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(CPOST)CREW MEMBERS ONLY NO STOWAWAYS', send me a url, one per band. must start with,(http://) and end with (.mp3). We can host five of your best tunes. first come, first serve. will change up tunes often. GIV'EM A TASTE OF !!!!SOUTHERNONTARION ROCK-N-ROLL!!!!e-mail your tune 2 us,*********************************** THIS SITE IS FOR MUSICIANS ONLY, NO PEDDLERS, CON-ARTIST, OR B.S. I AM SERIOUS. THANK YOU. (I AM HAPPILY MARRIED.)111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111!!!LIKE TO ROCK!!! CURRENTLY, I AM DEVOTING ALL OF MY TALENTS, TO SAVING THE 100 MILES OF CANADIAN LAKE ERIE SHORE LINE, THAT HAS BEEN DECLARED IN IMMINENT DANGER, BY THE CANADIAN CONSERVATION AUTHORITY, A DIVISION OF THE DEPARTMENT FOR NATURAL RESOURCES, HEY. WHO HAS SIDED WITH SHELL CANADA AND NOT THE PEOPLE, TO FLOOD OUT LAKE ERIE. CENTRAL ELGIN WAS ALREADY THE FASTEST ERODING STRETCH OF COASTLINE IN ONTARIO, BEFORE OUR GOVERNMENTS LET THE SHIPPING INDUSTRIES DREDGE THE SAINT CLAIR RIVER FROM 30FEET; TO 60FEET; IN OCTOBER 2006. (WITHOUT THE PUBLICS APPROVAL.) NOW SHELL CANADA PROPOSES A 55 BILLION $ OIL REFINERY IN SARNIA, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. FIND OUT MORE ON YOUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL; southernontarionenvi. SOUTHERN ONTARIOS' ONLY ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS CHANNEL, AND SOUTHERN ONTARIOS' ONLY ALTERNATIVE NEWS CHANNEL; ***************** (POST FOR CREW MEMBERS ONLY HERE; IF U R WITHIN 100 MILES OF PORT BRUCE U R A CREWMEMBER) ***************(CMPOST; from one of our local Port Stanley Bands) wnts u 2no)- Hey. My name is Jonathan and Im writing to let you know about FORWARD, a show I have been writing for the past 6 years. Check out my page, listen to the music, and let me know what you think. Im trying to get the music out to a wider range of people and thought I would start with MYSAPCE. Add my show to your friend list. Check for updates. A lot of exciting things are starting to happen for the show and Id love to build a strong network to share it with. Thanks so much for your time, I hope youre well, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely, ~ Jonathan ~81042 servicing artist in London, St. Thomas, Port Stanley, Port Burwell, Port Dover, Sarnia, Woodstock, Hamilton, Kitchener, Windsor, Woodstock, and Waterloo, via All of The Canadian Provinces, Washington, Oregon, The Mid Western U.S.A., California, Las Angeles(baby), Las Vegas, Nevada, New Mexico, Arizona, Oklahoma, New York, New Orleans, Hawaii, Austin, Odessa, Dallas / FortWorth Texas, Galax, Norfolk and Richmond Virginia, Ybor City, Tampa, Gainesville, Tallahassee, Jacksonville, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Miami, and Key West Florida, Athens, Savanna, and Atlanta Georgia, Myrtle Beach , South Carolina, Boone, Charlotte, Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, and Wilmington, North Carolina, Nashville, Tennessee, Boston, Massachusetts, D.C., Wildwood, New Jersey, Maine, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, Cleveland Ohio, Detroit Michigan, and Milwaukee Wisconsin, Alaska and the Yukon, Brazil, Argentina, Iceland, the Netherlands, France, U.K., Germany, Italy and all of Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Africa, Tokyo, Japan, Asia, India, The South Pacific, New Zealand , Australia, the Philippines, and China. Exchanging and sharing musical innovations and ideas with our Global Network of friends, we r the half way point, down Dexter Line, riding east from Detroit, every Friday the 13th, headed 2 Port Dover. ride safe, eh. Please meet our friends, the Blues Brothers, based in Chicago, Illinois. Thanks for Rock N Ourspace. we promote indie (independent) music and arts, peace ************************************************ ANY ONE WHO WITH A WAY AND MEANS TO HELP ME FIX THE 100 MILES OF CANADIAN LAKE ERIE SHORELINE, THAT OUR GOVERNMENT HAS DECLARED IN "IMMINENT DANGER" and "NONUSABLE". The Conservation Authority has said it will cost $500,000,000.00 dollars to fix and maintain the Canadian Lake Erie Shoreline. This figure is a drop in the bucket for SHELLCANADA! **********************************************IMPORTANT*** PLEASE READ We are here to Promote Our Constitutional Rights Which include the freedom of expression and speech. We are not here to judge. though we may or may not agree with your views. This is a Rock -n- Roll Station WARNING There Be Dragons Here Discussions Are For Mature AudiencesAdd one of our streams to your MySpace!Custom Friends Space Generator
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BAND NAME LEGALTENDER copy right 2007 AKA charlie kids with guns /THECLIxS/ outcast/FREAKS/brainchile/haberdashery/CICLE OF SOUL Welcome to Southern Ontario ROCKS This is the Official Site of The Official Canadian Not For Profit Corporation; (CESPool)The Central Elgin Shoreline Replenishing Project My Name is Charlie I am not out 2 impress any 1. Though we do mean 2 get some attention. I started youtubing, as a means of cataloging my material However, do to recent events, and further devastation, of LAKE ERIE by Shell Canada I am determined to try and save our homes, fields, planters, and livelihood, from falling in to Lake Erie. We represent less than one percent of Canadians effected buy the actions of Shell Canada. Thank You For Your Support. WE ARE PLANNING FALL EVENT The Second Annual CANAMERICAN LAKE ERIE MUSIC FESTIVAL Premiering ALL CONCERNED CANADIANS WITH A GUITAR ?So Keep Your Ear Down?(USE SLIDER AT THE BOTTOM OF THE PAGE) U CAN SLIDE OVER NOW IF U WANT TO SEE YOUR FRIENDS AND THEIR COMMENTS ABOUT OUR ENVIRONMENT AND CANADIAN ROCK-N-ROLL. FORM YOUR NECK OF THE WOODS, AT YOURSPACE/SOUTHERNONTARIO !!!ROCKS!!! THIS SIGHT IS ALSO A FORUM FOR ARTIST, MUSICIANS, AND PROMOTERS, TO IN LIGHTEN THEMSELVES. IT'S INTENDED USE IS THAT OF "GOOD INTENT" AND "FREETHINKING". *********************** WE SERVE THE ARTIST OF SOUTHERN ONTARIO,A ND THE SURROUNDING GREAT LAKE REGION, TO BECOME BETTER INFORMED, IN AN EFFORT TO PROTECT THE GREAT LAKES AND OUR HABITAT, FROM INDUSTRY EXPLOITATION IN THE GREAT LAKES. This is not so much a "Global warming issue", but is a "How do you demonstrate democracy issue?" and if the Conservation Authority thinks that they are above the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, the Canadian Constitution, and The Canadian Bill of Rights, Then we demand representation, if Shell Canada does not step up and fix this mess. The Conservation Authority has said it will cost $350,000,000.00 dollars to build the 100 miles of Canadian Lake Erie Shoreline. That it has deemed to be in "Imminent Danger", and "Non Usable" maintenance not included. Shell Canada has repeatedly manipulated these waters for shipping. In fact in October, 2006, Shell Canada dredged the St. Clair River from 30 feet deep, to 60 feet deep, causing the Georgian Bay to drop five feet and Erie to rise 3 feet, and ironically, they did this within 2-3 months of an international scientific announcement, that was done in partnership between the Ohio Conservation Authority and the Canadian Conservation Authority, working together on this project for over twenty years, to announce that Lake Erie was predicted to fall, one meter in over all surface water in the next 60 years, according to there studies and data. But Shell Canada Can Play God and raise the Lake a meter in a month. With no interest for the people, and our governments let them. It is wrong. Would you want to pay taxes on land you were forbidden to protect. If you declare the land unusable, then tax it as unusable, wouldn't you agree? **********************ROCK-N-ROLL........................... ..................ARS ARE OUR ONLY SPONSOR, BECOME A SPONSOR, CONTACT CHARLIE; here, thanks ................................ ****************** THE CENTRAL ELGIN SHORELINE REPLENISHING PROJECT. (CESPool) ....................................................... THANK YOU, (SLEOFATT) SAVING LAKE ERIE ONE FRIEND AT THE TIME. .......................................................... ROCKONCANADA !!!!ROCKON!!!! AND MANY THANKS TO MR. GEORGE S. AND THE HOUR, AT THE CBC IN TORONTO FOR BEING OUR FRIEND ON OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL, SOUTHERNONTARIONEVI. WE APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111

I'd like to meet:

U have over the whole funk-n-world az friends, true friends are very rare, and few and far b tween. friends don't take friends 4 granted. may b that's why they r so hard 2 come by. i am very happy 2 b your friend.

wuz up, eh. welcome 2 southernontario. hell o, i am charlie, u can c mataerial that i am posting regularly, on u tube. these are all works in progress. it iz a way for me 2 catalog my material. hopefully the first c.d. will rock. come c me on
the good news? wut'z shakin? thanks so much for your support in helping us find a way 2 save the Canadian Lake Erie Shoreline.


..PORT BRUCE IS BETWEEN PORT STANLEY AND PORT BURWELL, SOUTH OF LONDON AND ST. THOMAS,11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111

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PORT BRUCE IS A TOWN IN SOUTHERNONTARIO. ??? I BELIEVE NEIL WROTE A SONG ABOUT ONE OF THESE ????!!!LIKE TO ROCK!!! ???GOT DA BLUES??? RUTUBING CHECK OUT YOURYOUTUBE CHANNEL; southernontarionenvi SOUTHERN ONTARIO'S ONLY INDEPENDENT NEWS AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHANNEL. TO SEE WHATS HAPPENING AROUND YOUR GREAT LAKES ................................................CHARLIE IS A SINGER / SONG WRITER GUITARIST (TWENTY YEAR GUITARVET)- LEAD/RHYTHM, ELECTRIC/ACOUSTICHOBBIES- PIANO/ORGAN BASS DRUMS/PERCUSSIONS NATURE ART(ARTIST, MASTER MASON/LICENSED GENERAL CONTRACTOR)OUTDOORS-MAN/NATURALIST/CONSERVATIONIST/REALIST!! !ZEST FOR LIFE,WOO,AZEST FOLIFE,GOT A ZEST FOR LIFE. ZEST FOR LIFE! a zezt for life, uh'hu, ZEST FOR LIFE, woo hoo, a zest fo life!!! **************************************************** Required Reading for Anyone Who Drinks Water From The Late Great Lakes, An Environmental History, By William Ashworth. Did you know that the Great Lakes hold one-fifth of the worlds drinking water supply, which 24 million people drink from every day? Did you know that people living in the Great Lakes Region are exposed to more toxic chemicals through food and drinking water than anyone else in North America? Did you know that the Rouge river, which flows into Lake Erie is so polluted that the computers on board the LANDSAT satellites cannot recognize it as water? Did you know that the bottoms of industrial harbors around the Great Lakes are unsafe to dredge? (Find this book at BOOKS IN CANADA) any other interesting facts about Lake Erie Send them to us, We live for the FACTS, Thanks.


!!!HEAVY METAL ACLOCKWORKORANGE!!! APOCALYPSE-NOW DELIVERANCE DRZHIVAGO EASYRIDER FANDANGO FARGO ()()()IT'S A WONDERFUL LIFE()()() !!!ONEFLEWOVERTHECOOCOOSNEST !!! !!!SAMUEL LOUNDT, STARWARS THEBLUESBROTHERS THEWALL !!! !!!!THEOUTLAWJOSEWHALES!!!! ***UNFORGIVEN*** ///WillieWonkaandtheTheChocolateFactory/// _____SPINALTAP_____BARFLY_____FASTTIMES_____ _______________HellRazor________________ ___________King Kong vs Godzilla___________ ____CHEACHandCHONG____ Hair and Roots******************************************************* *******


THIS SIGHT IS MAINLY FOR MUSICIANS IN SOUTHERN ONTARIO, WITH IN 100 MILES OF ST.THOMAS, (PORT-STANLEY, PORT-BRUCE)AREA. WE HAVE ASKED A FEW BANDS, ONE OR TWO FROM NOVA-SCOTIA, TORONTO, ALBERTA, SASKATCHEWAN, MANITOBA, QUEBEC, B.C., etc... TO REPRESENT! BY HELPING US PROMOTE CANADIAN ROCK, AND FOR THE PRESERVATION OF THE CANADIAN GREAT LAKES SHORELINE. ********************** OUR FIRST REGIONAL FRIEND; GIVE IT UP FOR MR.JUSTINE HINES **************** YOUR PALS REPRESENTING TORONTO, NONE OTHER THAN ROCK PLAZA CENTRAL. **************** OUR (PA)AFFILIATES ARE WASHINGTONSCROSSING, look them up when u r in Philly, just be careful, Delaware Blvd. rocks and all, but they roll the streets up at 3:00p.m., unless u know somebody, and has one of the highest missing persons profiles in the U.S.A. (TO SUPPORT THE PEGGY CARR FOUNDARION, CONTACT;[email protected], AND LETS STOP MISSING PEOPLE. *******************(REALITY) THIS SPACE POSTS CANADIAN MUSIC ARTIST; first on the list and first Canadian Rocker to support your space; FROM VANCOUVER, B.C., GOOD "HAUL" FROM HERE, MR.BLAKE HAVARD, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, who will keep us up to date on "THE OTHER SIDE"., many thanks, ........................................................... also your other many friends, get on the list. TTC:// ...... The Sam Robert's Band .......................... .......................................................... ............................. ALSO OUR FRIENDLY MUSIC PROMOTION LINKS; ............................................ ............................................ BandMix has found new matches for you. ALL FROM OUR REGIONAL STOMPING GROUND .......... LOOK FOR MY POSTS WE R HOSTING THE FIRST ANNUAL LAKE ERIE CANAMERICAN MUSIC FESTIVAL ST. THOMAS ONTARIO PINAFORE PARK 10AM-10PM SEPTEMBER 29, 2007 ALL MUSICIANS, ARTIST, AND CRAFTSPEOPLE ARE WELCOME THIS EVENT IS OPEN FOR THE PUBLIC THIS IS A CHARITABLE EVENT FOR THE PROTECTION OF THE CANADIAN LAKE ERIE SHORELINE ANY AND ALL PROCEEDS WILL GO TO THE CENTRAL ELGIN SHORELINE REPLENISHING PROJECT********************************************** CHECK OUT A GREAT CANADIAN BAND SKYSOCIETY****************************TRAGICALLYHIP RESPECT THE WATER_______________________________________________ _______________________________________________


DARK TOWER,. STEPHEN KING, from the gun slinger trilogy, THE LEATHER STOCKING TALES, JAMES FENIMORE COOPER.***********************************Environment Minister Rona Ambrose has stopped an Environment Canada scientist from speaking publicly about his own novel.Mark Tushingham has written a science fiction novel called Hotter than Hell. (REPORTED BY THE CBC)READING REQUIREMENTS FOR ANYONE WHO DRINKS WATER BOOKS IN CANADA The Late Great Lakes An Environmental History WILLIAM ASHWORTHDid you know that the Great Lakes hold one-fifth of the world’s fresh drinking water supply, which 24,000,000 people drink from every day? Did you know that the bottoms of the industrial harbors around the lakes are unsafe to dredge? Did you know that the people living in the Great Lakes region are exposed to more toxic chemicals through food and drinking water than any where else in North America? Did you know the Rouge River, which flows, into Lake Erie, is so filthy that the computers on board LANDSAT satellites cannot recognize it as water?TIME FOR A CHANGE. ____________________________________ (SLEOFATT)-(CESPool) ____________________________________ SAMROBERTSBAND !!!!COMEROCKCANADA!!!! CHARLIE my wifes grandfather was Major Paterson of London Ontario, in the Canadian Military, through World War II. Her Great-Grandfather, Victor Harry Latham, perished in a shipwreck aboard the KANLOOPS, on Lake Superior.


___________________________________________________ Greenpeace is teaming up with Seventh Generation to provide 200 dedicated students the training they need to become the next generation of movers and shakers in the global movement for change.

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We're offering 200 full scholarships to an intensive, all-expenses-paid week of grassroots training, led by Greenpeace organizers and featuring workshops with some of the most dynamic activists and campaigners out there.
All costs, including travel to Washington, DC, room and board, and the training itself, will be covered for 200 bold and visionary full- or part-time students, ages 18-24. This is a serious opportunity for students looking to get the concrete skills it takes to make positive change happen in the world.
Apply to Change It right now!
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Hello Friend,

beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and beauty is more than skin deep. love, well love is cruel, and so simple to be so complicated. an yet is as important as food and drink, for the nurture of being alive. truth is head on, no way around it. though you may not always want 2 let your left hand know what your right hand is thinking. it may not b a comfortable thing 2 do at times, and only if the intent is for good. still, every one of us are human. fool me once, shame on u. fool me twice, shame on me. justice, is harder than the rest of these and though i am a man, that believes in science, nature, and factual truths. I believe that Vengeance is the Lords. Matters of emotion weigh heavy in our minds, appetite destroys, and reality balances the 2. The heart can get 2 heavy to carry, with out a friend, sometimes. There is always some one in the world that has had it worse then we have. life is to short to worry bout much anything, i think. and you can believe the sun will shine on us for as long as we are here. charlie your friendTAKE MY WHEELS JUST BRING THEM BACK SAFEI am just a nice person with a heart beat the rest is all triviali am a direct descendant of Noah and Daniel Webster, and John and Charles Wesley, my mothers mother is a Bliss/ Blake from Dairy New Hampshire, a daughter of the Revolutionary war. i am German, English, French, Cherokee, and Lebanese. i am just an artist with a passion for my guitar and rock-n-roll. i guess i am also a hopeless romantic, clumsy, shy, and reserved, with the tendency to be very out spoken. i am honest, trustworthy, and kind. a true southern gent, from Wilmington North Carolina/Gainesville Florida. my life? nice to make your acquaintance, your friend, heartofgoldust, charlie. My Mothers father is a first generation American, he is 100% Lebanese, and retired U.S.Army Air Corps./U.S.Air Force, a 26 year decorated Veteran of three wars. My Fathers Father, the Reverend L.P. Rivenbarks family has lived in Wilmington North Carolina sense 1707. He was the largest masonry contractor in the south from the 50's-70's, next to Princess Grace' Father. "iput my pants on, one leg at the time, just like anybody else", I write songs and have played the guitar my whole life. lets just say that i picked up the guitar 27 years ago. formed my first "real" band, circle of souls, in 1991, and worked at the legendary, world famous, ice house, in Wilmington, North Carolina, for five years, home of the Carolina blues, featuring such acts as Tom Donaldson (tdog),The Song Man Gary Allen (local legend), Mojo Collins (eastern North Carolina blues legend), Mike Wolf and the Wolf Gang (cajun boogie), Tom Blake (guitar guru), Poco William Strickland (flaminco guitar), Benny Hill (best sax on the east coast), Larry Price (sax, strict legit), and Taj Mahal.

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