In the broken future, an ambitious courier, Thames (Jonny Victor) with a hidden past must weave his way through a dangerous city populated by magic users, aliens, and warring aristocrats, all of whom want what he has to deliver -- hope.
InZer0: Fragile Wings is in full production!Thought Collide Productions shot a 12-episode series of InZer0 from March 2006 to February 2007 and premiered the episodes (with a two month postproduction schedule) at times to sold out audiences at the Royal Oak Main Art Theatre. We are now shooting a feature film of InZer0, which covers much of Episode 1 with more character development and back-story. Fragile Wings re-introduces us to the world of InZer0 and the colorful characters who inhabit it.
Post-production of the feature film is slated for completion in late December 2007 with a release date in early 2008. InZer0: Fragile Wings will enter the film festival circuit in 2008-9 with the goals of securing worldwide distribution and kicking off a franchise film.
For more information and to purchase the InZer0 series on DVD, go to
See us on IMDB:
Directed by: Jamie Sonderman (
Produced by:
Connie Mangilin (
Mike Zawacki (
Michael Einheuser
Nicole Oliver
Written by:
Jamie Sonderman
Mike Zawacki
Chris Lepley
Jonny Victor as Thames (
Come and meet the crew of InZer0 at the Mitten Movie Project, which is a film screening night at the Main Art Theatre (118 N. Main Street, Royal Oak, MI 48067) held on the first Tuesday of the month. We screen independent films from Michigan and beyond. Presale tickets ($8) for the Mitten Movie Project can be purchased at (Door is $10.) Tickets purchased online will be available at the theatre the night of the screening. If you are a filmmaker and would like to show one of your films on the big screen, please send an e-mail to [email protected]. Thank you!