alpha filtered solar telescope- Then ask strangers on the sidewalks to describe this as they look through the eyepiece and record their responses with an audio tape recorder. Over 3,000 hand written responses by them are now in my guest registry (a possible work in itself to be published- DO you know a publisher?!- Please write and help!) *The pastel sketch of the edge prominence is one that I rendered in abstract style for the NASA web site They ran the image for three days- October 13, 14, 15, 2006 which became a new art form where only photography was featured before. Am I an influence on others minds-eyes? Because I was influenced after seeing two other artists technical sketch-works in that day- I had also just seen an old strange abstract by Max Ernst - Fireside Angel. (compare with site images) *Note in the four photos below the pastel sketch (which I took with my digital camera hand held over the h-alpha solar telescope eyepiece) the more active image on a day in 2003 at far left as compared to more recently in the three images at the 2nd thru 4th to the right >
* * * * *
I would do it all over again if only the sun were active right now- It is not. It goes through its solar maximum every eleven years and we are currently in solar minimum- So there is no eye candy to see in a telescope with an h-alpha filter currently. Maybe in a couple more years.
If you are new to my site, please leave me a message before you send a friend request- Tell me what caught your attention here- First up, all of my pastel and oil painting art and photography in this site is original and not digitally manipulated. Many people ask what the circular or arcing lines are in the sky- Imagine a camera in time exposure pointed at the north star- This is what the sky does as it turns counter-motion to our rotation on the earths axis- The sky rotates around the seemingly unmoving Polaris or the North Star. So what have you learned here? See the short film work YouTube videos- The Solar Prophet is a mere 6 1/2 minutes yet a masterpiece of motion film artwork by my friend John Broxton - On the end of that piece is a 2 1/2 minute KXMB CBS TV news in Bismark about what I was doing while en route on the trip- The other YouTube, the local CBS KOIN TV Channel 6 News with live film at 11 is about the Mars close approach in August 2003. These two films are required viewing for your pleasure and further understanding of sidewalk astronomy- Yes, I have had the honor of meeting John Dobson and doing sidewalk astronomy with him for many hours although I was already doing much in sidewalk astronomy since my teen years in my neighborhood before I met him recently. See the photos below here in the left column. * * * * * Feel free to drop a question, comment or criticism- Pl e e ease DO criticize as artists thrive on this feedback! Hopefully you are inspired from the passion of the universe that I have created here to produce some photographic art and/or pastel sketches and paintings of your own. The secret is to adventure, discover and share it with others... - Keep Looking Up! -MarkThere is one exception that is not mine- It is an oil painting from the romantic era- That of the mythical figure of Andromeda by the French Painter Paul Gustav Dore' just below here. All other art and photography is my own and copyrighted by me unless otherwise indicated; it may not be used without permission from the artist. As you can see I get around the world with a camera and my art pours forth from much in cosmic experiences. What you see here as me in the news was easily done. Anyone could have done it. I found that most people do not like breaking conventional wisdoms and customs because they are afraid that they will be judged. I would tell them: Ask not what others judgment can do for them; but ask what they have done for the community in order to earn the right to be judged and to judge others. You will open up your mind to the yet to be unrealized truths in life.Most of the art and photography you will see here is from first hand observational astronomy through telescopes- That is to say that all of the art was done from inspirational observation through the telescope and very little of the photography was through a telescope- Most of that is the camera only on a tripod- Anyone could have done it with a little education about operating a camera. * * *WARNING! The sun should never be observed through standard telescopic optics. Permanent damage to your vision will result! These are special solar research grade telescopes. I have taught astronomy as a public service for the community and in a local university as an adjunct professor. Although anyone can merely look up at the sky and appreciate it beauty, it takes some study of charts and hours, or perhaps years of observational astronomy to understand and see more than meets the eye. The general public does not know this- As of lately the internet will broadcast many beautiful photographs from the space telescopes and such, but these are only a computer recorded image- They are not the real experiential process of live observation. [You] must participate [live] in order to understand this. The same process cannot be imitated from a computer screen or TV show. I would suggest that you start reading a few good astronomy books and visit your local astronomy club where they will have large telescopes for you to observe through for free and may allow you to take them home as like checking out library books. That is right! The Rose City Astronomers in Portland Oregon will allow you to take home a large several thousand dollar telescope for a few weeks to use on your own for free.Lately my site has become neglected by its creator. So I apologize, please excuse my rambling and random scattered stardust. As I am constantly under construction; I am working on clearing this up- Thanks for your patience, and please feel free to send any messages to question, comment and criticize what you see here or to query any curiosities that you may have- The 2 hour time exposure of the sky with Robs Tree in the Oregon desert in the full page background is one of my flagships- A smaller version is below in the left column- Remember to scroll way right for the right column has much more. -Thanks, Mark * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It's a small world but it's a big universe waiting for you . . . >> >
Marks on paper are free -- free speech -- press -- pictures all go together I suppose. -Georgia O'Keeffe * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * "Try to put well in practice what you already know. In so doing, you will, in good time, discover the hidden things you now inquire about." - Rembrandt (left-handed).
* * * * * Little did I know that my left hand sketching the Mercury transit of the sun would inspire a forum for discussion at a bible college in Minnesota >
Astronomy Picture of the Day published my pastel work of the Mercury Transit on Friday Nov 17th 2006, ten days after it appeared in the other NASA site from the event that occurred on Nov 8th 2006 which I observed for the second time since 1999. See their text for the date and much related info on art and science >
Then a reader of this NASA site is thoroughly inspired to post my art on his Catholic university seminary forum for discussion as my work is deemed as a gesture and profound example of 'servant-leadership' to their educational establishment >
Here is the original format of the twelve lunar eclipse images that I diligently photographed with a half mounted small consumer grade digital camera through my 10.1" Newtonian reflector between 3 and 4 AM on August 28th 2007. This shows the progression in twelve of the better images that I selected from just before totality in the upper left ~ progressing to the right ~ through totality and after its end at the lower right. - c2007 Mark S.
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > The camera can do amazing things; but sometimes the human minds eye can still do better- Here is an early attempt to render Mars in a pastel sketch when it was observed as close in August 2003 through a 10.1 inch Newtonian reflector at a magnification of 240 power- The camera can only record a split second exposure of say, planetary detail in a telescope but the live human eye sees continuously like a live motion film camera. It can selectively "see" fleeting details that come through the atmosphere. These details can then be sketched in short memory with the scientific method but also the more important artistic process- Is it science or is it abstract art? Let the observer decide... For an even more abstract result leaning to art over science, see my solar flare pastel sketch which NASA published in on Oct 13th 2006 (at the upper right column here just below the blogs) >
The following is the excellent filmwork of John Broxton~ LS Solar Prophet ~ A short 6.5 minute docudrama that we filmed in the spring of 2003 ~ I presented it to a packed lecture theater hall at the University of the South Pacific- Fiji Physics students and it has been broadcast by local community media TV for several years. *Note: To keep ones eyes on the light and the dark *At approximately 5:37 minutes there is a pause and dip to darkness but please pay attention to the stunning image of the solar surface following that is filmed live. No film at eleven on TV news will show this ~ Because the following short news crew after the film attempted to but could not due to optical constraints (See the KXMB CBS News from Bismarck ND on the end of this Solar Prophet film after the blank few seconds and numerical countdown)... *Note again that the film crew could not get the news camera to focus on the solar image through the telescope eyepiece so in their deminished attempt you will only see a very small image (Refer to the image in Trinidad, another longer real motion film below.)
***(You may want to turn off the Brian Eno background sound during viewing of the solar prophet or KOIN 6 News) ***
Enjoy and learn. . . Look up! ~ Mark
* * * And finally the long awaited Trinidad- c2001- The earlier great film work by John Broxton- Glorius black & white celluliod acetate in a masterful artwork of spontaneous impressions of three mens lives, woven into an animated composition that belies comparison or description to any other work in the motion film world - Run time 15:22 > *A larger screen version can be viewed directly at Google Videos >
The Mars Hoax dispelled as I initiated the real Mars close approach news story with the help of local KOIN 6 TV news in August 2003 - (There is no close approach in 2007) >
As Picasso had his Blue Period, I had my Red Period- That of many intense observations of Mars throught the telescope
while it was close from 2003 to 2005- The result was many pastels that I produced- I rendered the planets surface features as accurate and added the surrounding ambience for artistic and aesthetic effect. - Please feel free to question, comment and criticize.
NOTE: There was a romantic period mythological painting of the nude 'Andromeda' by Paul Gustav Dore to tastefully depict the lore of the constellation figure- This is the only art in this site that is not my own. All other photography and art is by the artist Mark Seibold, unless otherwise noted.
Sun through my h-alpha solar telescope - The photo was taken with a hand held Sony consumer grade 5 mgpxl digital camera - The photo is crude and was contrast enhanced a little with Photoshop. The real live image that I allowed thousands of the public to observe is represented more accurately in the blogs - 'Words of the Prophet' and 'Solar Prophet'. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Creating extremely unique and original intriguing artistic/scientific projects that involve and/or inspire others to achieve excellence in the process - not the product. . .Use of the 'heuristic process' as advocated by Buckminster Fuller.
At the poolside resort in Fiji with my wife, a group of traveling Germans and Swiss - I had taken a sophisticated 5 inch Cassegrain telescope to allow many on the islands to observe Mars while it was the closest in 60,000 years.
"I'm a great believer in spontaneity because I think planning is the most destructive thing in the world" -John Cassavetes
I presented the great world famous sidewalk astronomer John Dobson to Portland State University Physics Students as we provided h-alpha solar observing on Earth Day 2004.
*Also reference the Sidewalk Astronomers - Photo Gallery>
Many would simply understand this as an abstract aproach to the 'scientific process' but many Americans are afraid of the word science, so they're afraid to even wonder out of ignorance due to fear and misunderstanding of the unknown which is fast creating a society of 'haves and have nots'. The middle class will dissappear very soon in a neighborhood near you.
I took my h-alpha solar telescope on the second of three trips to the Fiji Islands and was consequently asked to a packed lecture hall to provide an evening lecture to the physics students. *Reference Fiji Government .. Portal page >
The local newspaper columnist in Lautoke Fiji requested that I bring the solar telescope to his neighborhood. This became a cultutral study (See the Fiji Sun Newspaper Article in the accompanying blogs) as a Hindu man exclaimed, "In our culture we view the sun as a god but because of this wondeful equipment provided by Mark, I actually got to see what it really looks like for the first time in my life!"
Dr Solar Seibold I Presume? Mark and Rakeshmi at the Indian Ashram Temple in northwestern mountians of main island in Fiji
Machiavellian Sunrise in Fiji - Like no other place at sunrise as the temperature rises, the humidity rises and the mina birds cackle, the coconut trees play in silhouette dances against the morning sky as I ponder the governments and laws from an old world book and I wonder.
2.)Much of this is the influence of the technology . . . Television is largely responsible for it, but you cannot tell those that overindulge into it that this is true - The TV from my past generation has now transcended to the interactive PC computer to our childrens generation and the misuse of it concerns me. * * * The main man in charge has got his hands full and needs some help. He has some words for you. . . leave no child behind. There may be a misunderstanding in the wording. It might be improved to read, leave no [human] behind. We are all children on this planet and as students, always learning - Age is irrelevant to the word child.
I have provided the solar observing for many schools in Portland - This was the second visit to St Mary's Academy in downtown Portland.
It is through Art and through Art only that we can realize our perfection; through Art and Art only that we can shield ourselves from the sordid perils of actual existence.
- Oscar Wilde (18541900)
On a street in Lautoka Fiji, bystanders sign my guest resgistry - The Comments that they leave are surprising.
Mark is invited to provide solar observing for the Prime Minister Laisenia Qarase and his family.*See excerpts from registry below- These samples comprise only a few of the over 3,000 hand written entries from the public as to their personal reactions just after observing the sun through the h-alpha telescope; ranging form local to abroad to overseas:
For your future, fast becoming the truthful alternative, see what the HAL computer does in 2001: A Space Odyssey c1968 - The Stanley Kubrick - Arthur C. Clarke masterpiece.
"Leave no human mind behind". - - - M 2005 - - - . . . "my mind is going. . . . I can feel it . . . . . I can feel it". . .
All of Nature is Relative to the energy throughout the universe. . . - . . .Live long and prosper through great art and science -
Another solar observe for Portland State University Students - Late Spring Term 2004.
"People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care"
"You just think things are a certain way, and then you find out the nature of why they're that way.
I'm in love with that moment of insight".
- Chuck Palaniuk
Total Solar Eclipse with the Diamond Ring Effect and slightly obscuring clouds 30 seconds before totality and at totality with slight cloud wisp across the dark side of the moon -by Mark Seibold c1979
"I'm a great believer in spontaneity because I think planning is the most destructive thing in the world" -John Cassavetes > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >If at first the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it. -Albert Einstein
*SLOWER TRAFFIC > > )> K E E P )> R I G H T! )> > > and scroll . . . . .
Mark in Kalispell Montana- The Knead Bakery-Restaurant Deck, allowing a 7 year old girl from Georgia to observe the sun through the the h-alpha solar telescope.
On top of Glacier National Park- 6,000 ft elev - The Crest of "Going to the Sun Road" This group supported my efforts after the Park Rangers tried to remove me without a permit to do this for the public - June 2000
*Above is the first newspaper press I received on that 10,000 mile solo road trip -Ashland Wisconsin- and about 6,000 miles into the trip on the return route - See the Solar Prophet blog- Part 1 * Above right> > >scroll right
Mark - Three Autumn Backyards 2004, 2006, 2005
Comet Hale-Bopp: Left photo 10 second exposure- Right photo 40 second time exposure with the crescent moon at middle foreground, Both photos taken in same exact location 25 minutes apart. First is in near daylight as the sun has just set - A twilight narrow window and special time for astrophotographs. The second photo is approximately a half hour after sunset - At the Ka-Ne-Tah Warm Springs - Central Oregon - Stardust in the Desert
c Apr 1997 - M. Seibold
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I'd like to meet:
Those who live by spontaneity and choose not to be religiously tethered by conventional wisdom and the dogma of stagnation.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
People open to discovery, learning, creativity, the shock of the new and lifes 'everthing-changing' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
I am searching for those that share common high artistic-scientific pursuits; educational concerns for improving the local community and preserving ecological sustanance and equality, life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I try to avoid the term 'NORMAL' as this does not imply people that are willing to learn or pursue anything in the creative arts or thinking sciences - They would just as soon leave 'well enough' alone - Those are the ones we are seeking to awaken! . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Words like 'hate' and 'boring' have never been in my vocabulary - Life is beautiful and waiting to be discovered! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
"But then they danced down the street like dingledodies, and I shambled after as Ive been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are_mad_to_live,__ mad__ to__ talk,__ mad__ to__ be__ saved,__ desirous__ of__ everything__ at__ the__ same__ time,__ the ones who_never_yawn_or_say_a_commonplace_ thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes Awww!
- Jack Karouac
So here is how I have met thousands of people - This was a typical public astronomy session at McMenamin's Edgefield Manor in Troutdale (my current home town) as I have done many of these across the country on the 10,000 mile solo road trip and overseas in the Fiji Islands - I can remember all the faces but the names are escaping me now. . .In the photo the Hyades "V" cluster in Taurus looms at center sky, the Pleiades cluster overhead and the waxing three quarter moon.Marks In The Office - Always in the Art Work -
And He Cooks!
Dark Passion, Altruism, Humility, Persistence of Memory . . .
I have photographed this tree for several years, all a year apart. It always changes as we turn the trip again . . . Everything Turns, Everthing Changes - Black Tree, Red Tree, Blue Tree, Green Tree- Color My Universe. . .In our youths world today, I have to constantly reiterate that these images are not Photoshop artifacts commercially manipulated. The tree for four years is just the way my 35mm camera film captured it. The exposures are 5 min, 45 min, 45 min, 1 hour. The red light on the second photo from 1994 was added by an anonymous bystander unbeknownst to me still today. I have imagined that if Van Gogh were alive today he would endorse my work. 'c' in order left to right 1992, 1994, 1993, 1995 - Mark Seibold- Photographic Artist
At Edgefield Apr 30th - John Souza's Obsession 20 - Nexstar5i Cassegrain - Carol 'Passion' at Eyepiece observing Saturn and moon.
Birthday Girl and Family Observe Moon through Cassegrain - Obsession 20 in background.
Elaina from Russia and Anita from India observe Saturn and moon at Edgefield Manor. Mike Earussi and John Souza in background - all photos c2005 - 2006 -Mark Seibold
Ludwig Von Beethoven(left handed), Frederic Chopin, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(left handed), Johaan Sebastian Bach, Arcangelo Corelli, Erik Satie, Igor Stravinsky, Arnold Shoenberg, Gustav Mahler, Sergei Rachmoninoff(left handed), Arvo Paart, Philip Glass, Goretsky, Steve Reich . . . . . . . . . All the real masters of jazz:
Miles Davis, Jimmy Cobb, John Coltrane, Connonball Adderley, Sonny Rollins, Coleman Hawkins, Theloneus Monk, Larry Coryell, John McLaughlin, John Abercrombie, And the real cross-over masters: Jeff Beck, Pat Metheny, Sun House, Django Reinhardt, Other greats that made other masters: Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Nat King Cole, Mel Torme, Stan Getz, Bill Evans, Dave Brubeck, Paul Desmond, Astrud and Joao Gilberto, Sarah Vaughn, Diana Krall, Charlie Byrd, Carlos Montoya, Andres Segovia, Leo Kottke, John Fahey, Beatles (McCartney and Starr left handed), Rolling Stones, Jefferson Airplane, Neil Young, Jimi Hendrix(left handed), Bob Dylan(left handed), John Hammond, The Greatful Dead (Jerry Garcia), Joni Mitchell, Paul Simon(left handed), Simon & Garfunkel, The Pentangle (John Renbourn, Bert Jansch, Jacqui McShee, Danny Thompson, Terry Cox), Donovan, *J Xaverre- (These Acid Stars *London England *My Astrophotos contracted for CD cover art) , Ravi Shankar and yes Norah Jones- *Ravi Shankar's American daughter.
Directors: Stanley Kubrick, Fredrico Fellini, Alfred Hitchcock, John Cassavetes, Wim Wenders, Steven Soderberg, Ingmar Bergman, John Huston, Akira Kurosawa, Sergio Leone, Fritz Lang.2001: A Space Odyssey - Dr Stangelove, Lolita, Eyes Wide Shut, Dr Stangelove - S. Kubrick. . . . . La Dolce Vita - 8 1/2 - Nights of Cabiria - Federico Fellini . . . . . 12 Angry Men - Sidney Lumet (c1957)
Nothing new out of Hollywood since about 1968, with the exception of Ordinary People c1980- Robert Redford. . . . .On Golden Pond - Mark Rydell. . .
Any Orson Welles - (Especially The Third Man) Any high rated B&W film noire 1950's . try Kiss Me Deadly with Ralph Meeker and Cloris Leachman c1955 . . . or Bruno VeSota's Female Jungle with Jayne Mansfield c1954. . . . Any Bogart & Bacall, Hepburn-Tracy, classics with moral . . . . .
All Alfred Hitchcock, especialy - North by Northwest (Cary Grant, Eve Marie Saint), Spellbound (Gregory Peck, Ingrid Bergman, *Salvador Dali stage-set backdrop art) and The Man Who Knew Too Much (James Stewart and Doris Day) ***All John Cassavetes Filmwork, especially including Gena Rowlands. This short list of films obviously shows what is missing today in Hollywood. .. . . . . . .*Special Consideration Documentary: Koyaanisqatsi-Powaqatsi-Nakoyqatsi - Godfrey Reggio c1980 - c2002. . .*Short Independent:
*Trinidad - John Broxton; Mark Seibold, Garrett Robinson, Ivan Costellanos.
*LS Solar Prophet - John Broxton with Mark Seibold
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Not Required for healthy life . . . . . Easily mistaken by many as a benign banality. WARNING! Excessive use can become toxic! Foreshortened life may occur! Dis-[ease] may breed from excessive watching!However those that think they need it could alternate once in awhile
to PBS and NPR and BBC Radio - Education could save the world !The Medium is the Message - Marshall McLuhan***Read - The Four Arguments for the Ellimination of Television-Jerry Mander
..Comet Hale-Bopp over Mount Hood Oregon - 40 second time exposure from The White River Sno-Park c Apr8,1997 Mark Seibold >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> Here is how it all started >
Instead of prime-time TV in the 1960's or only an occasional viewing of late night vintage movies as a youth, I fell into endorsing myself as a full fledged scientist at age 14 - *See photo inset above as my younger sister looks on - I was too busy observing the universe through my fiirst telescope that I purchased with my own early employment earnings and doing much of the preliminary artwork you see here - While many others my age whiled away their formative years soaking up brain-drain cathode-ray-tube-gawking. Need I say more?
Tropic of Cancer; Tropic of Capricorn - Henry Miller,
Mexico - Stuart Chase,
The Closing of the American Mind- Allan Bloom,
Culture of Complaint- Robert Hughes,
Shock of the New - Robert Hughes,
1984 - George Orwell,
Accidental Genius - Bio of John Cassavetes and his paving the way for independent cinema - by Marshall Fine,
The Four Arguments for the Ellimination of Television - Jerry Mander,
In Absence of the Sacred-The Failure of Technology and the Survival of the Indian Nations - Jerry Mander,
Ulysses - James Joyce,
The Odyssey - Homer,
The Prince - Niccolo Machiavelli,
The Dragons of Eden and Cosmic Connection - Carl Sagan,
The Wisdom of Insecurity - Alan Watts,
The Heros Journey - Joseph Campbell,
The Power of Myth - Joseph Campbell,
Greetings Carbon-Based Bipeds! - Arthur C Clarke,
Voices From the Sky - Arthur C Clarke,
Bartletts Book of Quotes,
Thoughts on Writing- The Spooky Art - Norman Mailer,
Proverbs from the Bible,
New York Times - 7 days a week!,
Seeing in the Dark - Timothy Ferris,
A Field Guide To The Stars And Planets - Menzel & Pasachoff,
Making Friends With the Stars - Zadde & Smits
Robs Tree - 1994 Oregon Star Party - Ochoco Mtns - A 45 minute Time Exposure by Mark Seibold- c1994
Printed in December 1994 Astronomy Magazine- Contracted for use on CD cover of JXaverre~ These Acid Stars c2003-London England
And the two hour time exposure version with the tree unlit in the distance follows below - That is the same one you see here in the background- The hundreds of attending astronomers use red flashlights to observe their charts, thus the trailing red spaghetti in the forground.
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Finally, many have asked me where or what this location is - The 3 1/2 hour drive from Portland to approximately 50 miles east of Prineville into the Central Oregon 5,000 ft elev high desert of the Ochoco Mtns where approximately 700 other amateurs all congregate to sleep all day and stay up all night to observe through huge telescopes the wonders of the night sky, some optical instruments are as big as cars! This is only perhaps one/sixth of the 700 attendees that agree to be in the group photo every year c 1995 Bruce Johnson- Photographer >
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I consider this woman to be todays Mona Lisa in front of and behind the canvas - The World Famous Marina Abromovic, the grandmother of installation art who lectured at Reed College in March 2006 at age 60 is nothing short of phenomenal! * * * * * * * *
* * * Mark speaks with Marina Abromovic at the Vollum Lecture Hall - Reed College, commending her on an excellent lecture and visual art presentation - Portland Oregon- March 7th, 2006
God (because without her and him we wouldn't be here!),
Jesus Christ (left handed),
Ram Ram Give Us Another Om Please!,
Ahura Mazda - Zarathustra (Prophecized "Watch Out for the Cosmic War From The Sky in the year 2001" -We don't listen?),
My parents,
da Vinci (left handed),
Michelangelo (legt handed),
Raphael (left handed),
Rembrandt (left handed),
St. Francis,
Benjamin 'The Original Master of Invention and Word' Franklin (left handed),
Robin 'Balance the Greed' Hood,
Mark 'Give the Government Hell or High Humor' Twain (left handed),
Chief Dan George,
Ralph Waldo (Self Reliance) Emerson,
Henry David (Passive Resistence With Powerful Poetic Art) Thoreau,
Buckminster (Heuristic Process) Fuller,
Alan(om) Watts,
Martin Luther King,
Correta Scott King,
Mohandas ("An Eye for an Eye Will Make Us All Blind") Gandhi,
Edward R. (Good Luck and Good Night) Murow (left handed),
Mike (Master of Investigative Journalism) Wallace
Ted Koppel(left handed), Marshall 'The Medium is the Message" McLuhan (left handed),
Charlie (asks the important questions) Rose,
Jerry (Turn off your sped up confusion TV!) Mander,
Steve (The Most Human Humorist) Allen,
Woody (90 percent of success is just showeing up) Allen (left handed), Richard "Surely You Must Be Joking" Feynman (left handed!),
Glen 'Reincarnated as Bach' Gould (left handed),*Mrs Patricia Gordon-my 6th grade teacher who allowed me the freedom to express my talent and artistic excellence at my desk, while other students were required to adhere to the usual class work. This piece was executed during the first week of class in September 1965 - It was coined as 'The Master Mess' by classmate Rick Thoman who stands in the following class portrait, below the teacher at front row right- I am second right from the teacher in the gold mohair v-neck sweater- white turtleneck:
Nicolaus 'Heliocentric Solar System" Copernicus,
Galileo (Without his telescope they'd have burned us all at the stake! *left handed),
Isaac (Physics was born with the observational astronomy of light photons realized through a prism of glass)Newton (left handed),
Johannes (saw planets move in ellipses, not circles) Kepler,
Albert (everything is relative) Einstein (left handed),
Werner (there is certainly uncertainty in the universe!) Heisenberg,
Richard "Surely you must be joking! Mr" Feynman (left handed!),
Thomas (Cinematography and Recorded Music) Edison,
Alexander Graham (hello?) Bell,
Frank Lloyd (love my house design) Wright,
Edwin (There is an expanding universe!) Hubble,
John (Show the proletariat the universe on the sidewalks!) Dobson,
Bobby Fischer (lefthanded),
Adelle Davis who inspired my healthy diet when I saw her interviewed by Merv Griffin when I was 19,
Georgia (connect the erotic human body to the nature of the universe in those paintings!)O'Keefe,
Richard (really use the camera for artistic portrait creation!) Avedon,
Georgio deChirico who my oil paintings are compared to,
Leonardo "Shun those studies in which the work that results dies with the worker" DaVinci (left handed),
Michaelangelo (left handed),
Albrecht Durer (left handed) another fellow German elitist artist and possible ancestor of mine!,
M.C.Escher (left handed),
Vincent (Broke the convention of the art school and suffered so we could learn) Van Gogh,
Paul Guaguin,
Pablo (without his cubism where would the scientists be today?) Picasso (left handed),
Henri Matisse,
Edward Hopper,
Paul Klee (left handed)
Chuck (get up) Close.My intense realism turns to surrealism- This may have been partly due to the instructor, Jay Backstrand and his art. This piece was one of many graphite representation studies as I entered Mt Hood Community College at age 18 immediately after high school. A crumpled brown paper bag. - Mark Seibold c1973Another study, the instructor had us drawing the demanding image of eggs and eggs in a glass jar. Perhaps a week was spent on this image.
Mark Seibold c1973In this final study I executed the entire image within 3 hours as copied from a photograph that I took in black and white of a water droplet on a branch, for the assignment in drawing from nature. Mark Seibold 1973
Goodyear Blimp Over Morning Grass With Dew - This was a 5 step ink process in photo-silkscreen for the instructor Martha Forster -
c1974 Mark Seibold >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>> >>>
Then a Rauschenberg style transfer suggested by my father as I entered college art classes but not knowing who Rauschenberg was, I executed the same technique of solvent transfers of popular portraits to simulate a mock audience.
11" X 14" c1972 M. Seibold
-Cape Kiwanda - c1974- Mark S.
At the same time while in art school, I became enthralled with photography and as my father feared. . . Oh no, he's taking photography, he'll never pick up brush and paint again. He was right. The technology and the science of photography became a new art for me.
> > > > > > > > > > > Other heros... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
James Rosenquist for his grandiosity in the size of his surreal paintings ,
Jackson 'Raw Gut Spill the Paint' Pollock,
Willem 'No more Rules!' deKooning,
David 'surreal and sketchy like mine' Hockney,
Chuck 'Get' Close,
Gustav 'Do not Forget the Too Many Women Erotica' Klimt,
Salvador 'Inspired Me from a Life Magazine Article When I Was 13' Dali-*When asked,"Do you take drugs?"Dali answered:"I am the drug". * * * * * *
*My beautiful daughter Breanna who is about to become a mother of a son in early January 2006 - She keeps me well tested and on track like no other woman I know (as yet) ! ! ! * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Intense Green Aurora Borealis through broken clouds - cMay15th, 2005- Mark S
Aurora Borealis showing usual green glow at horizon, red vertical rays and royal blue random cutain overhead- 30 second exposure with 28mm wide angle lens from my backyard on the edge of town- 1989- Mark
Another night of intense red and green aurora. c1989 - An airplane transited the 30 second time exposure photo in my bad timing. - Imagine walking outside and looking to the northern sky one evening and seeing this! Many local people tell me they have never seen an aurora. This is because they are usually asleep late at night or watching a bright light in a box in the living room!
While driving early one morning in April 1976, I captured Comet West with my 35mm camera somewhere between the Oregon Coast and Portland looking east before sunrise - 30 second time exposure - Kodak Ektachrome 160 ASA film - _c1976 - M. Seibold
Augustina Triptych at the Isenberg - After Andy Warhol - A recent simulated photo silk screen technique in printmaking - c2006 Mark Seibold
And yet another new Avedon style triptych of a friend of mine - I have simulated Richard Avedon's "solarizing effect" originally from the dark room to the Adobe Photoshop, mating to the Warhol multiple images in silkscreen effect also simulated from Photoshop- This is something I would rarely do with the new technology as I am usually only old world arttistic process- I am sure that Warhol and Avedon would be proud of this one . . . >
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the most recent painting progression- a 38" X 42" canvas in four phases, still considered unfinished . . . .
A 12" X 14" Oil painting. A self portrait 16 years ago at age 38 still considered unfinished >