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Andrew Rutajit

Andrew Rutajit

About Me

Andrew Rutajit - Bio

I’m an author and lecturer in archaeoastronomy, alchemy, shamanism, and symbolism. I’ve written two books and one documentary film; in my spare time, I freelance as a ghost writer. I’m the co-owner of Gnostic Media, which is a multimedia production and publishing company geared toward the separation of mythology and reality – historical accuracy, as Acharya S would call it. Some people read “Gnostic” Media and assume we focus on the Gnostic texts, yet we define a Gnostic as one who is seeking Knowledge – the Truth Seekers.

Aside from my studies and obvious interests, here are some things about me that you may not know:

Some of my hobbies are pottery (someday I may actually be good at this), art (I like to paint and one day I hope to have a collection worth showing), photography, hiking, yoga (I will soon be documenting my progress from my current state - a body that is frail and broken - to my goal - strength and flexibility). I have an odd since of humor…odd because I’m able to laugh at some things that many people take quite seriously. Humor is a good way to deal with all the self-inflicted ignorance in this world. I love stand up comics and I have a lot of respect for those who take center stage and speak their mind. Joe Rogan is one of my all time favorite comics.

One of my heroes is Manly Palmer Hall. I may be a bit of a fanatic. I have a good friend who says he is too old-school and his lectures are too general, that he leaves out the details; this can be true. However, I understand the details and I truly enjoy Hall’s lectures and books. I have more than 100 hours of his lectures on cassette, I collect his books (those in print and out of print), his autograph, his artwork, his lectures, etc. I think, above all, I admire his life as an author and teacher; being a published author, I know how difficult it is to put a book together. Hall wrote the work of art that is “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” when he was 21-years old.

I’m a huge mixed martial arts fan, I enjoy it more than I enjoy listening to music (and I love music). I share the opinion that mixed martial arts is the only “sport” there is. It is the ultimate competition and it is finally getting its due respect. By embracing (instead of fearing) mixed martial arts, the world of martial arts itself has been redefined. Mixed martial arts competitions (UFC, Pride, IFL, etc.) have done for martial arts what the internet has done for communication. Because I grew up interested in martial arts, I’m honored to have witnessed such an evolution. Some of my all time favorite fighters are - Randy Couture, Dan Henderson, Mauricio "Shogun" Rua, Fedor Emelianenko, Marco Ruas, Wanderlei Silva, the list could go on and on…

I used to be a pilot. Before I was 20, I was a licensed pilot and had logged several long distance solo flights, each over 1000-miles (Miami to Dallas was a doozie). I’ve flown a helicopter, a twin engine plane, and many types of high and low wing single engines. Although I never flew professionally for a commercial airline, I did obtain a commercial pilot’s license. I used to log hours by flying a little Cessna aerobat with the doors removed – flying for aerial photographers, taking parachuters up and letting them jump out – those were some of the most exciting days of my life. However…I haven’t flown in years; actually, the last time I flew in a private plane, I jumped out of it. Memories of being low on gas, not knowing where the hell I was, and having to fly over a water tower to read the name of the town I was flying over...good times.

I’m a “dog-lover”; at one point in my life, I would volunteer at a local shelter but it broke my heart and I wanted to come home with new dog every time. I adopted a Shepherd/Collie mix a few years ago– a stray with red-mange and she was about to be “put down” – yet, dozens of dips and an additional 15 lbs later, she’s as healthy as can be and we’ve become inseparable.

My Interests

Writing nonfiction

Giving a lecture in something I truly believe in.

Hanging out with my dog. Studying alchemy, astrotheology, entheology, archaeoastronomy, & comparative religions.

Occult Anthropology, Pharmacological Anthropology, Architecture, Etymology, Entheogens, MMA, Sacred Geometry, Coffee, Sunsets, Art, Comparative Religion, Philanthropy, Public Speaking, Etymology, Freemasonry, Christmas symbolism, Sociology, Ween, Blue Man Group, Magick, Astrotheology, Ancient History, Shamanism, Lucid Dreams, Mysticism, Good Conversation, Breakfast food, People-watching, Absinthe, Texas Hold 'em, Stand Up Comics, Animals...

I'd like to meet:

The Vestibule
Andrew Rutajit (Author) Barnes & Noble

Andrew frequently writes about Christianity and its occult (or hidden) characteristics. This book will shed new light upon the popular (modern) interpretation of the Bible and various mysterious aspects of other religions.

A vestibule is a passageway leading from the outer door to the inner Shrine. The entrance to the great cathedrals and mystery schools were often guarded by gargoyles and adorned with mysterious symbols intended to frighten away the simply curious. This book, like a vestibule itself, is intended to serve as an introduction to a larger body of work. Some of these essays can be found online at, while the rest are being released here for the first time.

    Paperback - 145 pages 85+ illustrations ISBN - : 978-0-6151-4398-9 Publisher: Gnostic Media (March 2007

Astrotheology & Shamanism: Unveiling the Law of Duality in Christianity and other Religions
by Andrew Rutajit (Author) & Jan Irvin (Author) Barnes & Noble

Foreword by Jordan Maxwell. This well-researched work returns us to the earliest known forms of religion and nature worship to show how our modern religions formed and where they came from. Also brings us into modern times, reviving and supporting the important work of John Marco Allegro, author of The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross. Reveals how natural entheogens, including the Amanita muscaria mushroom, were used by those seeking higher consciousness and an authentic religious experience. A must read for researchers investigating the origins of religion and the symbology used by modern religions of today. Includes extensive bibliography.

    Paperback - 236 pages 185 illustrations and over 500 footnotes ISBN - 978-1585091072 Publisher: Book Tree (January 30, 2006)

The Pharmacratic Inquisition 2007 (DVD)

Andrew Rutajit (co-Producer, co-Author, Editor, Music)
This DVD is the video companion for the book, AstroTheology & Shamanism by Jan Irvin & Andrew Rutajit.

Thousands of years ago, in the pre monarchic era, sacred plants and other entheogenic substances where politically correct and highly respected for their ability to bring forth the divine, Yahweh, God, The Great Spirit, etc., by the many cultures who used them. Often the entire tribe or community would partake in the entheogenic rites and rituals. These rites were often used in initiation into adulthood, for healing, to help guide the community in the decision process, and to bring the direct religious experience to anyone seeking it. In the pre literate world, the knowledge of psychedelic sacraments, as well as fertility rites and astronomical knowledge surrounding the sun, stars, and zodiac, known as astrotheology, were anthropomorphized into a character or a deity; consequently, their stories and practices could easily be passed down for generations. Weather changes over millenniums caused environmental changes that altered the available foods and plant sacraments available in the local vicinity. If a tribe lost its shamanic El-der (El - God), all of the tribe's knowledge of their plant sacraments as well as astronomical knowledge would be lost. The Church’s inquisitions extracted this sacred knowledge from the local Shamans who were then exterminated…It is time to recognize the fact that this Pharmacratic Inquisition is still intact and destroy it.

Viral Videos
I have also produced several online “viral videos” for Gnostic Media. Most of them are available on YouTube and iFilm

The Pharmacratic Inquisition 2004
co-Producer, co-Author, Editor

Before my first book was published, Jan Irvin and I gave our first lecture in Arlington Texas. I set up my camera, recorded the lecture and edited in some full screen graphics but in the end; the lighting was horrible, our lecture got cut short, and the video that I made was (in my option) a not what I had hoped. We put it online for people to watch and before we knew it, we had so many downloads, it crashed our server. So we decided to make the video again in a controlled environment and use this new video as a way find a sponsor, a publisher, or some financial assistance as we continued to write “Astro-Theology & Shamanism.” The Pharmacratic Inquisition 2004 is that video. Our original video can be found online but I, like most who have seen both, prefer this one. A short description of this video follows:This video was shot in April 2004 as a demo to gain interest and sponsorship while writing the book, Astrotheology & Shamanism. Now the video is online for free viewing. Please note that this video was shot on shoestring budget and was not intended for public release; the quality is a bit lacking but information makes up for that. For more information or downloads of this video, see the website.

Divine Moments of Truth with Joe Rogan
Producer, Editor

For this video, I remixed one of my favorite Shpongle songs and overlaid a Joe Rogan radio interview for the voice track. This was made with Joe Rogan’s permission but I never got a reply from the band. As a result, their music was used without permission. I now make my own music. A short description of this video follows:Joe Rogan was a guest on Jim Breuer's Sirius radio show where he discussed DMT, dreams, and the role humans play on this planet. Joe says, "It's easily the weirdest interview I've ever done, and definitely the most interesting." Words by Joe Rogan Music by Shpongle Music Remixed & Visuals added at Gnostic Media Edited by Andrew Rutajit © Gnostic Media 2007

Gnostic Media - Pharmacratic Inquisition Preview
co-Producer, Editor

This is a video montage for the Pharmacratic Inquisition video, set to the music of "Leading" by the band Revolve. This video was created to generate some interest and drive some people to the free Pharmacratic Inquisition 2004 video. The full length video is quite long so I made this music video as a way to artistically summarize the actual lecture.

Our Lady of Light
Producer, Author, Editor, Music

This was my first attempt at a “viral video.” I grabbed one of my essays from my website, reworded it a little bit, read it into my microphone, and edited some video together. I then created and added a music track and uploaded it to the internet. It was easier than I expected and it was getting more attention than I had expected…so I called Jan and told him that we should do one of these short videos together.

Sexual Symbolism in Religion
co-Producer, co-Author, Editor, Music

Jan and I chose the topic of sexual symbolism for our first joint effort on a short video project. Together we wrote a script and recorded the voice track. I had some videos and images ready to use and I was excited to try a new idea for the music track. I gathered some of my favorite Nine Inch Nails music and made a remix for this video. I’ve been told by some that it’s very good and by others that it is “too creepy”. I like it

Jordan Maxwell Interview
links listed below
Producer, Director, Editor, Music

This interview with Jordan Maxwell was recorded in 2003 by Andrew Rutajit. Jordan has lead the way in this area of research for many years and with the advent of more and more technology and faster ways of communicating; the truth is spreading like a virus that kills religions and buries them in shallow graves with headstones that read "Mythology." Without Jordan's tireless efforts to shine a light on these things, much of this information would still be a mystery to many people. Part – 1 - Jordan Maxwell discusses the Age of Pisces and how it relates to Christianity. Part – 2 - Jordan Maxwell discusses Sun Worship and how it relates to Christianity. Part – 3 - Jordan Maxwell discusses Fertility Worship and how it relates to Christianity. Part – 4 - Jordan Maxwell discusses AstroTheology and how it relates to Christianity. Part – 5 - Jordan Maxwell discusses the Holy Oils and how they relate to Christianity.

Radio Interview Video Blogs and more:

    Richard Grove on Religious Freedom Interview with Abraxas – Parts 1 – 5 Sun Worship & the Inquisitions Etc…visit weblink above for updates

Logo design

I wanted Gnostic Media to have its own logo. Symbols are true on many scales and each has different meanings to the different groups who employ them; I was trying to design something that would encompass everything I write about. Our logo was an ouroboros for quite some time but that has been done before by many others…the television series “Millennium” ( sort of over-popularized that symbol. I wanted a unique but familiar logo…something clever and something that won’t come across as satanic or something worse. The last thing I want to do is scare someone away from the information just because of a silly logo.

I began with an Egyptian Ankh and instead of a crucified savor covered in his own blood; I choose to set a reincarnating Phoenix atop of this symbol. With the staff (Ankh) and wings (Phoenix) in place, I then added the ascending dualistic serpents of the caduceus. The coloring, the mushrooms growing below the Ankh, and symbols on the Ankh itself are a few of the hidden symbols within the Gnostic Media logo.


A Perfect Circle, Billy Thorpe, Dandy Warhol's, Dio, Earth Wind Fire, Filter, Gunther, Hooverphonic, (early) Kiss, Led Zeppelin, Los Marijuanos, Love and Rockets, (early) Marilyn Manson, Massive Attack, Michael Jackson in the 80's, Modest Mouse, Mogwai, NIN, Pink Floyd, Queen, Radiohead, Revolve, Robert Plant, Roger Waters, Tool, Turbonegro, Secret Machines, (early) The Smashing Pumpkins, Shpongle, Supertramp, Toadies, Ween


Equilibrium, Altered States,2001: A Space Odyssey,Waking Life,Pi,Vanilla Sky,The Matrix,CrossWorlds…



My book covers:

Nearly all of the essays from my website (and those posted on MySpace) have been added. The essays I've posted online comprise about half the book; the other half is new material. The title is, "The Vestibule - A collection of essays by Andrew Rutajit" with the foreword written by Jan Irvin. Unlike “Astrotheology & Shamanism,” I’ve decided to self publish this book as a sign of bigger and better things to come at Gnostic Media. Until recently Gnostic Media has simply been a website where Jan Irvin and I have an active forum, info about our work, images, etc. Our goal is to produce several videos and other publications over the next few years, using Gnostic Media as a platform.
Stay tuned!!!

For a complete list of the books that I use in reference, please go here:

Book Reviews for Astrotheology & Shamanism:

"Linking Christianity to its nature-based, shamanic roots, this wide-ranging, lavishly illustrated, and exhaustively referenced book establishes a new benchmark for scholarly (and controversial) views in the field."
~ Rick Strassman MD; University of New Mexico School of Medicine; Author, DMT - The Spirit Molecule
"This is a mind-expanding book. It helps us share the perspective of a shaman (a seer or wise man) on the world and on the interplay of sun and stars.... Ideas put forward by John Marco Allegro about the origin of religion in The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross in 1970 – which met universal condemnation – are here largely vindicated....The dry philological approach of The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross is here supported by a wider study of symbols, iconography and mythology and further work on word derivation."
~ Judith Anne Brown; Daughter of John Marco Allegro; Author, John Marco Allegro: The Maverick of the Dead Sea Scrolls
“If you are interested in chasing the rabbit-hole leading to the true foundation of religion, then this book is a must-read. Irvin and Rutajit have interwoven two fields of research (Astrotheology and Shamanism) to expose the hidden side of Christianity and other religions. Taking a no holds barred look at the true history of the world of religion, and where our most cherished modern day beliefs and concepts really come from is – I believe – an idea whose time has come.”
~ Jordan Maxwell; Author, Lecturer and Radio Host


"We will not walk in fear of one of another. We will not be driven by fear into an age of unreason. If we dig deep in our history and doctrine and remember that we are not descended from fearful men, not from men who feared to write, to speak, to associate and to defend causes which were for the moment unpopular. We can deny our heritage and our history, but we cannot escape responsibility for the result." - Ed R. Murrow

  • Manly Palmer Hall
  • John Allegro
  • Randy Couture
  • Ram Dass
  • Maria Sabina
  • Bruce Lee
  • Clark Heinrich
  • Joseph Campbell
  • Terence McKenna
  • Brian Greene
  • Fulcanelli
  • Wilhelm Reich

  • My Blog

    New Gnostic Media Video

    Written and Narrated by Andrew Rutajit. Text taken from, "The Vestibule" by Andrew Rutajit.  Please  understand that I do not worship any deity. I believe in a historical  (physical) Lu...
    Posted by Andrew Rutajit on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 09:58:00 PST

    The Cosmic Tree of Immortality

    The Cosmic Tree of Immortalityby Andrew Rutajit  Text taken from, "The Vestibule" by Andrew Rutajit Believing a myth to be true comes  only from a lack of understanding the roots of the myth...
    Posted by Andrew Rutajit on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 07:05:00 PST

    Gnostic Media - February 2008 NewsLetter

    Hey everyone!! It's  February and the excitement of the holiday season has passed. We are finally  able to focus on some projects that have been shelved for quite some time.
    Posted by Andrew Rutajit on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 08:54:00 PST has a new look!

    For the past couple months, I've been spending my spare time updating my personal website. Come check out the new look and my new photo gallery! PS  If you have not subscribed to th...
    Posted by Andrew Rutajit on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:42:00 PST

    Gnostic Media - NewsLetter

    We have started a monthly newsletter providing you with news and updates regarding Gnostic Media. This is going to be a very busy year for us, this monthly newsletter is a great way for you to stay no...
    Posted by Andrew Rutajit on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 12:43:00 PST

    Gnostic Media has a NEW LOOK

    Hey everyone, this post is just a message to let you know that is getting an overhaul. We are going to ditch most of our PHP site and go back to HTML like we did in the past. That "cu...
    Posted by Andrew Rutajit on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 03:38:00 PST

    Hidden Mysteries of Christmas Unveiled

    The Hidden Mysteries of Christmas UnveiledThe holiday excerpt from The Pharmacratic Inquisition DVD by Jan Irvin & Andrew RutajitCLICK HERE for the 111-Minute DVD!Grab the YouTube code and ...
    Posted by Andrew Rutajit on Mon, 24 Dec 2007 12:06:00 PST

    Unlocking the Genetic Library of the Brain

    Unlocking the genetic library of the brainA chapter from, "The Vestibule" by Andrew RutajitHow do we perceive reality?  Is it always out there in front of us,  waiting to be perceived? Or do...
    Posted by Andrew Rutajit on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 09:33:00 PST

    Shamanism & Personal Liberties

    My coauthor, Jan  Irvin was on KOA AM recently discussing Shamanism, freedom, and human  rights. The last couple clips are great because people call in and try to debate the other side, only...
    Posted by Andrew Rutajit on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 08:31:00 PST

    Gnostic Media - Holiday Sale!

    HOLIDAY SALE!! Excludes book-only orders Gnostic Media would like to announce a Holiday Sale for The Pharmacratic Inquisition DVD! 10% off ALL DVD & Combo Orders!! Plus - Free Shippin...
    Posted by Andrew Rutajit on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 03:32:00 PST