Nothing special about me. I'm just one of the many hard working truckers that love and move America. I've been using Biodiesel for over 2 years in my truck to not only help our economy but to reduce our nations dependence on oil and clean our air.My use of Biodiesel has actually changed my aspect on all forms of energy in general and the way that we use it and sometimes waste it. By doing research into biodiesel it lead me to look at how dependent we are on all forms of energy and the gamble that mankind has taken by it's reliance on finite sources of energy.As a father and grandfather my view as to what we leave for future generations has taken a huge shift to a sense of urgency !! While watching a speech by my Congressman Roscoe Bartlett on Peak Oil, He made a statement that made me really sit back and think !!
"Our presence on this earth is not a guaranteed inheritance from our parents or grandparent's it is actually a loan from our children and grand children."
How true is that!! It's up to everyone of us to make sure that the "Loan" does not go into default but is repaid with a hefty amount of interest. We can all make a difference by just doing small things like, slowing down, making sure your vehicle is tuned, maintaining correct air pressure in our tires, turning lights and electronics off when not in use, recycling everything possible......well you get the picture, just become energy sensitive is what it amounts to. Very simple and the changes that you choose to use in your life will become automatic. Conservation is the first step to real energy independenceThe video that you see here is of what has become known as The Worlds largest Truck Convoy. It is a joint effort between law enforcement and truckers to benefit The Special Olympics. A dream of Cpl Norm Schneiderhan just a few years ago has grown to be a nationwide event with truckers participating from all over the country and Canada!! Way to go Norm! The song "America Moves By Truck" is the anthem for this event and is song by Jack Kapanka a very special person in his own right.My purpose for this site is to not only promote the use of sustainable renewable energy, but to try to show people that come visit that truckers are not what the media tries so hard to paint us as. We are just hard working men and women doing our job to help this country flourish.All links below are clickable.America Moves By Truck
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