The Freedom Plan profile picture

The Freedom Plan

It's Gettin Hot In Here So....

About Me

We're a handful of people determined to make a difference. Global Weirding is not neccessarily inevitable. Regardless of what you think the source of the problem is, there is something each of us can do about it.

We CAN upgrade our technology and reduce our carbon footprint. Switch to energy efficient bulbs, and unplug anything you aren't using. Use a fuel catalyst to make your engine more efficient and reduce the amount of pollutants it belches. Buy or modify a home to generate its own electricity. Buy a hybrid, put a plug on it. Save yourself a bundle while saving yourself and all the rest of us. Encourage your school and employer to look into solar and wind tech that can save a lot of money.

There's a lot of information and support out there to take the plunge. If you want to know more about what you can do, subscribe to our PODCAST or DOWNLOAD the mp3 of the first episode.

And make sure you visit our blog every day TheFreedomPlan.ORG

My Interests

solar panels, wind turbines, hydrogen capacitors, electric cars, hybrid engines, biodiesel fuel Krystal Planet

I'd like to meet:

Get this video and more at

Passionate, informed people from the whole political spectrum who are ready to step away from the stalemate. Individuals driven to do something practical and immeadiate to curb the detrimental effects of global warming. Business leaders who are using sustainable design to cut waste and raise margins.

Tax payers ready to push their represenatives to upgrade our tired energy infrastructure. People of all political persuasions who are exhausted with debating what is obvious to anyone who can read a thermometer. Families who are willing to vote with the check book and buy efficient, sustaining homes and vehicles. Consuner advocates, industrial leaders, student activists, senior volunteers, energy analysts, inventors, engineers, farmers, and anyone else who is ready to shrink our carbon foot prints while reducing our energy bills.


The Clean Power Revolution

My Blog

VID: Clinton Tells How to Turn It All Around (Must See)

Wanna know why we haven't moved forward faster? Clinton lays it down. The issue is energy decentralization. It's moving the energy industry out of the hands of a few people back into the ...
Posted by The Freedom Plan on Mon, 02 Apr 2007 09:16:00 PST

Check out this video: My Proven 6kw Wind Turbine

More empowering than a TiVo remote, more relaxing than a tank full of fish, there's no car chases or explosions, but there is something enjoyable about just watching the spinning of a wind turbine.If ...
Posted by The Freedom Plan on Sun, 10 Sep 2006 06:19:00 PST

Global Warming Film Unites Preachers and Politics

By Carey GillamOVERLAND PARK, Kansas (Reuters) - Coming soon to a movie screen near you: prayers, politics and a feature-length film, united in an effort to mobilize religious groups around global war...
Posted by The Freedom Plan on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 12:18:00 PST

Keanu Reeves and Alanis Morissette Premiere The Great Warming Global Climate Change Film

.. width="425" height="350"> ..>Announcing The Great Warming, a new climate change film that focuses not just on the horrific problem but what we can actually do to save ourselves. This brilliant ne...
Posted by The Freedom Plan on Thu, 31 Aug 2006 02:00:00 PST

Don't Despair: There is Hope about Global Warming

Is it too late to do anything about Global Warming? Are we doomed? No, we can and must make a difference. Do not vault from ignorance of th...
Posted by The Freedom Plan on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 01:37:00 PST