CEC profile picture


great unknown, you have shown me there's more you than me

About Me

serendipity, epiphanies, discoveries, the color blue, kissing, independent bands, acting, laughing, observing people, USSU, writing, freedom, painting/drawing, playing guitar, the smell of campfires, reading, meeting new people, independent films, dreams, going new places, innocence. i intend to be at the forefront of an artistic revolution/resolution...

My Interests

drawing/painting, joblo.com, www.aintitcool.com, reading, USSU, black licorice, laughing, playing guitar/making songs, swimming, www.andykaufmanlives.com, epiphanies, acting, learning, writing, day/night dreaming, absurdity, the smell of campfires and fresh cut grass, www.johntitor.com, please/thank you, root beer, attempting to levitate, peanutbutterandjellysandwiches, boingboing.net, smiles, improvisation, speaking gibberish, captain/cokes. The Actors Room (its awesome to be in an acting class again, Steve! thanks for the coaching!). check out my youtube stuff if you want: www.youtube.com/curtclendenin

I'd like to meet:

those who frequently use "please/thank you." people who are passionate about a few things. people who say "this neat idea just came to me. would you like to hear it?" people who have philosophies about life. keen observers who can distinguish between facetiousness and seriousness. anyone who can appreciate at least one christopher guest film. people who can have fun wherever they go, even if its driving in the car on the way to the grocery store. people who can appreciate and deliver a healthy dose of absurdity once in awhile. someone to can teach me how to levitate and eventually fly (with and without an airplane). wayne dyer. alan watts. alex grey. andy kaufman. david lynch. barry yourgrau. paul auster. jack nicholson. jimmy stewart. terry gilliam. someone who knows how to time travel and can teach the secret to me. salvador dali. john belushi again. jack kerouac and the beats. wayne dyer. someone to teach me how to turn invisible. ken kesey and the merry pranksters. richard brautigan. jimi hendrix. bruce campbell. wes anderson (and his clan). cameron crowe. carlos castaneda. elliot smith. marilyn monroe. fitzgerald. alan watts. orwell. the beatles. ray bradbury. radiohead. nikola tesla. jesus. bigfoot. a live dinosaur. aliens from space. my mom and dad when they were my age (and my grandparents). the base of all consciousness. [others, and some of the same ones, below]
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the new Max Neptune trailer! become their friend!


weakerthans, leonard cohen, the beatles, van morrison, guster, pete yorn, grandaddy, radiohead, ben harper, remy zero, the doves, coldplay, neutral milk hotel, gomez, oasis, travis, depeche mode, muse, soul coughing, jeff buckley, elliott smith, marcy playground, phantom planet, u2, romak and the space pirates, jimi hendrix, postal service, deathcab for cutie, arcade fire, ayblemc, crafty


big lebowski (any coen brothers), eyes wide shut (any stanley kubrick), max neptune and the menacing squid, thestationagent, brazil (any terry gilliam), mulholland dr, INLAND EMPIRE (any david lynch), smashing stereotypes, godfather, waiting for guffman (any christopher guest), evildead/s (any bruce campbell or sam raimi film), rushmore (any wes anderson), dead man (any jim jarmush), swingers, a fine obsession, made, punch drunk love (any paul thomas anderson), adaptation (any spike jonze or charlie kaufman film), jesus' son, duck duck goose, almost famous (any cameron crowe), its a wonderful life, bigfish (any tim burton), easyrider, wakinglife (any richard linklater), buffalo66, basquiat, harmony heights, starwarstrilogy, lost in translation, one flewover the kuckoos nest, crumb, phantom of the carnival, standbyme, amelie (any jean-pierre jeunet), alice in wonderland, akira, princess mononoke, batman begins, the fountain, wizardofoz, willie wonka and the chocolatefactory (both old and new), farenheit451, invasion of the bodysnatchers, unbreakable (any m night shylaman), storytelling(any todd solondz), planet of the apes, thewall, quadrophenia, help!, the wizard of oz, a hard days night, spice world, killbill, lost in translation, what the bleep do we know?, the secret


carnivale, twin peaks, smallville, undeclared, simpsons, reallybadmovie, fantasy island, LOST, dukes of hazzard, V, knight rider, hardcastle and mccormick, riptide, simon & simon, who's the boss, family ties, letterman, johnny carson, sixmillion dollar man, the beatles cartoon, marty's corner, bullwinkle, the flintstones, the jetsons, thundar the barbarian, a-team, spiderman (the original cartoon), simpsons, fallguy, buck rogers, rat bastard, alfred hitchcock presents, freaks and geeks, desperate housewives, the cosby show, good times, any adult swim, family guy, battlestar galactica, futurama, picture pages, 321contact, UNDERDOG, alf, electric company, mr rogers neighborhood, KIDS INC (sometimes), sesame street, the bozo show, tj hooker, voltron, gi joe, the bionic six, mask, he-man (sometimes), dr. who, twilight zone, one step beyond, night gallery, the star wars Christmas special, the bionic woman, the two star wars specials that were aired on tv, wonderwoman, CHIPS, the greatest american hero, dr.who, superfriends, heroes, scrubs, sometimes spanish stations, liquid television, batman, the monkees, discovery channel, the hulk, star trek (sometimes), national geographic channel, mythbusters, saturday night live, sc tv, any bob hope special, carol burnett, i love lucy, dungeons & dragons, ReallyBadMovie, Out of Hand


mr. vertigo, the martian chronicles (any bradbury), the sun also rises, catcher in the rye, the alchemist, the war of art, trout fishing in america, hollywood, sadness of sex, gashleycrumb tinies, lynch on lynch, ultramarine, on the road, series of unfortunate events, geeklove, stardust, the trial, celestine prophecy, the electric kool aid acid test, a separate reality, the bible


my dad and mom and family, my uncle arnie, charles berglund (glenbard north high school theatre teacher), salvador dali, andy warhol and the factory, ed paschke, charles burns, mark ryden, superman, madman, the tick, kerouac and the beats, ray bradbury, craig berger (college of dupage theatre teacher), kesey and the merry pranksters, richard brautigan, raymond carver, robert evans, baz luhrmann and the house of ilona, david lynch, tim burton, terry gilliam, cameron crowe, alfred hitchcock, sheldon patinkin (columbia college chicago theatre teacher and artistic director of second city), wes anderson, richard linklater, rod serling, mr. t, andy kaufman, jimi hendrix, donovan, jimmy stewart. bo and jim from my managers from wendy's, Samantha Light."...the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars..." ~kerouac.

My Blog

Andy Kaufman press conference near Rutgers University

For those of you who are fans of Andy Kaufman, he will be conducting a press conference on November 9th, somewhere near Rutgers University. If you decide to go to this momentous occasion, please let m...
Posted by CEC on Wed, 29 Oct 2008 11:00:00 PST

Hands on Our Faces.

This startling sight may have been common among the people you were with on the day this happened. Is this familiar?Were you one of these folks?Were your hands washed before you touched your face?I wo...
Posted by CEC on Sun, 19 Oct 2008 02:41:00 PST

The new microorganism

I dipped down into the guts of my Youtube account, and emerged with this spaghetti..... ...
Posted by CEC on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 08:16:00 PST

Andy Kaufman for President

I have been holding out on you, ladies and gentlemen. Tis true. Tis true. I have been hoarding all the newly-discovered spoils for myself and a small community of investigators.Andy Kaufman is running...
Posted by CEC on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 03:14:00 PST

Pearry Lelyouniverse - HEROES Contest Entry

Did any of you happen to see the Heroes Contest going on the front page of Myspace?I decided to enter it.I bet you didn't know I could do this....Check out this video: Pearry Lelyouniverse ...
Posted by CEC on Fri, 05 Sep 2008 02:32:00 PST

I.Z. a mutli-sensory bitstrip experience

I was inspired by an idea for a film a couple years ago.Eric Kleinberg and I made a song based on that idea.Eric suggested that maybe I make a comicstrip based on it  as well.One day the website ...
Posted by CEC on Sun, 17 Aug 2008 11:46:00 PST

Free Pinball Game

My friend Katey made a really cool test animation with one of my bitstrip.com creations a couple weeks ago. When she is finished, it will be proudly displayed in this blog for viewing infotainment.In ...
Posted by CEC on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 04:03:00 PST

Tron escapes from the computer world

For those of you who have yet to see this (I found it on the front page of Myspace), you are in for a treat. You too, can be TRON!!!!BBC: EcoMobile in Switzerland - Jeremy Clarkson&39;s Motorworld...
Posted by CEC on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 12:48:00 PST

Carol Stream Rod&Gun Club Visit Camp Carnage

The Carol Stream Rod&Gun Club paid a visit to one of the most exclusive firing ranges known to humans....Camp Carnage!What will happen? ...
Posted by CEC on Sat, 09 Aug 2008 11:57:00 PST

My Adventures With CEC

This is where the adventure goes... ...
Posted by CEC on Wed, 06 Aug 2008 12:30:00 PST