5 Ways You Can Help Stop Canada's Seal Hunt
1) Write a Letter to Save a Seal
Canada’s commercial seal hunt is the only legal and government-sanctioned hunt in Canada that allows hunters to exclusively target baby animals – the overwhelming majority between 2 and 12 weeks old. Urge your representative to support US Senate Resolution 33 calling for an end to Canada’s commercial seal hunt before millions more baby seals die an unnecessary and cruel death.
2) Sign the Petition to Prime Minister Harper
The truth is the first victim of this year's commercial seal hunt.  Speaking on CNN’s Larry King Show, the Premier of Newfoundland & Labrador made some shocking and false statements about IFAW and the seal hunt.  The public deserves a commitment to honesty and respect for the real facts about the killing of baby seals. Sign the petition urging Canada’s Prime Minister to tell the truth about what’s happening on the ice.
3) Make a Donation to Stop the Seal Hunt
Each spring IFAW brings international journalists and politicians to observe Canada’s commercial seal hunt, resulting in growing condemnation of the hunt around the world. Thanks in large part to IFAW’s efforts, legislation that will ban seal products is advancing in a number of countries, such as the Belgium, Italy and the Netherlands. Ending the seal hunt requires a variety of effective measures carried out by effective organizations such as IFAW. Your contribution is needed to help us continue to document the cruelty occurring on the ice this spring and expose the truth.
4) Tell Others to Help Protect Baby Seals
It only takes a few seconds to spread the word about the cruelty of Canada’s seal hunt and our efforts to end it, yet the impact on the campaign is enormous. Please invite your friends, family, and colleagues to help save the seals.
5) Sign Up for Email Action Alerts
Find out the latest news about the seal hunt and our efforts to stop it, as well as other campaigns to protect and save animals around the world. You’ll be the first to see the newest videos of the hunt and read witness accounts of what’s happening out on the ice.
You can make a difference. The actions taken by our supporters have been in crucial in helping IFAW win a variety of campaigns, including a ban on hunting with dogs in the UK, a European ban on the import of seal skins from young hooded and harp seals and saving a critical Pacific Gray Whale birthing lagoon in Mexico from development. So please do what you can right now.
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Setting the Record Straight on Climate Change
A vast majority of climate scientists agree that global warming is happening and that it poses a serious threat to society. They also agree that it is being caused largely by human activities that release greenhouse gases, such as burning fossil fuels in power plants and cars and deforesting the land. These highlights -- and the full full report -- lay out some common myths and misunderstandings regarding climate change.
MYTH: Global warming can't be happening, since winters have been getting colder.
FACT: Winters have been getting warmer. Measurements show that Earth's climate has warmed overall over the past century, in all seasons, and in most regions. The skeptics mislead the public when they bill the winter of 2003-2004 as record cold in the northeastern United States. That winter was only the 33rd coldest in the region since records began in 1896. Furthermore, a single spell of cold weather in one small region is no indication of cooling of the global climate, which refers to a long-term average over the entire planet.
MYTH: Satellite measurements of temperature over the past two decades show a much smaller warming in the atmosphere than is measured by thermometers at the surface. This contradicts global warming predictions based on climate models.
FACT: Recent research has corrected problems that led to underestimates of the warming trend in earlier analyses of satellite data. The new results show an atmospheric warming trend slightly larger than at the surface, exactly as models predict.
MYTH: The global warming over the past century is nothing unusual. For example, the Medieval Warm Period (MWP), roughly from A.D. 1000 to 1400, was warmer than the 20th century. This indicates the global warming we are experiencing now is part of a natural cycle.
FACT: Ten independent scientific studies all have found a large 20th-century warming trend compared to temperature changes over the past millennium or two. Uncertainty exists as to exactly how warm the present is compared to the MWP. Some studies have received valid criticism for possibly underestimating the magnitude of longer-lasting, century-scale temperature changes, such as the warming during the MWP. However, other studies, using different methods, still find no evidence of any period during the last 2,000 years that was warmer than the 1990s. Most importantly, any uncertainty about whether the present is warmer than the MWP has little effect on the finding that humans likely have caused most of the warming over the past 50 years. A separate body of studies has provided the main evidence for this finding. (See the Myth on causes of warming.)
MYTH: Human activities contribute only a small fraction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, far too small to have a significant effect on the concentration of the greenhouse gas in the atmosphere.
FACT: Before the Industrial Revolution, the amount of CO2 emitted from large natural sources closely matched the amount that was removed through natural processes. That balance has now been upset by human activities, which since the Industrial Revolution have put twice as much CO2 into the atmosphere as can be readily removed by the oceans and forests. This has resulted in the accumulation of CO2 to the highest levels in 420,000 years.
MYTH: The Earth's warming is caused by natural factors like increased sunlight and sunspots or decreased cosmic rays, not by greenhouse gases (GHGs).
FACT: Modeling studies indicate that most of the warming over the past several decades was probably caused by the increase in human-produced GHGs. Climate models have difficulty reproducing the observed temperature changes over the past 150 years unless they account for the increase in GHGs as well as natural factors, such as sunlight and volcanic eruptions, and changes in the amount of human-produced sulfate particles, which cool the planet. Satellite measurements of the intensity of sunlight exhibit little or no trend over the past 25 years, when there was rapid warming on Earth. The purported correlations between the amount of cosmic rays and Earth's temperature are the result of flawed analysis methods.
MYTH: The warming observed during the past century was caused by urbanization (urban heat island effect).
FACT: Urbanization does increase temperatures locally, affecting thermometer readings in certain areas. But the temperature data used in trend analyses are adjusted to remove any bias from urbanization. In any case, urbanization has an insignificant effect on global temperature trends.
MYTH: Models have trouble predicting the weather a few days in advance. How can we have any confidence in model projections of the climate many years from now?
FACT: Climate prediction is different from weather prediction, just as climate is different from weather. Models are now sophisticated enough to be able to reproduce the observed global average climates over the past century as well as over other periods in the past. Thus, scientists are confident in the models' ability to produce reliable projections of future climate for large regions. Furthermore, climate assessments typically consider the results from a range of models and scenarios for future GHG emissions, in order to identify the most likely range for future climatic change.
MYTH: The science behind the theory of global warming is too uncertain to draw conclusions useful to policy makers.
FACT: The primary scientific debate is about how much and how fast, rather than whether, additional warming will occur as a result of human-produced GHG emissions. While skeptics like to emphasize the lower end of warming projections, uncertainty actually applies to both ends of the spectrum--the climate could change even more dramatically than most models predict. Finally, in matters other than climate change, policy decisions based on uncertain information are made routinely by governments to ensure against undesirable outcomes. In the case of global warming, scientists have given society an early warning on its possibly dangerous, irreversible and widespread impacts.
MYTH: Global warming and increased CO2 would be beneficial, reducing cold-related deaths and increasing plant growth ("greening the Earth").
FACT: If society does not limit further warming, the beneficial effects probably will be heavily outweighed by negative effects. Regarding cold-related deaths, studies have indicated that they might not decrease enough to compensate for a significant increase in heat-related deaths. Even though higher levels of CO2 can act as a plant fertilizer under some conditions, they do not necessarily benefit the planet, since the fertilization effect can diminish after a few years in natural ecosystems as plants acclimate. Furthermore, increased CO2 may benefit undesirable, weedy species more than others.
MYTH: Society can easily adapt to climate change; after all, human civilization has survived through climatic changes in the past.
FACT: While humans as a species have survived through past climatic changes, individual civilizations have collapsed. Unless we limit GHGs in the atmosphere, we will face a warming trend unseen since the beginning of human civilization. Many densely populated areas, such as low-lying coastal zones, are highly vulnerable to climate shifts. A middle-of-the-range projection indicates the homes of 13 to 88 million people would be flooded by the sea each year in the 2080s. Many ecosystems and species already threatened by other human activities may be pushed to the point of extinction.
MYTH: CO2 is removed from the atmosphere fairly quickly, so we can wait to take action until after we start to see dangerous impacts from global warming.
FACT: Global warming cannot be halted quickly. CO2 and other GHGs can remain in the atmosphere for many centuries. Even if emissions were eliminated today, it would take centuries for the heat-trapping GHGs now in the atmosphere to fall to pre-industrial levels. Only by starting to cut emissions now can humanity avoid the increasingly dangerous and irreversible consequences of climate change.
Seven SIMPLE ways to reduce your impact on the environment:
*1 Whenever you can, buy used products (clothing, furniture, dishes, whatever...). It will save you money, you'll probably find some cool things you would never encounter new, and you'll cut down not only on what is being produced, but all the energy and waste that goes into the production.
*2. When you don't HAVE TO drive, don't drive. Again you'll be saving money, saving the environment, and let's face it: I don't know anyone who couldn't stand to get out and walk a little ( or a lot) more.
*3. If you like to go out and enjoy a nice cool beer, always order what they have on tap. Most bars do not recycle, and even if they do, better not to use a bottle at all (draft beer tastes better anyway).
*4. Buy a "low-flow" shower head. You can get them at any Home Depot, and most other hardware stores. You probably will not notice the difference at all during your shower, but you'll notice the difference in your water bill.
*5. Don't use plastic bags. If you are like most of us, you have at least 100 of them stored in your kitchen anyway. Bring them with you when you go shopping and re-use them. Or, get a nice canvas tote or two, throw your shopping in there.
*6. Everyone says it, I'll say it again...switch to flourecent bulbs, they will last up to 5 years, save SO much money on your elecric bill, and help save the world, why not just do it?
*7. If you smoke, here's one more reason to quit: you are creating so much waste, between the package, the foil, the wrapper, and the millions of butts, it's disgusting all the way around. I smoked for years and just recently quit, it's the best thing I've done in a long time. You can do it too.:object width="425" height="350"
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The picture link above will take you to a great site " Call 2 Recycle" which will tell you where to locally recycle old cell phones and rechargable batteries. Great site, check it out.********************************************************
***Do you know that...Between 80 and 85 percent of the energy used to wash clothes comes from heating the water. Using warm or cool water instead of hot will save money and energy and get clothes just as clean.
--U.S. Department of Energy.
Many idle electronics – TVs, VCRs, DVD and CD players, cordless phones, microwaves – use energy even when switched off to keep display clocks lit and memory chips and remote controls working. Nationally, these energy “vampires†use 5 percent of our domestic energy and cost consumers more than $8 billion annually
—Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory and quoted in Alliance’s Power$mart booklet
Tips to Conserve Water:
*Install low-flow showerheads. They're cheap, easy to install, and can save hundreds of gallons a week.
*Run your washing machine and dishwasher only when full. You could save 1,000 gallons a month.
*Soak pots and pans rather than let them sit under running water while you scrape them clean.
*Turn off water while you brush your teeth and save 4 gallons a minute - that's 10,000 gallons a year for a family of four.
*Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway and sidewalk. You could save up to 80 gallons of water every time.
*Use a commercial car wash that recycles its water.
EASY ENERGY-SAVING HABITS:***Don't forget the basics. This simple stuff will save energy -- and money -- right now.***Unplug seldom-used appliances, like an extra refrigerator in the basement or garage that contains just a few items. You may save around $10 every month on your utility bill.*******************************************************
**Unplug your chargers when you're not charging. Every house is full of little plastic power supplies to charge cell phones, PDA's, digital cameras, cordless tools and other personal gadgets. Keep them unplugged until you need them.**************************************************Use power strips to switch off televisions, home theater equipment, and stereos when you're not using them. Even when you think these products are off, together, their "standby" consumption can be equivalent to that of a 75 or 100 watt light bulb running continuously.**********************************************S
et Computers to Sleep and Hibernate***Enable the "sleep mode" feature on your computer, allowing it to use less power during periods of inactivity. In Windows, the power management settings are found on your control panel. Mac users, look for energy saving settings under system preferences in the apple menu.*******************************************************
**Configure your computer to "hibernate" automatically after 30 minutes or so of inactivity. The "hibernate mode" turns the computer off in a way that doesn't require you to reload everything when you switch it back on. Allowing your computer to hibernate saves energy and is more time-efficient than shutting down and restarting your computer from scratch.***************************************************T
ake Control of Temperature---***Set your thermostat in winter to 68 degrees or less during the daytime, and 55 degrees before going to sleep (or when you're away for the day). During the summer, set thermostats to 78 degrees or more. ****************************************************Use sunlight wisely. During the heating season, leave shades and blinds open on sunny days, but close them at night to reduce the amount of heat lost through windows. Close shades and blinds during the summer or when the air conditioner is in use or will be in use later in the day.Set the thermostat on your water heater between 120 and 130 degrees. Lower temperatures can save more energy, but you might run out of hot water or end up using extra electricity to boost the hot water temperature in your dishwasher.************************************************U
se Appliances Efficiently--***Set your refrigerator temperature at 38 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit; your freezer should be set between 0 and 5 degrees Fahrenheit. Use the power-save switch if your fridge has one, and make sure the door seals tightly. You can check this by making sure that a dollar bill closed in between the door gaskets is difficult to pull out. If it slides easily between the gaskets, replace them.***Wash only full loads in your dishwasher, using short cycles for all but the dirtiest dishes. This saves water and the energy used to pump and heat it. Air-drying, if you have the time, can also reduce energy use.***In your clothes washer, set the appropriate water level for the size of the load; wash in cold water when practical, and always rinse in cold.******************************************************C
lean the lint filter in the dryer after each use. Dry heavy and light fabrics separately and don't add wet items to a load that's already partly dry. If available, use the moisture sensor setting. (A clothesline is the most energy-efficient clothes dryer of all!)
Click on the picture of the Hummer to send a letter protesting the government allowing Hummers and others like them to contaminate the roads ***********************************************************
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I would love to meet some people who care about some things, who have strong opinions even if they are not right in line with mine, people with passion, people who conserve, people who take responsibility (in general).
Radiohead, Donna Summer, portishead, Elliott Smith, The Beatles, Fiona Apple, The Flaming Lips,Elton John (sometimes), Hot Hot Heat, Queen, MGMT, Esthero, Janis Joplin, Iggy Pop, Ratatat, Cat Stevens, Massive Attack, Killers, Madonna, Phil Collins, Bjork, Conflict, Pixies, Muse, Stevie Wonder, The Shins, Tricky,The Rolling Stones, Built to Spill, Aretha Franklin, Thom Yorke, Led Zepplin, Ladytron, Postal Service, ELO, Weezer, Arctic Monkeys,Van Morrison, Air, George Harrison, Morcheeba, Johnny Guitar Watson, and so on
An Inconvenient Truth, Twelve monkeys, Fight Club, Who Killed the Electric Car, A life less ordinary, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind,The Little Mermaid, American History X, Royal Tenenbaums,Love song for Bobby Long, 25th Hour, Garden State, Wild at Heart, Death to Smoochy, The Illusionist, V for Vendetta, O Brother Where Art Thou?, What's new pussycat?, Blue Velvet, Squid and the Whale...
Just a little something to think about...
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David Sedaris, Michael Chabon, Pema Chodrin, Albert Camus, P.G. Wodehouse, whatever else I can get my hands on... including various books about Buddhism which I read and in no way seem to be able to apply to my life , ditto for the yoga sutras.
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