Hinhanskawin ..One Aabaminoowe.....Sentient spirits awasi gaagige sentient Hinhanskawin carries onOutdoor activities, hike,bike,ride the wind.cooking chilli in the winter packing it up to bring ice fishing. Sinking my toes deep in the warm sand drinking in some captin..... spiced rum yum. Swimming ,rafting,collecting drift wood . digging for crystals,finding feathers on the trail. Music, dancing ,meditation. Science,philosophy,medicine,prophecy. Sharing some wisdom. Travel, kicking it with my friends around a sweet smelling fire.Playing pool and kickin ass humble like winks ..sometimes Im proud and cocky ,hahaha oh well gardening,photography,reading,physics,metaphysics of course, being in the ethereality. "ol schoolin "....
unique people near and far ..Some day my First Friend in the Net, We bounced the web speeking depth. On the wind we shared a 'seeing' and bonded from the beggining in this world and the unseen dimentions together.Four years ago the journey began. Much Love and Respect such loss I Feel, I was to pow wow the vip Chief dedication just befor for him ,it wasnt to be, he passed on the day so significant a number that has repeated strong in my world. This is birth and death number for family.It is a number I feel exceptionaly strong now that you have passed on this number as well. deep inhale exhale wow sigh....It Resonates within memory so deep for me so does he with electricity and fire He is "THE ELECTRIC ONE" ..WAPISTAN and Works now with our ancestors behind the Weakening Veil the illusion.... time.... placed by our Creator. Another place.. I will see you again and meet the eyes of a Best Friend, Red road warrior ,love ya my buck of the Family Mohawk I know your with us. R.I.P. To my son of the flint nation I dedicate with him as I do wapistan the secret of the eel and the stories of sentient .LOVE LIGHT KNOWLEDGE WISDOM FREEDOM PEACE POWER RESPECT ~ AHO
The vision of the living creaturesEzekiels wheel
Bless us Creator .OK CONFIGURE. HOOT WHERE IS THE CODE a href="http://photobucket.com/" target="_blank
Much Honor and Respect to the Chiefs ~FREQUENCYOK GOING WELL ON MY RECONFIGURE OF THIS THUS FAR ... Barn Owl... drop mins for thought.