Thomas Merton profile picture

Thomas Merton

We do not exist for ourselves.

About Me

"But I don't think that in loving or in drinking beer I am at all untrue to myself and to what God wills for me - except in the details."

I was born in France in 1915, and then went to private school in England and then to Cambridge. Both of my parents died while I was young, and I moved to my grandparents' house in the US to attend Columbia University in New York City. I loved academia and completed a thesis on William Blake, who remained a lifelong influence. I loved the world, drank, wrote for a campus magazine, and didn't fare too badly with the ladies.

At the same time, I felt called to a greater level of holiness in my life, and I converted to Catholicism in my early 20s. This powerful experience is described in my autobiography, Seven Storey Mountain. I explored paths to religious life, but was turned down at first because of the indiscretions of my past. In December 1941, at the age of 26, I resigned my teaching post at Bonaventure College and journeyed to the Abbey of Gethsemani, near Louisville, Kentucky. They accepted my application to become a Trappist monk.

In addition to my service as a monk, I wrote more than 50 books, 2000 poems, and numerous essays, reviews, and lectures. I was fascinated with Eastern mysticism and Zen thought, while remaining a devout Catholic, and I was a firm advocate for social justice and racial and economic equality - all from behind the monastery walls. I died suddenly in 1968.

My Interests

Solitude, contemplative prayer, and meditation. Photography, poetry, and Eastern philosophy. Drinking some beers now and then. Above all else, union with Christ while celebrating Mass.

I'd like to meet:

May the Lord bless you always!

I particularly rejoice in meeting converts to our holy Church, those interested in contemplative prayer, and all who stand for social justice and equality.

But my vocation is to pray for the whole world - I know better than most how flawed we all are.


"By reading the scriptures I am so renewed that all nature seems renewed around me and with me. The sky seems to be a pure, a cooler blue, the trees a deeper green. The whole world is charged with the glory of God and I feel fire and music under my feet."


Jesus Christ, St. John of the Cross, Our Blessed Mother Mary, Thich Nhat Hanh, Dorothy Day, MLK Jr., and all the Desert Fathers who inspired me along my journey.