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WAR MADE EASY: How Presidents and Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death &mdash in stores wherever DVDs are sold — or order your copy on Amazon now!
Narrated by Sean Penn and based on the work of media critic and best-selling author Norman Solomon, who traveled with Penn to Baghdad just before the war to call attention to the dangers of a U.S. invasion, WAR MADE EASY reaches into the Orwellian memory hole to expose 50 years of government spin and media collusion that has dragged our country into one war after another from Vietnam to Iraq. With remarkable archival footage of official distortion and exaggeration from LBJ to George W. Bush, the documentary exposes how presidential administrations of both parties have relied on a combination of deception and media complicity to sell one war after another to the American people.
NEVER GET BUSTED AGAIN available online and in stores!
Watch Barry Cooper, a former police officer in Texas focusing on narcotics interdiction for eight years, teach you exactly what you need to know to stay out of jail. With over 800 felony and misdemeanor narcotics arrests, DEA Training, and extensive experience with K-9 drug dogs, Barry's friendly, plain spoken and honest attitude makes it easy and entertaining for you to LEARN WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW. Much of this information has never been seen by the public before and this is the first time it has all been available from a single source.
EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT GOD IS WRONG available online and in stores AUGUST 2007.
This massive book systematically reveals the distortions, myths, and utter weirdness that have been shoved down our throats by organized religions of all stripes, including Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, new religions, and others who want to keep their lucrative franchises intact. Master anthologist RUSS KICK has assembled an unprecedented arsenal of writers, reporters, and researchers to invade the inner sanctum for an unrestrained look at the wild and wooly world of organized belief: Richard Dawkins shows us the strange, scary properties of religion; Neil Gaiman turns a biblical atrocity story into a comic (that almost sent a publisher to prison); Douglas Rushkoff tells us why traditional Judaism is facing a self-imposed death sentence; Erik Davis looks at what happens when religion and California collide; H.G. Wells has Jesus of Nazareth discuss his failure; Greta Christina gives us comforting thoughts about death that have nothing to do with God; Paul Krassner reveals his “Confessions of an Atheist”; Found Magazine compiles its greatest religious hits; Nasrin Alavi looks at Iranian blogs for the possibility of an Islamic Reformation; and much more!
EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT GOD IS WRONG: The Disinformation Guide to Religion on MySpace Video!
BIG EASY TO BIG EMPTY: The Untold Story of the Drowning of New Orleans available online and in stores June 2007.
On August 22, 2006, reporter Greg Palast and producer Matt Pascarella were charged with criminal violations of the anti-terror laws by the Department of Homeland Security while making BIG EASY TO BIG EMPTY. Here is the real story of Hurricane Katrina you won’t get on CNN. You’ll follow investigative reporter Greg Palast as he travels to New Orleans to investigate what has happened since Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast. On his visit, Palast discovers the population of New Orleans is minuscule, the reconstruction sparse, suicide rates climbing, and that many citizens have not returned to the city that care forgot.
From Robert Greenwald and BRAVE NEW FILMS! IRAQ FOR SALE: The War Profiteers available online and in stores NOW.
IRAQ FOR SALE: The War Profiteers is the story of what happens to everyday Americans when corporations go to war. Acclaimed director Robert Greenwald (WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price, OUTFOXED and UNCOVERED) takes you inside the lives of soldiers, truck drivers, widows and children who have been changed forever as a result of profiteering in the reconstruction of Iraq. IRAQ FOR SALE uncovers the connections between private corporations making a killing in Iraq and the decision makers who allow them to do so.
MCLUHAN'S WAKE available online and everywhere throughout the global village.
"The global village" and "the medium is the message" are among the most quoted phrases of our time. Now, over twenty years after his death, in the midst of an era of internet, virtual and wired technologies, McLuhan's WAKE explores the enduring hold of McLuhan's message. Grounded in McLuhan's last scholarly work, The Laws of Media, McLuhan's WAKE is a visually dazzling and poetic film, translating these laws into an illuminating and revealing text, haunted by archival footage and the voice of McLuhan himself.
ROBERT ANTON WILSON: Maybe Logic available online and in stores NOW. Hail Eris!
Guerrilla ontologist. Psychedelic magickian. Outer head of the Illuminati. Quantum psychologist. Sit-down comic/philosopher. Discordian Pope. Whatever the label and rank, ROBERT ANTON WILSON is undeniably one of the foundations of 21th Century Western counterculture. ROBERT ANTON WILSON: Maybe Logic is a cinematic alchemy that conjures it all together in a hilarious and mind-bending journey guaranteed to increase your brain size 2–3 inches!
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The legendary DISINFO.CON DVD available online and in stores NOW.
This DVD contains an amazing 4 hours from The Disinformation Company's massive counterculture event in New York City's Hammerstein Ballroom. Highlights from the now legendary disinfo.con event include appearances by ROBERT ANTON WILSON, MARILYN MANSON, JOE COLEMAN, KENNETH ANGER, GRANT MORRISON and many more. New York hadn't seen anything like this since the Nova Convention in 1978 and unlike the Nova Convention, disinfo.con was recorded with three cameras. Nothing beats actually experiencing an event like this in the flesh but this DVD comes pretty close to capturing the spirit of the counterculture as we lurch into the 21st century.

My Interests


A Devil's Dictionary for the modern age, THE HAMPTONS DICTIONARY is a wicked social satire and hysterical lexical send-up of the rich and famous who flock to the Hamptons each summer and the locals who count the minutes until Labor Day when they leave. While Eastern Long Island, New York's swanky beach community, is the inspiration for Miles Jaffe's hilariously scathing look at the misadventures of the overloaded, it will be thoroughly enjoyed by anyone who has experienced what happens wherever the ubër-rich set up camp.

Check out an excerpt on Scribd and get the entire dictionary today on Amazon .

FAR OUT: 101 Strange Tales from Science's Outer Edge available online and in stores OCTOBER 2007.

Mark Pilkington charts some of the more curious byways, scenic detours, and inspired failures of scientists, inventors, and, yes, crackpots, over the past few hundred years. From the Aquatic Ape Hypothesis to zero-point energy, via the Hieronymous Machine and Phlogiston, Far Out tells the stories that are all too often ignored, lost, or simply forgotten by conventional science books. Some of them are perhaps best left languishing in the margins of history, but others may yet change our future. Entries cover physics, chemistry, biology, archaeology, parapsychology, psychology, and other areas yet to be inducted into mainstream science, including radionics, keranography, erotoxin, and remote viewing.

INFERNAL DEVICE: Machinery of Torture and execution available online and in stores NOVEMBER 2007.

Author and designer Erik Ruhling assembles an unmatched array of torture tools invented exclusively for the infliction of pain and the ending of life, each carefully researched with an accompanying full-color, highly detailed rendering. This beautifully presented hardcover features classics like the Iron Maiden and the Guillotine, as well as more rarified connoisseur's fare such as the Scavenger's Daughter and the Ear Chopper. And if the Tongue Tearer is not to your taste, there's always the Breast Ripper or the Drunkard's Cloak.

WHO REALLY RUNS THE WORLD? available online and in stores MAY 2007.

The world is a mess. It’s constantly at war, things cost too much and the average person struggles to survive against powers it can barely see, let alone control. It appears so at odds with common sense, in fact, that it begs a fundamental question: Who really runs the world? This book looks at the conspiracies in everyday life, both hidden and not-so-hidden. It examines actual people, businesses, social networks, corporate alliances and the dark forces of conspiracy and secret history that hold them together.

ESCAPE TO CANADA available online and in stores NOW.

Around the world, Canada is known for its beavers, Mounties and winter climate. But a new image of the country is emerging, one of potent marijuana, gay marriage and new freedoms. In 2003, gay marriage and marijuana were legalized in Canada on the same day. Suddenly Canada changed forever and Canadians could proclaim to live in the true “Land of the Free.” However, these new freedoms would not last. Within months, Canada re-criminalized marijuana and jailed pot activists. In addition, there is suddenly a new campaign to turn back gay marriage – financed with US dollars. This is the story of the new land of the free ... or is it?

Graham Hancock's SUPERNATURAL available online and in everywhere books are sold! Say hello to GRAHAM HANCOCK on MySpace !

Less than 50,000 years ago mankind had no art, no religion, no sophisticated symbolism, no innovative thinking. Then, in a dramatic and electrifying change, described by scientists as "the greatest riddle in human history," all the skills and qualities that we value most highly in ourselves appeared already fully formed, as though bestowed on us by hidden powers. Author Graham Hancock (Fingerprints of the Gods, The Sign and The Seal) sets out to investigate this mysterious "before-and-after moment" and to discover the truth about the influences that gave birth to the modern human mind. SUPERNATURAL is now in paperback!

WOLVES IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING available online and in stores MAY 2007.

Forget the neoconservatives. As the Democrats retake Washington and progressives think they can pull the U.S. back from the brink, Stephen Marshall (Sundance-award winning director and co-founder of Guerrilla News Network) finds that the biggest threat to Western democracy is the U.S. liberal elite. He hits the road and travels from the front lines of the Iraq War, through the wasteland of the former communist Eastern bloc, into a coke-dusted sex party of Britain’s intellectual elite — and finds that American liberals have dumped the ’60s era radicalism of their youth and become complicit in a complex game of bait and switch, selling the world a vision of liberal democracy in which they, in fact, no longer believe.

WHO'S WATCHING YOU? available online and in stores MAY 2007.

You are being watched. Really. More and more prying eyes see everything you do. This isn’t just the plot line from TV’s 24 – our government is truly tightening its grip on us by watching and recording nearly everything we do. They are doing so because they know they can and because knowledge is power. But exactly who are “they” and why do they want to know so much about us? This book includes chilling, accurate and up-to-date descriptions of the methods the government (and private company proxies) uses to watch us. Essential reading for everyone concerned about privacy and freedoms of speech and association, even – perhaps especially – if you don’t plan on doing anything wrong.

SYSTEM OF A DOWN: Right Here in Hollywood available online and in stores SEPTEMBER 2007.

System of a Down has evolved from a cult band whose demo tapes swapped hands voraciously on the metal underground to one of the world's biggest bands, having sold in excess of forty million albums. It's not just well-informed music fans that love them-the CIA certainly knows about them . . . and trails them closely. Featuring exclusive new interviews with the band and major players involved in their story, Ben Myers' book is the first and the definitive account of this remarkable band. Ben Myers is a highly respected music journalist and currently features editor at Kerrang!. He is the author of several books, including GREEN DAY: American Idiots & the New Punk Explosion .

THE ENIGMA OF THE KNIGHTS TEMPLAR: Their History And Mystical Connections available online and in stores NOW.

A beautifully illustrated, full-color hardcover guide to all things Templar, including: the mystery of Templar origins; the rise of the Order of the Temple; Biblical influences and heretical beliefs; Templar wealth, power, and influence in medieval Europe; their fall and trial; links to the Temple Mount and Holy Grail; the Templars and the Arab world; Templars after 1307; the link to freemasonry; and influence on modern-day society.

IRAN: EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW available online and in stores MAY 2007.

Iran's President Ahmadinejad shocked the world when he described the Holocaust as a myth and called for Israel to be "wiped off the map." Could Iran build and use nuclear weapons? How would we be affected if Iran cut off oil supplies? Many see Iran as part of the "axis of evil," and America is not alone in arguing that it presents a huge danger. But is Iran really the rabid Islamic dog that some paint it? Or is it in fact the most prosperous, sophisticated, cultured nation in the Middle East, despite its president's belligerence? This book gives you the facts and lets you form your own opinion.

THE ENIGMA OF THE FREEMASONS available online and in stores NOW.

There is a long fascination concerning Freemasons, their history and legend, and this book looks at both the factual history and the mystical connections. The speculation that there was a direct connection between the Knights Templar and the Freemasons started in the 18th century, when two Masonic scholars put forward the notion that Freemasonry began with the Crusades. Freemasonry was at the heart of the American Revolution: colonial Masons, along with their fellows in Europe, were in sympathy with the ideas of the revolution. This book is illustrated with a mixture of engravings, contemporary art, and photography, all of which expand upon and illuminate the writing.

NEW FROM JIM MARRS! THE TERROR CONSPIRACY:Deception, 9/11 and The Loss of Liberty available at The Disinformation Store and in stores NOW!


Share this video ! Primarily using mainstream media and government reports, JIM MARRS (author of Alien Agenda, Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, and Rule by Secrecy) has crafted the definitive journalistic account of the 9/11 attacks, describing the full history behind their overt and covert causes, and exposing the likely complicity of the Bush administration in these events. His analysis goes far beyond 9/11, enabling us to understand the motivation behind American foreign policy that resulted in war in Afghanistan and Iraq, our now perpetual War on Terrorism, and the continuing loss of liberty in America. Say hello to JIM MARRS on MySpace .

THE CULT OF THE SUICIDE BOMBER available at The Disinformation Store and everywhere DVDs are sold! Visit THE CULT OF THE SUICIDE BOMBER on MySpace .

In the groundbreaking and acclaimed documentary, THE CULT OF THE SUICIDE BOMBER, Robert Baer, a decorated, former Middle East CIA Agent and the man George Clooney's character was based on in the Academy Award®-winning film, Syriana, reveals the secret history of the suicide bomber, from the child martyrs of the Iran-Iraq war, the truck bombers in southern Lebanon, to the young men and women who now strap explosives to their bodies and calmly blow themselves up in crowded streets and markets across the Middle East.


STICKER NATION available online and in stores NOW.

STICKER NATION - The Big Book of Subversive Stickers Volume 1

OVER 400 STICKERS FOR UNDER $15! A jam-packed, collectable book of stickers that is the ONLY cool sticker book for both teens and adults! Over 400 sayings and slogans - big, bold vinyl stickers that peel right out of the book - ready to spread your message. From political slogans and anti-establishment sayings, to goofy musings and random thoughts, these stickers are attention grabbing, thought-provoking, and just downright plain fun.

THE WAR ON THE WAR ON DRUGS available online and in stores NOW.

Hilarious and irreverent, poignant and informative, THE WAR ON THE WAR ON DRUGS reveals that a propaganda-filled drug war is ultimately far more dangerous than the drugs it purports to fight. This feature-length film festival favorite channels the anarchic spirit of ..70s ancestors The Groove Tube and Kentucky Fried Movie and offers up a rapid-fire succession of skits and sketches with a unifying anti-authoritarian, pro-drug theme. The parade of bits includes the Mr.Wizard-inspired "Dr. Science," a children's program in which the titular educator shows how to make LSD before giving his young, uninitiated guest the first sample; a comparison between the elementary school drug-prevention program DARE and the Hitler Youth; a serial entitled "Satan's Stepchildren," which consists of old black-and-white movie footage re-dubbed with non sequiturs, and many more!

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AMERICAN BLACKOUT DVD available online and in stores NOW.

AMERICAN BLACKOUT chronicles the recurring patterns of African-American voter disenfranchisement witnessed from 2000 to 2004 while following the story of Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, who not only took an active role in investigating these election debacles but also found herself in the middle of one after publicly questioning the Bush Administration about the 9-11 terrorist attacks. AMERICAN BLACKOUT gains unprecedented access to one of the most controversial and dangerous politicians in America and examines the contemporary tactics used to control our democratic process and silence political dissent.

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9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH available at The Disinformation Store and everywhere DVDs are sold! Visit 9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH on MySpace .

In 9/11 PRESS FOR TRUTH, five of the most prominent members of the Family Steering Committee, including interviews with three of the "Jersey Girls," tell their story for the first time, providing the most powerful argument yet for why 9/11 still needs investigation. Adapting Paul Thompson's definitive Complete 9/11 Timeline (published by HarperCollins as The Terror Timeline), the filmmakers stitch together rare, overlooked news clips, buried stories, and government press conferences, revealing a pattern of official lies, deception, and spin.

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IDENTITY THEFT, INC. available online and in stores NOW. Meet the author and master ID thief "Glenn Hastings" on MySpace .

This is the first book on identity theft from the inside, told by someone who's assumed hundreds of identities and become rich off it. Not only does the author reveal how ID theft is done, he tells loads of wildly unbelievable but true stories about his impersonations as they led to riches. Some of them are as funny and outrageous as they are amazing. At the same time the author tells people how to protect themselves from the gangs of ID thieves thriving in the real and virtual worlds of today. Written by Glenn Hastings, an "acquired" name, who is a career "soft" criminal. He has swindled banks, airlines, casinos, insurance companies and hotels.

SCAMORAMA Turning the Tables on Email Scammers available online and in stores NOW. Meet SCAMORAMA author Eve Edelson on MySpace .

A struggle is being waged on the Internet between criminals and comedians through e-mail, and the crime is the infamous "419" scam - a form of fraud which gets its name from section 419 of the Nigerian criminal code. The resulting literary genre is - scambaiting - psychological warfare for clowns. This book documents a weird form of cultural exchange made possible by the Internet. It is a hilarious introduction to the "419" scam, with correspondences between scammers and people who love to yank their chains.

NUMBER FREAKING available online and in stores NOW.

45,000 Americans are injured by toilets every year! On average, an American is injured by a toilet every 11 minutes, 42 seconds.

By the age of 42 when he died of heart disease, Elvis Presley was eating 65,000 calories daily. According to McDonald's, a Big Mac contains 600 calories. Elvis was eating the equivalent of 108 Big Macs a day when he died!

NO HOLIDAY: 80 PLACES YOU DON'T WANT TO VISIT! available online and in stores NOW.

In this disinformation travel guide we visit the great sights of the world and also the great sores. We line up not at museums and art galleries but at monuments of sinister politics, like the CIA's Academy of Terror in Fort Benning, Georgia. We'll tread the no-man's lands of various demilitarized zones, see the dark red waters of Murdering Creek, and the Aral Sea's abandoned biological warfare center. NO HOLIDAY is a wake-up call for travelers everywhere.


Since when is it unpatriotic to dissent? Why is it "un-American" to question our government's policies? And how did the far right manage to claim the flag exclusively for itself? In this invaluable reference guide, you'll find 50 reasons to be a proud, progressive patriot: Thomas Paine fueling the revolutionary fire with Common Sense; Emma Goldman spreading anarchy in the USA; Eugene Debs running for president from his prison cell; Muhammad Ali saying "NO!" to the military draft; American Indians occupying Alcatraz Island; The Battle in Seattle; Families of 9/11 victims saying "NO!" to revenge; and many more!

THE LITTLE MONEY BOOK online and in stores NOW. UNDER $10!

The question of money puzzles almost everyone. What IS money? Is it really worth what we're told? Who decides? THE LITTLE MONEY BOOK is a provocative view of the way money works and has answers to questions no one is asking, and many banks and governments would rather keep hidden. This highly accessible and easy-to-read synthesis of complex subjects asks some of the obvious questions about money and finance that few of us stop to think about.

WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price available at The Disinformation Store and everywhere DVDs are sold (except WAL-MART)!!!

Everyone has seen Wal-Mart's lavish television commercials, but have you ever wondered why Wal-Mart spends so much money convincing you it cares about your family, your community, and even its own employees? What is it hiding?? From Robert Greenwald, the award-winning producer of over 60 films and the director of the hit documentaries Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism and Uncovered: The Whole Truth About The Iraq War. With Outfoxed Greenwald took on the most powerful media company in the world; now with WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price he takes on the most powerful company in the world, period.


WAL-MART: The High Cost of Low Price (THE BOOK) online and in stores NOW. Under $10!

In this fast-paced companion book to Robert Greenwald's explosive documentary Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, author Greg Spotts ( www.gregspotts.com ) takes you behind the scenes of the making of this controversial film and the grassroots pressure campaign challenging one of the world's largest and most powerful companies. The story of a wide-ranging investigation that was kept secret from its target, this book describes Greenwald and his crew on a nine-month journey filled with breakthrough moments and unexpected challenges. Given unlimited access to the filmmakers, Spotts reveals the new tactics and technologies that are revolutionizing political filmmaking, offering inspiration for aspiring filmmakers and activists.

WE KNOW WHAT YOU WANT: How They Change Your Mind online and in stores NOW.

For the first time, this illustrated guide presents the full range of techniques that are being used in the battle of your mind - bringing together research from hundreds of different sources. Inspired by the popular book Coercion by Douglas Rushkoff, creator of the must-see documentary The Persuaders . Rushkoff, who wrote the introdution, calls this book, "an entertaining yet McLuhanesque Medium is the Message, filled with engaging graphics and provocative but easy-to-follow guidelines for maintaining autonomy in a world made of marketing."

50 THINGS THAT YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO KNOW Volume 2 online and in stores NOW. UNDER $10!

Do you feel like you're being kept in the dark, but can't quite put your finger on it? Hot on the heels of the highly popular first volume from master "information archaeologist" Russ Kick, this entirely new book exposes 50 more facts that have been hiding under the rug. From SUV kill rates to the military's secret discharge codes, from Prozac in our drinking water to God's real name, from Condoleezza Rice's perjury to America's incarceration fetish, plus the documents that prove the Vatican directly covered up the pedophile priest scandal. It's all here, and Russ Kick reveals it!

Here's to ten years of Fox News: Please share this video with everyone you know!


"Fair and balanced"? How about anything BUT?!?! For the first time ever, this documentary reveals the secrets of former Fox News producers, reporters, bookers and writers who expose what it's like to work for Fox News. These former Fox employees talk about how they were forced to push a 'right-wing' point of view or risk their jobs. Some have even chosen to remain anonymous in order to protect their current livelihoods. As one employee said, "There's no sense of integrity as far as having a line that can't be crossed." THE OUTFOXED DVD is always available at The Disinformation Store and everywhere books and DVDs are sold!


And Now For Something Completely DIGITAL: The Complete Illustrated Guide to Monty Python CDs and DVDs available online and in stores NOW.

The full story of six men who, in the space of forty-five half-hour television shows transmitted from the late '60s till the early '70s, four full length feature films, a bunch of albums, the odd single, and some pretty impressive books, transformed everything we know about comedy today. A must read for any Python devotee!

UNDER THE INFLUENCE:The Disinformation Guide To Drugs online and in stores NOW.

Is the "War" on Drugs "Winnable"? Editor Preston Peet assembles a "dream team" of former police officers, government agents and officials, physicians, investigative journalists, researchers, commentators, dissidents and academics to definitively cast aside the myths and misinformation perpetrated by a series of US administrations and their allies to not only finance a never-ending War On (Some) Drugs.

THE BIG BUY: Tom Delay's Stolen Congress available at The Disinformation Store and everywhere DVDs are sold!

This is the story of one of the most blatant power grabs in American history, and how a District Attorney in Texas turned out to be the biggest threat to the national DeLay Machine. The film is a warning about how easy it is for American democracy to be hijacked by a combination of relentless ambition and corporate millions. It makes the case that DeLay built a "custom-made Congress" that is still providing votes for his agenda.


GENERATION HEX online and in stores NOW.

A collection of essays, both practical and autobiographical, which explore the overwhelming levels of interest in magic and shamanism in youth culture. "These are the voices of the real Harry Potters, delivering the urgent, supercharged manifestos of a new Ultraculture. This is their world and Generation Hex is your invitation to the Party that might just bring the house down." - Grant Morrison

UNDERGROUND!:The Disinformation Guide to Ancient Civilizations, Astonishing Archaeology and Hidden History online and in stores NOW.

Why were the Nazis sending archaeologists to dig and explore around the globe? Did the Holy Grail really exist, and was it discovered and subsequently hidden away? Were ancient Egyptians using South American drugs millennia before Columbus arrived on New World shores? In this massive book you'll also learn from the leading voices in their fields—previously unknown or obscure facts about human history. If you think the history you were taught in school was accurate, you're in for a rude surprise. This group of researchers blows the lid off everything you thought you knew about the origins of man!

EVERYTHING YOU KNOW ABOUT SEX IS WRONG: The Disinformation Guide To The Extremes of Human Sexuality (and everything in between) online and in stores NOW.

Psst, did you hear the one about: The world's largest erotic archive (287,000 movies!) that no one is allowed to see?; FAA reports about people screwing on commercial flights (the "mile high club")?; The proof that sex and orgasms make you healthy? Edited by Russ Kick, this massive anthology features a panoply of sexperts, everyone from prostitutes to professors, legends to newcomers, sexual revolutionaries to sexologists, bloggers to novelists and beyond. This unrivaled line-up provides a wildly varied, unexpected, and untamed look at everyone's favorite activity.

THE YES MEN: The True Story of the End of the WTO online and in stores NOW.

"This is Jonathan Swift for the Jackass Generation, a combination of devastatingly intelligent critique with slapstick hilarity. You are holding in your hands the next breakthrough book on globalization...thank God it's so much fun to read." - Naomi Klein, author, No Logo

This is the story of The Yes Men: follow two anti-corporate activist-pranksters as they impersonate World Trade Organization spokesmen on TV and at business conferences around the world.

THE LITTLE EARTH BOOK online and in stores NOW. UNDER $10!

Did you know that... Already a third of the planet’s “natural wealth” has been lost; If everyone lived as we do in the US, it would take four earths to support us; 90% of the Earth’s dwindling fresh water supply is consumed by industry? Packed with informative sidebars, detailed illustrations and clear diagrams, this book contains practical answers and ideas for saving our planet. An Inconvenient Truth in bite-size form!

THE LITTLE FOOD BOOK online and in stores NOW. UNDER $10!

Fast Food Nation author Eric Schlosser writes: “A wonderful little book about how to do good by eating well.” 30,000 Americans die every year of obesity, more than the total annual toll of car accidents, firearms, drugs and alcohol combined. Never have we been at such risk—from our food. Who controls what we eat? What happens before it gets to us? THE LITTLE FOOD BOOK will help you understand what’s at stake and help you take back responsibility for your own nutritional health in this collection of bite-sized essays, explaining the mechanics of food production and related subjects such as organics, nutrition, hormones, and pesticides. THE LITTLE FOOD BOOK is an essential guide to healthy eating—for you and the planet!

THIS DIVDED STATE DVD online and in stores NOW.

When liberal filmmaker Michael Moore was invited to speak at Utah Valley State College, it created a firestorm not usually seen in the heart of conservative Mormon country. A media frenzy followed, as did Fox News’ Sean Hannity who agreed to speak at UVSC prior to Moore’s engagement. Protests, anger and a bribery attempt by a local businessman to stop Moore’s appearance punctuate this documentary that cuts to the heart of the "red versus blue" rift in the nation.

GAY REPUBLICANS DVD online and in stores NOW.

After years of relative obscurity, Log Cabin—the gay Republican club formed in California in 1977—has found itself in the National spotlight. George Bush’s unequivocal opposition to gay marriage put them at the forefront of one of the most hotly contested elections in years. With the issue of whether or not to support the President distilling into a stark choice between their civil rights and their loyalty to the party, 2004 forced the Gay Republicans to a crude decision: what was more important, being gay or being Republican? This documentary follows a handful of Log Cabin members on their different paths to "Decision 2004." A stereotype-shattering, gut wrenching portrait of an organization in turmoil that is incisive, moving, disturbing and humorous.

AMERICAN JOBS DVD online and in stores NOW.

Jobs are moving to low-wage countries... is the American worker's way of life at stake? Disturbed by the news that three million manufacturing jobs had disappeared between 2000 and 2003, Director Greg Spotts ( www.gregspotts.com ) saw firsthand the permanent, structural changes confronting America's blue- and white-collar families as multinational corporations take advantage of "global sourcing" to hire the lowest-wage labor.

HOW ARNOLD WON THE WEST DVD online and in stores NOW.

HOW ARNOLD WON THE WEST is a hilarious and insightful documentary that tells the story of the bizarre California Recall Election. Documentary filmmaker Alex Cooke followed the campaign from the moment Arnold Schwarzenegger announced his candidacy through to his victory. 135 candidates took part in this extraordinary gubernatorial race, personally paid for (to the tune of $1.7 million) by Republican Congressman Darrell Issa to eliminate Democratic Governor, Gray Davis. With so many candidates—from delusional hopefuls, to actors, porn stars, porn peddlers, self-promoters and performance artists, as well as seasoned politicians—the circus really did come to town.

BUSH FAMILY FORTUNES DVD online and in stores NOW.

"Upsets all the right people." - Noam Chomsky... Follow award-winning reporter-sleuth Greg Palast on the trail of the Bush family, from Florida election finagling, to the Saudi connection, to the Bush team’s spiking the FBI investigation of the bin Laden family and the secret State Department plans for post-war Iraq. These are the hard-hitting reports that have been seen in films like Michael Moore’s Fahrenheit 9/11, broadcast internationally on BBC Newsnight television, and are found in Palast’s international bestselling book The Best Democracy Money Can Buy.


A three DVD and companion book box set! The definitive documentary exploration of Dan Brown's thrilling novel The Da Vinci Code, answers the questions everyone is asking: What exactly was Leonardo da Vinci trying to tell us in his coded paintings? Was Jesus married to Mary Magdalene? Who were the Knights Templar? What is the secret of the mysterious church at Rennes-le-Château? What is the Priory of Sion? What secret did the real life Saunière know that threatened the Church? What are the Gnostic Gospels? Did Roman emperors rewrite the New Testament to control the population? A must have for any Code aficionado!

THE PASSOVER PLOT online and in stores NOW.

What is the truth about the crucifixion? THE PASSOVER PLOT may shatter your faith - or strength it. It may awe you - or anger you. But you will not be able to dismiss the evidence or the message it delivers! THE PASSOVER PLOT shows us the historical evidence that Jesus was a mortal man, a young genius who believed himself to be the Messiah and deliberately and brilliantly planned his entire ministry according to the Old Testament prophecies - even to the extent of plotting his own arrest, crucifixion, and resurrection.

Launched on September 13, 1996 Disinformation as the search service of choice for individuals looking for information on current affairs, politics, new science and the "hidden information" that seldom seems to slip through the cracks of the corporate-owned media conglomerates. Ironically, it was funded by one of the largest media companies in the world (TeleCommunications, Inc. (TCI), now part of Comcast).

The site drew immediate attention and (usually) applause from the very same news media that it was criticizing as being under the influence of both government and big business, but the honeymoon was short. Some three weeks after launch the CEO of TCI learned of Disinformation and immediately ordered it closed down. Needless to say, the founding team managed to keep the site going, and it has evolved into a popular alternative news and underground culture destination with thriving publishing and home video divisions.

While many of our projects have been deemed 'liberal' or 'progressive' that doesn't mean we close our minds to ideas that are called 'conservative' - far from it. How can someone be truly well informed with only part of the story? Disinformation has gone through several design and editorial changes since its launch in 1996; its current format is the most important daily news and information links carefully selected from the "noise" that clutters up the web. The site also has a deep archive of opinion and editorial articles featuring original Disinformation interviews and reporting, plus community areas for users to find other users, post their own stories, and chat about the issues presented on the site and other topics of importance to our community. We also welcome your feedback and of course encourage you to load up on Disinformation goodies in our store .

I'd like to meet:

Those interested in the 2008 US Election, 9/11, Activism, Alternatives, Art, Corporations, Emerging Issues, Environment, Forteana, Geopolitics, Globalization, History, Human Rights, Intelligence, Magick, Media, Middle East, Politics, Privacy, Revolutionaries, Science, Sex, Spirituality, Subcultures, Technology, War on (Some) Drugs, War on Terror, The White House... take a look at www.disinfo.com

Danny Schechter's IN DEBT WE TRUST — A MUST SEE DVD!

Emmy-winning journalist Danny Schechter investigates America’s mounting debt crisis in his latest hard-hitting expose, IN DEBT WE TRUST: America Before the Bubble Bursts . This film reveals the unknown cabal of credit card companies, lobbyists, media conglomerates and the Bush administration itself who have colluded to deregulate the lending industry—ensuring that a culture of credit dependency can flourish.

Many Americans are “maxing out” on credit cards, living beyond their means, and are unable to make the minimum monthly payments. While these Americans struggle to manage their debt, there is a much deeper story at work: power is shifting into fewer hands with frightening consequences. Schechter exposes the hidden financial and political complex that allows the lowest wage earners to indebt themselves so heavily that even house repossessions are commonplace—dubbed “21st-century serfdom” by an expert featured in the film.


Best Of Moog


9/11 Press For Truth, TerrorStorm, American Blackout, Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers, Stupidity, The Cult of the Suicide Bomber, Robert Anton Wilson: Maybe Logic, The Big Buy: Tom DeLay's Stolen Congress, Wal-Mart: The High Cost of Low Price, Origins of The Da Vinci Code, This Divided State, Aftermath: Unanswered Questions From 9/11, Gay Republicans, Exploring The Da Vinci Code, Desperately Seeking Seka, American Jobs, How Arnold Won The West, Da Vinci Code Decoded, Unconstitutional: The War on Our Civil Liberties, Bush Family Fortunes, Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's War on Journalism, Uncovered: The Whole Truth about the Iraq War, R.I.P Rest in Pieces: A Portrait of Joe Coleman, Uncle Goddamn


disinfoTV on DVD
Director/host Richard Metzger takes the viewer on a disturbing and often bust-a-gut-funny tour of underground culture in America today. This "punk rock" 60 Minutes of underground culture originally aired for two scandalous seasons on Britain's Channel 4 network, and then bought and subsequently rejected by the SCI FI Channel after skittish executives there realized what they had purchased.
The American Civil Liberties Union and Robert Greenwald present The ACLU Freedom Files, a revolutionary, 10-part series of documentaries that tells the stories of real people in America whose civil liberties were threatened and shows how they fought back. Features the following episodes: RELIGIOUS FREEDOM; VOTING RIGHTS; GAY & LESBIAN; RIGHTS; WOMEN'S RIGHTS; YOUTH SPEAK; DRUG WARS; BEYOND THE PATRIOT ACT; THE SUPREME COURT; DISSENT; RACIAL PROFILING. Extras include: Additional material from comedians Lewis Black, Margaret Cho, Judy Gold, Warren Hutcherson. "LISTEN UP! THESE SHOWS ARE IMPORTANT!"
- Lewis Black, The Daily Show


The Terror Conspiracy, Supernatural, Identity Theft, Inc., Scamorama, No Holiday: 80 Places You Don't Want to Visit, Sticker Nation, Number Freaking, And Now For Something Completely Digital, Green Day: American Idiots and the New Punk Explosion, The Little Money Book, Nothing Is True - Everything Is Permitted, The Passover Plot, Progressive Hollywood, Don't Believe It!, We Know What You Want, Underground!, 50 American Revolutions That You're Not Supposed To Know, Everything You Know About Sex Is Wrong, Generation Hex, Beyond The Bleep, CAFTA and Free Trade, The Little Food Book, 50 Things That You Not Supposed To Know, Under the Influence, American Terminator, The Real Rule Of Four, The Yes Men, 50 Facts That Should Change The World, The Little Earth Book, Lines in the Sand, Glitter & Greed, Why Do People Hate America?, POP Goes The Witch!, Book Of Lies, The Disinformation Book of Lists, Club Zero-G, Disinformation: The Interviews, Turn Off Your Mind, Anarchy For The Masses, Abuse Your Illusions, Everything You Know Is Wrong, You Are Being Lied To


Robert Anton Wilson, Howard Bloom, Paul Laffoley, Douglas Rushkoff, Kembra Pfahler, Joe Coleman, Grant Morrrison, Genesis P-Orridge, Brion Gysin, Timothy Leary

My Blog

INFERNAL DEVICE: Machinery of Torture and Execution

In INFERNAL DEVICE: Machinery of Torture and Execution, Erik Ruhling assembles an unmatched array of torture tools invented exclusively for the infliction of pain and the ending of life, each carefull...
Posted by disinformation on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 10:21:00 PST

What Books Are On Your Summer Reading List?

A few weeks ago I blogged about the Harris Interactive poll that purported to show Americans' top 10 favorite books of all time. With two Dan Brown books on the list I felt it was ridiculous and encou...
Posted by disinformation on Sat, 07 Jun 2008 07:24:00 PST

Larry King Discusses the Peeping Tom Alien Video and More on Disinfo.com!

To sign up for the weekly Disinformation newsletter, go to www.disinfo.com.Disinformation® Lousy Supreme Court Decisions Newsletter: Special Bi-Weekly Edition Edited by Ralph BernardoToday's (Random...
Posted by disinformation on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 09:18:00 PST

FAR OUT: 101 Strange Tales From Sciences Outer Edge

In FAR OUT: 101 Strange Tales From Science's Outer Edge Mark Pilkington charts some of the more curious byways, scenic detours, and inspired failures of scientists, inventors, and, yes, crackpots, ove...
Posted by disinformation on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 07:55:00 PST

Deviant Literature (Hopefully) Coming to a Store Near You!

I just returned from Los Angeles where Ralph Bernardo, our COO, and I spent a very productive few days. Last Wednesday we spent a couple of hours with Robert Greenwald and the gang at Brave New Films;...
Posted by disinformation on Mon, 02 Jun 2008 09:23:00 PST

Disinformation Has NOT Been Deleted!

Due to the number of emails I have received on this, we'll try to get out the word via blog and bulletin.We have NOT been deleted, I'm not sure why many are getting this impression, but I can use that...
Posted by disinformation on Fri, 30 May 2008 08:03:00 PST

Meet Disinformation in Los Angeles!

If you live in the Los Angeles area, BookExpo America takes place this year at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Disinformation will be exhibiting, come by and say hello if you're in town!Here's the ...
Posted by disinformation on Fri, 30 May 2008 04:40:00 PST

Out There Radio Series Finale with Jim Marrs, and More Great Stuff on Disinfo.com

To sign up for the weekly Disinformation newsletter, go to www.disinfo.com.Disinformation® Telegraph Newsletter, Weekly Edition Edited by Ralph BernardoToday's Random Quote:What hath God wrought? (Num...
Posted by disinformation on Sat, 24 May 2008 01:00:00 PST

No Progressives in HI, ND, OK or WV? Hard to Believe...

So I just got this message from Josh Bolotsky of Living Liberally and find it interesting in the five years since they started their organization, they don't have chapters in Hawaii, North Dakota, Okl...
Posted by disinformation on Wed, 21 May 2008 02:52:00 PST

Follow Disinformation on Twitter!

Are you a Twitterer? Get the latest news from www.disinfo.com by following us at www.twitter.com/disinfo!Here's the latest on www.disinfo.com: Don't need instant, always-on informati...
Posted by disinformation on Tue, 20 May 2008 11:01:00 PST