GRETA GARBO On ne devient pas actrice, on nait actrice The Face

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Greta GarboGreta Lovisa Garbo, f. Gustafsson, född 18 september 1905 i Stockholm, död 15 april 1990 i New York City, New York, USA, svensk skådespelare. Nickname: The Face.Dotter till renhållningsarbetaren Karl Alfred G. och hans hustru Anna Lovisa Johansson. Greta hade två syskon; Sven och Alva. Hade via båda sina föräldrar adliga anor, och härstammade från svensk medeltidsadel och från europeiska furstar, bl. a. Alfred den store, Hugo Capet och Karl den store.Då Greta var fjorton avled hennes far och hon fick arbete i en frisersalong för att sedan börja arbeta som butiksbiträde på varuhuset PUB i Stockholm, där hon även arbetade som fotomodell för olika tidningsreklamer. Hennes första filmroll kom då hon spelade in en reklamfilm, även den för varuhuset. Den första rollen i en spelfilm kom då hon hade en liten roll i kortfilmen Luffar-Petter 1922. (Stumfilm.)Mellan 1922 och 1924 studerade hon vid den anrika Dramatens elevskola i Stockholm. Då hon gick där träffade hon filmregissören Mauritz Stiller, som var en av hennes lärare. Han gav henne en roll i sin film Gösta Berlings saga (1924), och det var även han som gav henne artistnamnet Greta Garbo. Därefter hade hon huvudrollen i två filmer i Sverige och en i Tyskland.1925 for Stiller till USA för att arbeta för filmbolaget Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, och han insisterade på att även Garbo skulle få ett kontrakt med dem. Vartefter Garbos kändisskap växte avtog hennes och Stillers vänskap. Han avskedades av MGM 1928, då han återvände till Sverige, där han avled kort därefter.Livet i Hollywood.Till Garbos viktigaste stumfilmsinsatser hör filmerna Virveln (1926), Åtrå (1927) och Love (film, 1927) (1927). I de två senare spelade hon mot John Gilbert, med vilken hon inledde en mycket uppmärksammad romans.Första filmen där man kunde höra hennes röst var i Anna Christie (1930), vilken markandsfördes med frasen Garbo talar. Filmen blev en enorm succé.Om någonting gick emot Garbo under en filminspelning kunde hon ibland säga jag tror jag åker tillbaka till Sverige, detta skrämde filmproducenterna, och hon fick allt hon önskade sig. Exempelvis hade allmänheten aldrig tillträde då hon spelade in olika scener, ingen fick se henne i arbete, ibland inte ens de andra skådespelarna.1932 hade hon huvudrollen i filmen Mata Hari, där hon spelade en mycket förförisk spion under första världskriget. Filmkritikerna klagade på hennes vågade klädsel som visades på filmaffischen. 1932 medverkade hon även i filmen Grand Hotel.Efter ett bråk med MGM gjorde hon inga filmer under nästan två år. Till sist lyckades de komma överens och ett nytt kontrakt upprättades, vilket gav henne nästan total kontroll över de filmer hon medverkade i. Bland annat utnyttjade hon sin nyvunna kontroll genom att byta ut sin motspelare i filmen Drottning Christina (1934). Bolaget hade tänkt att hon skulle spela mot Laurence Olivier, men hon ville hellre ha John Gilbert, som egentligen skulle haft en mindre roll i filmen. 1935 ville David O. Selznick ha med Garbo i filmen Dark Victory, men hon ville hellre ha en roll i Lev Tolstoj-klassikern Anna Karenina. Hon hade 1927 spelat in en stumfilmsversion av denna film, Love, och ville nu göra en ny version.1937 spelade hon in filmen Kameliadamen där hon gjorde en enastående rolltolkning. 1939 spelade hon mot Melvyn Douglas i komedifilmen Ninotchka, regisserad av Ernst Lubitsch. Denna film marknadsfördes med orden Garbo skrattar.Garbo nominerades till totalt fyra Oscar för bästa skådespelerska för filmerna Anna Christie (1930), Romance (1930), Camille (1937) och Ninochka (1939). Hon anses varit en av de största stjärnorna under 1920- och 1930-talen. Hon var även känd för sin skygghet gentemot allmänheten, något som höll i sig ända fram till hennes död. Efter att hennes karriär tagit ordentlig fart gav hon aldrig några intervjuer eller autografer, hon svarade aldrig på beundrarbrev och hon kom aldrig på några filmpremiärer. Greta Garbos gravstenGarbo slutade sin karriär vid trettiosju års ålder, då hon fortfarande var på toppen, efter att filmen Tvillingarna floppat 1941. Efter detta ställde hon sig aldrig mer framför en kamera, hon levde ett tillbakadraget liv i New York.Greta Garbo ligger begravd på Skogskyrkogården i Stockholm. Hennes största och enda museum i världen ligger strax utanför Kalmar. Hon har ett torg i stadsdelen Södermalm i Stockholm uppkallat efter sig.Biografie Deutch Greta Garbo, mit bürgerlichem Namen Greta Lovisa Gustafson, wurde am 18. September 1905 im schwedischen Stockholm als geboren.Greta Garbo verlor als Vierzehnjährige ihren Vater durch Tod. Zunächst arbeitete sie als Friseuse in einem Herrensalon und in der Herrenmodeabteilung eines Kaufhauses, für das sie später als Model tätig war. Ihr Berufswunsch war die Schauspielerei.Zunächst spielte sie in kleineren Rollen und nahm Schauspielunterricht. Später schaffte sie den Sprung zur Königlich Schwedischen Theaterakademie. In dem Direktor Mauritz Stiller fand sie einen Förderer. In dieser Zeit änderte sie ihren Namen in Greta Garbo.In der Verfilmung des nobelpreisgekrönten Romans "Gösta Berlings Saga" erhielt sie als leidende Gräfin Dohna ihre erste große Rolle. Der Streifen verhalf ihr zum Durchbruch auf dem europäischen Filmmarkt.Es folgte die Rolle der "Grete" in dem Klassiker "Die freudlose Gasse", in der Garbo ein armes Mädchen spielte, das von Geldnot in die Prostitution getrieben wurde.Über Jahre feierte sie Erfolge in der europäischen Filmlandschaft bis sie von Moritz Stiller nach Hollywood mitgenommen wurde.Die Karriere in Amerika war für Greta Garbo mit Zweifeln verbunden. Zwar stieg sie zum Super-Star auf, musste aber auch viele Enttäuschungen wegstecken und in minderwertigen Stummfilmen spielen. Der Tonfilm verhalf ihr schließlich zum eigentlichen weltweiten Durchbruch.Ihr letzter Stummfilm war 1929 "Der Kuss", ein Melodram, in dem Greta Garbo eine zunächst unglücklich verheiratete Frau mimte und schließlich doch noch ein Happy-End fand.In den 30er Jahren spielte die Garbo in Filmen wie "Anna Christie" (1930), "Menschen im Hotel" (1932) und "Königin Christine" (1933). Im Jahr 1936 feierte "die Göttliche", wie sie mittlerweile respektvoll genannt wurde, ihren größten Erfolg in "Kameliendame" (1936) neben Robert Taylor.Gelangweilt von immer gleichen Rollen in Melodramen und Liebesgeschichten wollte Greta Garbo auch in Komödien spielen. Erst als Regisseur Ernst Lubitsch ihr eine Chance in "Ninotschka" (1939) gab, sah die Welt eine neue Greta Garbo. Es blieb aber bei diesem einen Film unter Lubitsch, der danach starb.Unter Regisseur George Cukor spielte die Garbo danach noch in der Komödie "Die Frau mit den zwei Gesichtern" (1941). Allerdings kam der Streifen nicht an und Greta Garbo zog sich enttäuscht für immer aus dem Filmgeschäft zurück.Über das Privatleben der Garbo wurde nie viel bekannt, desto intensiver kochte die Gerüchteküche.Nach dem Ende ihrer Karriere nahm sie nur noch selten am Jet-Set-Leben teil. Sie schirmte sich regelrecht gegen die Öffentlichkeit ab in ihrem Apartment in New York.Greta Garbo starb am 15. April 1990.GG s grave in Stockholm.. width="425" height="350" ..

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"TALKING ABOUT GARBO...THE WOMAN " By CLASSY NESSAMERCEDES DE ACOSTA TO GRETA GARBO POEM:YOU BELONG TO ME SOME THINGS JUST BELONG TO OTHER THINGS THERE IS NO OTHER WAY... WHY NOT LET US THEN SAY THE SALT TO THE SEA... A BIRD TO THE SKY...& YOU TO ME.GRETA THE MAGNIFICENT "GARBO",a contradiction,A MANIPULATIVE PERSONALITY,MERCEDES DE ACOSTA DESCRIBED AS:"A MOTHER,A SISTER A LOVER FOR ME, SHE IS a GOD and a GODESS".an inspiration for those in love with splendorous beauty: an amazon, a pioneer ,an extraordinary mistery.A remarkable & unique actress. A human being ,dissapointed about stardoom,but willing to enjoy the benefits."A creature of nature ,of elements"so as described by Mercedes de Acosta :THE WOMAN GARBO LOVED BUT MADE SUFFER WITH HER ABSCENCE TILL HER DAYING DAY ON 1968 AGE 75 YEARS OLD. MERCEDES DE ACOSTA S PICS / PORTRAITS BY CECIL BEATON MARLENE DIETRICH & POOLE. LEFT:MERCEDES s SOCIALITE SISTER RITA BUST & FAMOUS PAINTING. PICTURES OF GARBO TAKEN BY MERCEDES DE ACOSTA AT HER OWN HOUSE IN SANTA MONICA CA, AND DURING THE VACATION BOTH WOMEN SPEND ALL ALONE AT SILVER LAKE AS A GARBO S REQUEST TO MERCEDES AFTER THEIR MEETING. (FROM MERCEDES DE ACOSTA S BIO "HERE LIES THE HEART" A MUST HAVE FOR ALL DE ACOSTA GARBO DIETRICH NAZIMOVA & CLASSIC HOLLYWOOD RESEARCHERS) GARBO though was A warrior,that THE HOLLYWOOD INDUSTRY could never stop. Greta "fleka" the humble swedish gal. the sofisticated new female icon,her androginy ,in fact GARBO recieved more women fan mail, attracted I am sure by her modernity her ways her mytical smile,able to make you tramble.Maybe,GRETA & MERCEDES both depressive personalities were born to be together,but a system ,a society only ready to judge made both of them;decide for the so called OMERTA...THE SILENCE. GARBO was a shy,private,terribly dominating person; GRETA perhaphs tried to cover up her real desires in her trips around the world ( thing that she always wanted since her early youth) her socialite life after her reclusion.Only she KNEW what her soul wanted.we only can speculate.Till now HOllywood handle the actor s decisions and love affairs.its a maskarade sadly. THE REAL STARS THE REAL ACTRESSES THAT MAGICK PEOPLE ABLE WITH A GESTURE WITH A SUBTLE MOVEMENT TO REACH THE ZENITH OF EMOTION,THE ICONS ARE NO LONGER WITH US.THERE WILL NEVER BE ANOTHER GRETA GARBO,ANOTHER MARLENE DIETRICH...ANOTHER MERCEDES THE ACOSTA :A REBEL A FEMINIST. A WOMAN WHO LOVED TOO MUCH, THE PLAYWRITER THE SET DECORATOR NOW ALMOST FORGOTTEN: MERCEDES:DIETRICH & GARBO "GOLDEN ONE".ONLY THEM DESERVE RESPECT:FOR THEIR CRAFT,THEIR RESKLESS DECISSIONS FOR A LIFE APART WE ARE ALLOW JUST TO OBSERVE... WITH AN AMAZED LOOK.TO GRETA GARBO & MERCEDES DE ACOSTA THIS TRIBUTE FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART.CLASSY NESSA"Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich & Mercedes de Acosta"Queen Christina, debonair in high boots and brass buttons, grasps the face of Countess Ebba between her hands and kisses her squarely on the mouth. Amy Jolly, carefully dressed in tails, white tie and top hat, steps off the stage to stroll among the audience as she sings. She spies a pretty girl at one of the tables and kisses her. She takes a flower from behind the girls ear and asks, May I have this? In 1933, Greta Garbo played the title role of Queen Christina, the real-life monarch of Garbos native Sweden from 1632-1654. Marlene Dietrich played Amy Jolly, a fictional cabaret singer in the 1930 film, Morocco. For gay women in the early 30s, these flickers of lesbian content were decidedly a thrill. Even today to watch Greta Garbo stride across the television screen and say, I have no intention of dying an old maid. I shall die a bachelor! is enough to make us gasp in delight. Even more exciting for us now is the knowledge that two of Hollywoods most beautiful and glamorous actresses did indeed kiss the girls. Garbo and Dietrich are still considered the most alluring stars of the 1930s. There were many similarities between their images and careers, and even their private lives. Both were from northern Europe: Garbo was Swedish and Dietrich German. Each had a sensual, mysterious image; both wore mens clothes (from the same tailor no less); and, although they did not meet until the 50s, from about 1933 to 1938 they shared the same lover, a woman named Mercedes de Acosta. De Acosta was no less glamorous or intriguing than her famous girlfriends. She was something of a star collector and wooed some of the most glamorous women in Hollywood. She claimed to be descended from Spanish nobility, although her family emigrated to the US from Cuba and that is more likely where they were from. She was a screenwriter at MGM, part of a thriving community of creative gay and bisexual women in New York and California which included Edna St. Vincent Millay, Willa Cather, Mary Martin, Janet Gaynor and many other women well-known in their day. In the late 20s, when silent films were still being produced, Garbo was in Hollywood making films and perfecting her image as a beautiful and mysterious woman. She quickly became one of MGMs biggest stars. Marlene Dietrich was in Berlin where she performed sexually ambiguous roles on stage and began to receive film offers. She had seen Garbo in several films already, and when Dietrichs first movie Prinzessin Olala (Princess Ooh la la) was released in September of 1928, the Film Kuriers critic wrote, ...heres another Garbo! Dietrich made several more films while still in Berlin, including The Blue Angel, creating her signature heavy-lidded gaze and languorous sultriness. Critics continued to compare her to Garbo, to accuse Dietrich of purposely mimicking her. Dietrich did indeed, in those days, admit to being much taken with Garbo and her mysterious beauty, and she remained obsessed by the Swedish star for decades. In the summer of 1931, de Acosta was invited to the home of another foreign screenwriter, Salka Viertel, who was from Germany and was also great friends with Garbo, whom she had invited. De Acosta and Garbo were immediately smitten with each other. Garbo was antsy in Hollywood and changed residences numerous times. The next time she moved she was within half a block of de Acostas house. Then de Acosta moved right next door to Garbo. Finally they moved in together. As lovers will, they quarreled. In July of 1932, Garbo went home to Sweden for eight months leaving de Acosta heartbroken. De Acosta did not remain in this state for too long. On an outing to the theater with a friend, she exchanged looks with a woman seated in the row in front of them: Marlene Dietrich. The next day Dietrich called on de Acosta bearing a large bouquet of white flowers. More flowers followed as well as a barrage of other gifts: Lalique vases, clothes, lamps. De Acosta sent them back to the department store they came from, but nonetheless, that autumn, the two women began a love affair that raged until May of 1933. In April of that year, Garbo returned from Sweden, and de Acosta and Garbo resumed their relations. Hollywood was then undoubtedly the seedbed of what is now called polyamory. All three of these women carried on with other lovers while with each other. No one seems to have thought anything of it. It was de Acostas modus operandi; although she preferred her girlfriends to be monogamous with her, she did not practice it herself. She wrote to Dietrich quite candidly of her feelings for Garbo (she was tied around the stars little finger) and Dietrich responded sympathetically. Until the 50s, the actresses bisexuality was only speculation. In 1955 Confidential magazine outed Dietrich to the world, linking her to a young woman called Frede and to Jo Carstairs, a wealthy butch with whom Dietrich was involved in the late 30s. At the time Dietrich was no longer making films but performed in Las Vegas, a change of venue which proved a lucrative venture for her. The exposé didnt hurt her reputation at all, although it probably would have 20 years earlier. In 1960 de Acosta published her memoirs, Here Lies the Heart, which detailed many of her affairs, including her relationships with Garbo and Dietrich. Up to this point de Acosta had remained on more or less good terms with both women. Dietrich remained a generous friend to de Acosta for decades, even reading and commenting on drafts of her memoir. Garbo, as mysterious and fiercely reclusive as her old Hollywood image, was outraged. When de Acosta phoned her on New Years Day, Garbo hung up on her and refused to speak to or see De Acosta again.By Classy Nessa & Francesca SFilmografi1920 - Herr och fru Stockholm 1921 - Konsum Stockholm Promo 1921 - En Lyckoriddare 1922 – Luffar-Petter 1924 - Gösta Berlings saga 1925 - Den glädjelösa gatan 1926 - Virveln 1926 - Fresterskan 1926 - Åtrå 1927 - Love 1928 - En gudomlig kvinna 1928 - Den mystiska kvinnan 1928 - Gröna hatten 1929 - Vilda orkidéer 1929 - En kvinnas moral 1929 - Kyssen 1930 - Anna Christie, engelsk version 1930 - Romantik 1931 - Inspiration 1931 - Anna Christie, tysk version 1920 - Susan Lenox 1931 - Mata Hari 1932 - Grand Hotel 1932 - Som du vill ha mig 1933 - Drottning Christina 1934 - Den brokiga vävnaden 1935 - Anna Karenina 1936 - Kameliadamen 1937 - Maria Walewska 1939 - Ninotchka 1941 - Tvillingarna

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Mercedes De AcostaFemale Writer Productions Dates of Production Jacob Slovak [Original, Play] Written by Mercedes De Acosta Oct 5, 1927 - Oct 1927 Sandro Botticelli [Original, Play, Drama...
Posted by GRETA GARBO & MERCEDES DE ACOSTA TRIBUTE by Nessa on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 01:53:00 PST


Posted by GRETA GARBO & MERCEDES DE ACOSTA TRIBUTE by Nessa on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 01:23:00 PST


Mercedes de Acosta: Name-Dropper Par Excellence BY ASLAN BROOKE Notorious lesbian Mercedes de Acosta, who would eventually take old Hollywood's sapphic set by storm, was born in New York City on March...
Posted by GRETA GARBO & MERCEDES DE ACOSTA TRIBUTE by Nessa on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 01:27:00 PST


My Meeting With Ramana Maharshi She was a Hollywood screenwriter. He was the most revered sage in India. Here's what happened when she visited him for three days. By Mercedes De Acosta Mercedes D...
Posted by GRETA GARBO & MERCEDES DE ACOSTA TRIBUTE by Nessa on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 01:16:00 PST


MERCEDES DE ACOSTA SO PERSONAL That Furious Lesbian" ROBERT A SCHANKE some quotations by Classy Nessa. That Furious Lesbian"Women in TurmoilBoth finalists for2004 Lambda Award Mercedes de Acosta ...
Posted by GRETA GARBO & MERCEDES DE ACOSTA TRIBUTE by Nessa on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 11:09:00 PST


Mercedes de Acosta (March 1, 1893 - May 9, 1968) was a Spanish-American poet, playwright, costume designer, and socialite best known for her lesbian affairs with Greta Garbo, Marlene Dietrich, Alla Na...
Posted by GRETA GARBO & MERCEDES DE ACOSTA TRIBUTE by Nessa on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:45:00 PST


Greta Garbo was considered one of the most glamorous movie stars of the 1920s and 1930s. She was also famous for shunning [[publicity]], which became part of the Garbo mystique.  Except at the ve...
Posted by GRETA GARBO & MERCEDES DE ACOSTA TRIBUTE by Nessa on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:40:00 PST


Greta Garbo Actor: September 18, 1905 - Stockholm, Sweden   Greta Garbo (September 18, 1905  April 15, 1990) was a Swedish actress, by reputation one of the greatest and most inscrutable movie ...
Posted by GRETA GARBO & MERCEDES DE ACOSTA TRIBUTE by Nessa on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 10:35:00 PST

Actor Jack Palance dies

Oscar-Winning Actor Jack Palance DiesFriday November 10 6:56 PM ET   Actor Jack Palance poses in Tehachapi, Calif., in this Jan. 27, 1997 file photo. Palance died Friday, Nov. 10, 20...
Posted by GRETA GARBO & MERCEDES DE ACOSTA TRIBUTE by Nessa on Sat, 11 Nov 2006 07:34:00 PST


Biografie Greta Garbo, mit bürgerlichem Namen Greta Lovisa Gustafson, wurde am 18. September 1905 im schwedischen Stockholm als geboren. Greta Garbo verlor als Vierzehnjährige ihren Vater durch Tod...
Posted by GRETA GARBO & MERCEDES DE ACOSTA TRIBUTE by Nessa on Thu, 09 Nov 2006 07:09:00 PST