Free Energy. Drive as much as you like, it's non polluting! Waste Fuel Combustion Generators solar tower power stations. the 1977 ENMOD CONVENTION (Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification TechniquesOpened for signature at Geneva: 18 May 1977, Entered into force: 5 October 1978 Depositary: Secretary-General of the United Nations )Sky over Farnham, Surrey, England, with an orgonite cloudbuster nearby: time-lapse video recorded with a webcam, 1 second = 5 minutes.HAARP 'sweeping' over the sky at dawn, briefly producing a patch of 'mackerel sky' that dissolves as quickly as it forms. This video demonstrates the visual effect of an orgonite Croft-style Chemtrail Buster eliminating chemtrail overcast. This effects is refered to as the blue-hole pheonomena. This was a particularly bad day for chemtrail spraying, and this video demonstrates the border created at the edge of the dissapating chemtrail front. I am speculating that the ungifted cell phone panels also significantly reduced the range of the CTB to the South (direction filmed).
Who else is there: This is Grant Morrison, giving a very interesting talk
The Schumann resonance. The fundamental frequency of 7.8 Hz being determined by the size of the Earth, the speed of light, and nothing else, with the higher frequency spectral lines in addition being determined by the size of Plank's constant....
None of which are changing.The amplitude (i.e. intensity) of the Schumann resonance is, however, not constant, and appears to be extremely dependent upon tropical (and hence global) temperature. Indeed preliminary results seem to indicate that a mere one degree increase in temperature seems to be correlated with a doubling of the Schumann resonance.
Gangstas Paradise Remix
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Constitution Class
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98.) Constitution Class 6 of 7, for Real Patriots
99.) Constitution Class 7of 7, for Patriots
Flash Movies
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--But seriously folks there is no Global Warming.
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Everyone's First Reaction Was "Controlled Demolition"
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MAJOR Truth Movies
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Simpler & Small/In-General Truth Videos
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132.) 911 pt 2
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148.) New World Order
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152.) Immortal Technique - bust bush
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160.) God Bless America - Defend Our Constitution!
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M Moore said this on telly
the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy, and many others
Stick'em up, this is an election