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Creating My Own Reality

About Me

Wake Up!
Life is an illusion. It is an illusion that we create. An illusion that every governing body wants to control and does not want us to see. Why? Because the elitist power that have dominance and control over the major forces controlling our lives would crumble. We are controlled with commerce and consumption, working longer hours to "get more stuff" and letting other people or the state raise our kids. Controlled by religions that are corrupt and spiritless, that founded nations through warfare and murdering millions in the name of their 'god'. That have their people so brainwashed as to believe that slaughter and death is God's will.
You Awake Yet?!?
We the people have the power to shape and change the world, and the way our democracy and government behave, better yet we have the power to control humanity's evolution. The people in power would loose all power if humans could evolve into the spiritual beings we were created to be. There is an evil force controlling much of the world that is intentionally trying to keep us from even thinking about this fact. Let’s face it, our government is lying to us and they have failed us... But did they intend to?
To conspiracy theorist, its common knowledge that our government is lying to us and have implemented plans [by way of law] to strip Americans of their civil liberties, i.e. the Patriot Act,HR1955, But in the eyes of a skeptic, this is common knowledge from “conspiracy theorists” and thus, just theories and can be, and usually are dismissed or laughed off as crazy talk. And even though a great majority of Americans believe that our government is lying to us, many people seem content living under this blind mind control or feel powerless to change it. Well I am NOT content and I feel far from powerless to say the least.
I am not an expert in any area of research and study, but this has been a subject of great interest to me since I was a young boy. This space is an attempt for me to become more educated about these issues and their affects, as well as enlighten the human race about many of the world’s governments and their secret agendas to enslave us. It is time for people to wake up, stand up and stand together.
" [...] The people who get away with the 9-11 attack and other scams are not getting away with them because they are so clever that nobody can see the scam. Rather, they get away with them because the majority of people have no desire to face problems, think, learn, or be responsible."
If you don't believe me, maybe you'll believe this guy...

Click Titles to see 9/11 Documentaries

Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut

Concious Revolutions

Sept. 11 Revisited

9/11 American Scholars Discussion
There is an abundance of recorded sightings, video evidence, and documentaries on the web. The videos that I have posted are videos and not mine. Nor are they intended as proof but as supporting evidence for those of you who still question the rationale of certain conspiracy theories. I have not researched the validity of every statement made in these videos but I certainly try to find out more when I encounter interesting material. If any video is found to be fake or manufactured for entertainment purposes or to intentionally fool people, please leave me a comment with a link proving this position so that the video may be checked and removed... I will not post propaganda unless it's political or government propaganda they use to try and fool us with. These are serious issues that deserve serious debate, and so I will keep these blogs and videos as authentic as I possibly can. For the sake of saving space I have posted the links to the videos in the side bar on the left. Keep your Third Eye Wide and soak it in.
Where Did This Plane Come From?
No Plane?
9/11 Rare Footage
BBC Reports Building 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Early
These videos have me convinced that we are way too late, and I have an intuition that we are in the final phases of this New World plan. I am so ticked off that Americans have let this gross abuse of power flourish while being distracted with their superficial lives. Starting with a very suspicious election, I still wasn't convinced that Bush was the president when the attack on 9/11 happened. They then rush in laws striping American people of their civil liberties and giving them even more power. Then this false president uses this horrific event to take us to war with two countries while telling us lies. Lies and propaganda perpetuated by the media they control. He then has the nerve to claim the Iraqi people want peace while has seizes their cities. It's too late because whether you vote republican or democrat, both are powerful parties trying to advance the same agenda, and thats if your vote doesn't get tracked down first and rejected by some computer program because you're in the wrong demographic or tax bracket. Or, how about the new electronic voting sham. Now there will be no way to check these electronic votes against actual ballot votes, so they can pretty much say that, hell I got voted president.

See The Signs
Watch the Takeover Unfold
It's far too late because this evil infestation has manifested itself into every facet of not only our government, but most governments. They don't have total power yet, but they have enough key people in key places to call the shots and influence human direction. These people have the power to rewrite history and teach it to our children. Raising us to believe that certain events happened at a certain point in history when the event may have happened differently, at a different time or not have happened at all. The president doesn't have that kind of power! Who has this kind of power and why would they use it to hault or minimize human knowledge and therefore their potential?

There are many theories surronding who is exactly pulling the strings, from the Illuminati to an ancient reptilian race of aliens. Sounds pretty far fetched I do realize, but lets look at some of these theories...
People such as, David Icke, Credo Mutwa, and Michael Tsarion have claimed that 13 bloodlines from ancient beings are in control, and that these beings are reptilian in nature. Okay, so you say these people are all conspiracy nuts, well then your not really paying attention because the brainwashing propaganda media machine is working, or your just haven't opened your ThirdEyeWide enough. Other credible persons have come forward with similar stories some of which are/were directly linked to the government. Some of these people include, former head of FBI Ted Gunderson, William Cooper and many others . I have posted links to some of these videos to key people for your further investigation.
So lets assume that ALL these guys aren't every bit as crazy as they sound. What that would mean is that aliens have heavily influenced human direction over hundreds maybe thousands of yesrs, some good some bad. These are very serious matters and as you can see I have accumilated hours of videos for your own awakening, so if your not aware of the "bad" stuff yet, I would recommend scrolling back to the top and starting over.
But lets take a look at the other side of all this chaos. The Billy Meier Story appeals to me because it's not only a well documented encounter but a message of hope.
The Billy Meier Story (Very Convincing!)
For some reason, this guy don't sound crazy to me. After reading books such as, the Holographic Universe and Hyperspace, and watching movies like What The Bleep Do We Know. I have opened up my mind to these ideas about spirit energy and our physical world (matter) being manipulated with human thought. With just this idea in my head as a young teenager I healed my self on at least three ocasions. I have had the sense of being an old soul for as long as I can remember, being told the same by friends and even total strangers. I have a thirst for knowledge and enlightenment, however I am rediculously lazy. It could be all the Chemtrails over Ohio... (being from Ohio, I can't help but to relate chemtrails to something like human crop dusting). I know it's my biggest downfall, but I'd rather struggle soaking up information and growing my spirit, than struggle with the stress of climbing up a corporate ladder, or being manipulated, controlled, and drained of my spirit.
And speaking of spirit...Telliard deChardin tells us that we are not a human being trying to attain a spiritual experience, but, rather, we are spiritual beings having a human experience.
Albert Einstein stated: "Concerning matter, we have been all wrong. What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter."
Here are some short scientific video explanations of our reality and how we operate in it. If this doesn't convince you that humans are spiritual beings then you have some more evolving to do.
Unified Power of Peace
Peace From The Quantum Level
Sound Being Physically Observed
Very brief yes, but there have been many break throughs in this realm of thinking about our place in this universe. For me this ties into WHY history has been rewritten to favor "the church" ideologies, why certain books were left out of the Bible when it was peaced together, and why there is an "unseen" agenda in our government to force control over people. If these concepts of reality are in fact truths, then the church will have no more control over peoples spiritual lives, the books left out of the Bible for that exact reason, and the government also would have no power. Having no need for an outside governing party to help people coexist, humans would be able to tap into this great illusionary energy and learn for themselves. Gone are the churches and schools and government who keep us on an infantile stage of evolution and control us using economics and fear based religious practices, we the people have this power. It is all up to us to start making these changes in ourselves, to begin making the changes for the rest of humanity.

My Interests

Politics, Conspiracies, Government Cover Ups, New World Order, UFO's and Aliens, Hollow Earth, Evolution vs. Creation, Time Travel, Thinking, Physics, Science and Technology, Ancient civilizations, Atlantis, Planet X, Religion , Spirituality, Armegeddon, End Times, Prophecy, Unity, Consciousness

Other Sites of Interest

Articles of Interest Hijackers Still Alive Four-Fifths of the "Terrorists" Released New World Order Kidnaped by CIA Democrats Win/ Terrorists Dancing? Evolution vs. Creationism: No Contest Jesus Papers "Jesuit Footage" UFO Videos Alien Attack Anytime Humanoid robots existed in ancient civilizations Psychic Teleportation the Hobbit (Homo floresiensis) Journey to the Center of Earth Hollow Eart Thoery Quest for Middle Earth

Blogs of Interest Amazing Facts Wake Up America Reject the U.N. The New World Order Angry Arab Wake Up From Your Slumber God vs. Science Evolution, Intelligent Design, Peer Reviews Evolution vs. Creationism UFO Bits UFO Coalition Gas Prices/Election COnspiracy

Seekers of Truth Alex Jones Greg Palast Kieth Obermann Jordan Maxwell William Cooper Ted Gunderson Zacharia Sitchin Jason Martell Michael Tsarion David Icke Credo Mutwa Anatoly Fomenko John Titor Nikola Tesla

Conspiracy Videos "Spoiled Ballots" Diebold Voting Machine Princeton Study Hate Crimes Made Legal Ethnic Cleansing Begins US Citizen Sentenced Without Evidence Chemtrials of Death the Chemtrail Conspiracy Aerosol Crimes 9/11 Conspiracy What Did He Know? Loose Change Part 1 Loose Change Part 2 9/11 Money Prophecy 9/11 In Plane Site (part 1/6) 9/11 In Plane Site (part 2/6) 9/11 In Plane Site (part 3/6) 9/11 In Plane Site (part 4/6) 9/11 In Plane Site (part 5/6) 9/11 In Plane Site (part 6/6) Media Corruption/Control Spin America Freedom to Fascism Did we really land Men on the Moon? Suspect Nation FDR Pearl Harbor Conspiracy Secrets of CIA.avi Satanism and the CIA - International Trafficking in Children Total Onslaught The UN And The Occult Agenda The Capitalist Conspiracy The Money Masters - Part 1 of 2 Brainwashing 101 TERRORSTORM: A History Of Government Sponsored Terrorism The Men Who Killed Kennedy Part 1 Jasenovac - The Vatican's Holocaust in Croatia Star Wars Used In Iraq Out There TV(238): Underground Facilities

New World Order Videos Behold A Pale Horse New World Order The Day That Changed America Forever Conspiracy Theory Kerry secret society - Skull and Bones Bush secret society - Skull and Bones Bohemian Grove The Bohemian Club Freemasonry pt.1 Freemasonry pt.2 Secrets of Freemasons I Secrets of Freemasons II Secrets of Freemasons III Secrets of Freemasons IV Secrets of Freemasons V NWO From The Mouths of The Elite New World Order BBC The Occult World Of Commerce The Real Face of the European Union History of Middle East History of Nazis in America JFK Murder and the Bush Family Connection History Channel-Secret Societies Welcome to the Police State Dark Secrets - Inside Bohemian Grove by Alex Jones Brotherhood of Darkness Bilderberg 2005 Meeting (in German) The Illuminati II - The Anti-Christ Conspiracy

UFO's and Aliens Videos UFOs & the Bible in history & in prophecy-Feature NASA Scientists Open Up Encounter with Billy Meier Billy Meier Reopened (5 hours!!) UFO Greatest Story Ever Denied UFO Greatest Story Ever Denied Pt.2 Michael Tsarion on The Reptilian Race WTC UFO Mexican Flying Humanoid (in espanol) Alien in the Dark Alien in Cemetary Alien Grabs Kid (in espanol) Alien Caught On Tape-Mexico Mausson lecture 2005 pt 1 Mausson lecture 2005 pt 2 Mausson lecture 2005 pt 3 Mausson lecture 2005 pt 4 Mausson lecture 2005 pt 5 Mausson lecture 2005 pt 6 Mausson lecture 2005 pt 7 Mausson lecture 2005 pt 8 Mausson lecture 2005 pt 9 Mausson lecture 2005 pt 10 Kecksburg UFO Crash (1/2) Kecksburg UFO Crash (2/2) Return To Area 51 Documentary (1/5) Return To Area 51 Documentary (2/5) Return To Area 51 Documentary (3/5) Return To Area 51 Documentary (4/5) Return To Area 51 Documentary (5/5) Fastwalkers: UFO Documentary Alien Invasion (1/2) Alien Invasion (2/2) Crop Circles: Secret Messages In The Fields? (1/2) Crop Circles: Secret Messages In The Fields? (2/2) Crop Circle Ship (Pt1) Crop Circle Ship (Pt2) Alien Signs U.S. Military Helicopter Intercepting Crop Circle UFO's Flying Cross

Lost Civilizations Mystery of the Hollow Earth (part 1) Mystery of the Hollow Earth (part 2) Mystery of the Hollow Earth (part 3) Michael Tsarion - Hollow Earth Hollow Earth Legend of Atlantis 1 Legend of Atlantis 2 Legend of Atlantis 3 Legend of Atlantis 4 Legend of Atlantis 5 Byzantium Sumerian Origin Of Humans Mysterious Origins of Man: Forbidden Archaeology Mystery of the Sphinx Tibet Ancient Babylon Jordan Petra

Creation vs. Evolution Videos # 1 Evolution vs. Creationism-Introduction # 2 Blind Faith & Science in Bible # 3 Transitional Forms # 4 We Found The Missing Link?! # 5 Big Bang Theory # 6 Chemical Evolution # 7 Earth Millions of years old? # 8 Dinosaurs and the Bible # 9 Natural Selection # 10 Creationist Scientists? # 11 Evolutionary beliefs on mankind Evolution Deceit: Origin of Life [1/8] Evolution Deceit: Origin of Life [2/8] Evolution Deceit: Origin of Life [3/8] Evolution Deceit: Origin of Life [4/8] Evolution Deceit: Origin of Life [5/8] Evolution Deceit: Origin of Life [6/8] Evolution Deceit: Origin of Life [7/8] Evolution Deceit: Origin of Life [8/8]

Spirituality Videos Who Wrote The Bible?? The Prophecy Club Mahatma Gandhi Life of Budda Is Jesus The Jewish Messiah Jesus: The Prophet of Islam Secrets of the Bible Code Revealed 1 of 2 Secrets of the Bible Code Revealed 2 of 2 Matrix Of Evil Former Satanist shows everyday occultism The Doomsday Code The God Theory Professor of Religion Thomas J. Watson Peace from the Quantum Level David Lynch: Consciousness, Creativity and the Brain The holographic universe-Beyond matter What the Bleep Do We Know?! Percieving Reality Cymatics part 1 Bringing matter to life with sound Cymatics part 2 The healing nature of sound Cymatics part 3 Application of Cymatic Therapy Cymatics part 4 Soundscapes - Experiments in animation with sound & vibration Hidden Messages In Water Mind over Matter Experiments Part 1 of 2 Mind over Matter Experiments Part 2 of 2 Advanced Sacred Geometry - Time & Space Time Travel Time Trip

Technology Videos High frequency Active Auroral Research Project Holes In Heaven - Haarp HAARP Conspiracy HAARP/Chemtrails & Freeman HAARP at work? HAARP -Sky Vandal? ELF Waves Clear Cloudy Sky? MKULTRA 1950's Cathy O'Brien/Mark Phillips: MK Ultra Mind Control MKULTRA Scientology CIA cults Mind Control: America's Secret War MK Ultra In Canada CIA Drugs Acid MK Ultra - Mind Control MK Ultra Survivors Testimony Greenham Common Women EM attacks MindWar paper by NSA General Aquino The Future Of Mind Control and Weapons Iraq - Laser Weapons Secret Weapons: Scalar Wave Weaponry Star Wars weapons1 Star Wars weapons 2 Star Wars weapons 3 Star Wars weapons 4 Star Wars weapons 5 The Active Denial System (ADS) metal storm weapons system Metal Storm Sentry Gun Armed Robotic Vehicles Top Secret Invisibility Cloaking Technology Verichip IBM, Verichip and the Fourth Reich Verichip. Welcome to the future RFID CHIP RBG Documentary-Alex Jones Joint - The Microchip National ID Cards & RFID Chips A brief History of Nanotechnology NANOBOT: Thenewwrinkle on Worlds Smallest Robot Free Energy: The Race to Zero Point Stan Meyer - hydrogen & oxygen (HHO) water cell car Equinox - It Runs on Water Water fuel cell Free Energy, another Inconvenient Truth Steorn - Free Energy Technology TESLA free energy generator Hutchison 2006 Full Experimental-Footage Hutchison-Effect "Lost Footage" Hutchison ZP Footage The Case For Antigravity The Searl Effect: Large-Scale Antigravity Owning the Weather Weather Control 1 Weather Control 2 Weather Control 3 DREAD-WATCH IT BEFORE ITS GONE!!!

I'd like to meet:

Everyone in our spiritual oneness..., God, Jesus, Budda, Mohammad, Moses, Abraham, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Malcomn X, Alex Jones, David Icke

Click to zoom in on my visitor map!

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Check Out These Videos I Made

Sheep Food - Deprogramming (

Aesop Rock (Basic Cable) vs Television Lies (

Mahalia Jackson vs "Troubles of the World" (

Metallica (One) vs War (

Hold Cursor Over Pictures to View Captions

Satan Worshiping Reptiles Are Taking Over!!
Some Pictures of ChemTrails Over My HeadClick Picture To Get Your Gas Mask/Chem Suits NowHAARP
Click The Flyer To Vote!!Aliens And UFO’s
Recovered Alien Bodies?
Ancient Race Of Winged Beings
XFacts slideshowSkull Anomalies
Remains Of The Nephilim
Crystal Skulls
Giant Crystals In The Earth
Flying Creatures
See Cymatics Videos AboveWater Crystals Affected With Thought


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My Blog

Sheep Food - Deprogramming

My latest creation..This is going to be the first installment of many in this style.. On YouTube at the moment I call this "Britney Spears Gets Committed Update" so as to reach its intended audience. ...
Posted by ThirdEyeWide on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 05:22:00 PST

Politics explained

[source -]"A CHRISTIAN DEMOCRAT: You have two cows. You keep one and give one to your neighbor.A SOCIALIST: You have two cows. The government takes one and gives it to your neighbor.AN ...
Posted by ThirdEyeWide on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 12:28:00 PST

I Love You

I made this a long time ago before my computer started acting up, but for some reason i couldn't upload it on any of my vid sharing accounts. I hope all of my friends are still around to watch it. ...
Posted by ThirdEyeWide on Mon, 01 Oct 2007 04:44:00 PST

Meet Bio-Cosmo-Physics Genius Chris King

I didn't have time to read this bulletin so i posted it in a blog so i can read later. It sounds fascinating and I cannot wait to start going through these links and such. Please leave me some comment...
Posted by ThirdEyeWide on Sat, 27 Jan 2007 09:58:00 PST

Vehicles That Run On Water??

I remember watching the news as a kid and seeing this guy who had invented a car that ran on water. I was so amazed that it was the only thing I could think about for a couple of years. I used to draw...
Posted by ThirdEyeWide on Tue, 23 Jan 2007 11:03:00 PST

Never Forget The Biological Attack on New York??

Could it be possible that these seemingly innocent "smells" that have yet to be explained nor have we found the source to are in fact "tests" to determine the affected area of a biological attack? The...
Posted by ThirdEyeWide on Sun, 14 Jan 2007 01:50:00 PST

Becoming A Free Society

A group has been started called... Becoming A Free Society. Please come by and join. Also, you can email [email protected] and my AIM name is3x Eyes Wide Blog Inpired By: Green Giant...
Posted by ThirdEyeWide on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 07:29:00 PST

Oneness; The Torah, The Bible, & The Qur'an

The Torah The Bible (King James version)The Qur'an (Koran) The Buddhist 'Bilble'The Mahabharata (Hindu) If You would like to look up a different While doing some researc...
Posted by ThirdEyeWide on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 01:12:00 PST

The Milgrim Experiment- Obedience

When I was in college, I read about this experiment in both psychology and sociology class. It is crazy to think that people can set aside their own moral judgement and treat another human being the w...
Posted by ThirdEyeWide on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 02:29:00 PST

Extensive Alien Catalogue and Discriptions

Virgleomaris My friend Virgleomaris has the most extensive catalogue of aliens and descriptions of the different races of aliens I have ever read on the web. Reading the entire blog and every link ...
Posted by ThirdEyeWide on Tue, 19 Dec 2006 06:19:00 PST