Guide to Reality
The Book of Truth lies hidden behind closed eyes. On the blackness the Universe will project its secrets for those who embrace GNOSIS with pure intentions and the filter of Ego dropped. Death of Ego opens the pathway for the birth of enlightenment. For when we are shown Truth we must not color its clarity with the preconceived, man-made fiction of dogma, which is the enemy of Truth. This book cannot be written. It must remain fractally encoded within - where it cannot be corrupted by the souls of the unworthy.Go forth into the desert of the stilled mind and find what waits for you there...
I will be adding samples of my music soon, too.
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I am not a holy man. I am by no means a prophet. I am only a student. I may be a particularly apt student, but a student none-the-less. I should hope that you too are a student. If you are not, then you are out of the game. You can never know too much and much that we do know can never be known with a certainty that extends beyond our own personal understanding.TRUTH AT ANY COST
I have learned that we may become more powerful by understanding the 'primitive' and 'simpler' forms which have spawned us. I have learned that the 'modern' view of the world is but one very narrow bandwidth of reality defined by prejudice and dogma. I have learned we can escape this 'modern' dream and become truly free - at least within the vault of our minds (Is there anything else?) - if we choose to become independent thinkers and seekers of truth. Because the Truth will not be televised, will not be televised, will not be televised, will not be televised. The Truth will be alive. Come alive...
Drop the fantasy of racial, national and sexual superiority. Drop the fear generated by religion, politics, money and ignorance. Drop your pants and be what you are. Thumb your nose at accepted dogma and limiting paradigms. Come alive.
There are certainly minds burning brighter than mine. Surely there are those more densely steeped in 'forbidden' knowledge and esoteric concepts. Yet the majority fall in step with the mechanized drone of hyped propaganda, finding contentment within the stifling walls of accepted paradigms. Perhaps true understanding has more to do with talent, ability or simply fate. Or perhaps one needs only that amount of potential necessary to push just past the hump of understanding. Too little, we remain in darkness. Too much and 'the light of reason' flavors our findings with over-analysis and the scientific/mechanistic view occludes the mystical view one glimpsed cresting the pinnacle. If so, I dwell there... at the pinnacle. My eyes are open. I survey the landscape from horizon to horizon. It is beautiful. It is sweet. It is all that there is.
You've been lied to. Good and evil do not exist. They are but extreme states of unbalance. Any judgment or morality based on anything other than asking what is best for the system as a whole falls into the negative. For the system, in a local sense, is Nature and, in a greater sense, the Universe. God is the laws which sustain the cycles and these laws cannot be broken without affecting the balance, which is precarious. (I walk the line.) 'Good' is that which flows with the system. 'Evil' is that which hinders the system. Are you a good witch or a bad witch?
I am that which lives on that line between the positive and the negative. I ride the cusp of dualism. I am the embodiment of neutrality which is the natural state of the universe and the goal of all existence. I am the balance in voice and body. I am Precarious.
Only when you become Precarious will you know truth.
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This one is the BEST so far!!! POST THIS EVERYWHERE!!!
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BUSH BEAT BOX! This kid has skillz!
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Bush+Blair @ the Gay Bar
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