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Five chicks from Utrecht!
Around 2002 eleven girls came to the conclusion that becoming the manager of bands their boyfriends played in (in the best spinal tap tradition) should not be their first goal; they needed more... They started an act in order to get ON the stage, no longer just in front of it.
Soon eleven ckicks started out playing on borrowed gear, playing hitdonations from their better halves and supportive friends. Nobody had ever played a decent tune on their instrument. In short they had little or no band experience.
After a tour with cancelled gigs at Vera Groningen and the prestigious festival Pinkpop, the band did their stunning debutgig at Stairway to Heaven. At that time the band was reduced to six bandmembers. Nowadays the band is playing with their third drummer and on a solid line-up of five girls in total. The hitdonations the Esmeraldas play are especially written for them, and patiently instructed to them. Today they also write their own hits, but are still into getting great hitdonations from players that understand the bandconcept and are able to reduce songs to esmeraldaslevel.
In april 2006 the band recorded a teaserCD of five songs at IJlandstudios in Amsterdam. Three songs on this CD are hitdonations and two are original Esmeraldas songs. The CD still needs to be finalized, mixed & mastered, but people are already eager to get their hands on a bootleg. Their music tends to be associated with (punk)bands like the Yeah, Yeah Yeahs, the Riplets, the Ramones, Wir sind helden.
br Esmeraldas rocked & shocked 't Oude Pothuys (shot by thickshag!)
Esmeraldas DeMovie shot by Gerben en Tessa Schmidt/
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