Biking,Boating,Sking,Skating,Walking,Reading.Traveling, Dining,Dancing,Concerts,Movies,Theatre,Live Music and Festivals.
A Hot Chick with a brain!
Love the music of the 50's, the Jazz,the Blues,the RnB,the early Rock n' Roll,and soul music! After that it's hit and miss.I usually like rootsy stuff the best.
Deniro,Coppola,Hitchcock,Cary Grant,Scorsese,Hoffman,Brando,Bogie,Nicholson,Woody Allen,Matt Damen,Johnny Depp,Quentin Tarantino,Rob Reiner,the Kohn Bros. and Audrey Hepburn
The weather channel,Sponge Bob
Kurt Vonnegut
Matt Millen,anyone who can still get paid millions,by William Clay, while Ford Motor Co. lays off 1/3 of it's work-force is my hero.His record speaks for it self.