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outside in the movie

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About Me


All you have to do is take a few photos. Instructions and samples at Candle to the Sky Virtual Extras .
“Outside In” is a giant-screen visual symphony that aims to artistically bridge science and spirituality as it journeys from the big bang to the Cassini-Huygens Mission at Saturn.
Composed entirely of still photographs using innovative visual techniques developed by the filmmaker, “Outside In” stretches the boundaries of the motion picture form. The film will feature powerful music by Ferry Corsten, William Orbit, Samuel Barber and melds non-narrative visual poetry & science documentary into a rich experience for audiences.
“Outside In” is a film that’s both personal and universal, experimental and sincere, science and spirit , non-narrative and documentary. The goal is to use large screen imagery, synchronized to powerful but moving music, to create an experience for those who see it, hear it and feel it.
Using tens of thousands of still images manipulated to create full motion, “Outside In” takes the audience from the big bang to our present day. With visual and audio mashups & photo-motion collages, the camera journeys into the zeitgeist of our age of mass media but music carries us to Saturn. There, we soar around, into and through the incredible photographs of Saturn taken by Cassini using “2.75D” photographic flythrough tech.
The film will be presented in Imax quality 4K resolution on massive screens and concert-level surround systems with a synchronized light show to audiences in planetariums, museums, galleries and limited Imax release.
ABOUT ME (stephen v2)
I’m a filmmaker, musician, photographer and ubergeek. I grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa and Knoxville, Tennessee. Despite being raised in the Cooneyite religious cult that forbade movies, television and pop music, I still managed to developed passions for still photography, space, music and storytelling.
I’ve made over a dozen short experimental and animation films that have screened at numerous festivals and in cyberspace. I work doing freelance digital video production & motion graphics as well as manipulating still images into full motion, culminating in a short “Crisp Yellow Flowers” made entirely of still images which has lead directly to “Outside In”.
I first read about Saturn and Titan in Carl Sagan’s “Cosmos”. In 2004, Cassini arrived at Saturn barely noticed by the world. Both exulted by the stunning images and disappointed by the lack of interest, I committed to finding a way to make a film that showcased the incredible beauty of Saturn, while exploring the reasons why most people know so little about it.
I live in Greensboro, NC with his musician/artist wife Marie and three aging cats.
More about me here



Me on IMDB

Harvey’s Kitchen — Stephen Van Vuuren

Greensboro Filmmaker, Stephen Van Vuuren, talks about his endeavor to make an IMAX Resolution journey through our solar system, in his basement. via AddToAny Share Button

Nice interview done by the talented folks at Monkeywhale.com

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

donors, animators, investors, emma thompson or marvin the martian

My Blog

IMPORTANT - This Blog has Moved!!!

As Myspace's blog engine and my Wordpress blog are increasingly incompatible making cut and paste not work, I'm ending putting copy of posts here. But you can continue to read from the main site via R...
Posted by on Fri, 03 Apr 2009 22:39:00 GMT

Big News - Teaser footage to open Acer Computer Global Product Launch

It's been a wild ride for the last 10 days. I got a call while at a film festival that executives from Acer Computer - yes, that Acer Computer - had seen footage from a couple of my 2007 and 2008 teas...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 22:11:00 GMT

Space Junk Attacks, Part Duex

It seems just a short while I was talking about Outside In predicting space junk problems and heres more news - they had to evacuate the International Space Station due to a 5-inch piece of junk co...
Posted by on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 20:04:00 GMT

Outside In Image in New Book

Beginning last year, I had an issue with various people stealingsome of my images from the teaser trailer.  I was forced to send outcease and desist notes especially as most were linking to my site(wi...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Mar 2009 20:47:00 GMT

Searching for Ourselves: Kepler Launches

Back online here after two deadly weeks with the flu and then a week of catchup...Friday, the Kepler spacecraft launched and has the potential to change history. Kepler will be searching for planets a...
Posted by on Sun, 08 Mar 2009 19:11:00 GMT

New Logo Concept

Heres a new logo concept Ive been working on&
Posted by on Fri, 20 Feb 2009 21:09:00 GMT

"Outside In" Predicts Current Events - Satellite Crash & Debris Cloud

It may not have been front page news, but despite the terrible flu I had for the past week, this story about the satellite collision and resulting huge debris field was not a surprise to me. For decad...
Posted by on Sat, 14 Feb 2009 10:34:00 GMT

"Ensure Freedom of Space"

I don't delve that much in straight politics here as obviously,"Outside In" does not have much to do with politics. Nor is politics astrong interest of mine. I'm not a cynic, but politics is something...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Feb 2009 08:36:00 GMT

The Uncooperative Scientist (or, Carl Sagan, we miss you)

There is only one community that I keep running into issues with inmy efforts to bring "Outside In" to the screen. Ironically, it's thecommunity that stands to benefit most directly from "Outside In" ...
Posted by on Wed, 28 Jan 2009 11:17:00 GMT

Pictures of Saturn Go to Church

"Building bridges is the most radical thing you could do right now".This is what a filmmaker I know told me with great insight a couple of years back after I was relating my difficulty in raising mo...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 10:54:00 GMT