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Steve Beeney

Writer, Musician

About Me

I believe the shopping mall is the highest level of Hell. On the next floor down, you're married to Paris Hilton (or Ted Turner). Below that one, every day is Super Bowl Sunday. And below that one, you have to watch scripted presidential debates forever. On the lowest level of Hell -- There are only five -- you are a candidate in a scripted presidential debate forever and ever.

I recently completed my 5th novel. I write pieces for guitar, songs, poetry, essays, and bumper stickers such as MARKETING VICTIMS UNITE and LIBERAL MEANS FREE. I taught writing & humanities many years in Oklahoma colleges & universities and English for 4 years in Saudi Arabia.
My 1st job was table-to-table requests with 300+ songs, guitar & voice. Since then, I've played pubs throughout the US & Europe, taught Renaissance lute at the Academy of Early Music, Verona, played classical guitar at receptions. Now I've come back home to the steel-string guitar.
I've lived in Oklahoma, Texas, New York, Massachusetts, England, Germany, Italy, and Saudi Arabia. I learn and forget languages quickly, but I never forget a cat.
PERFORMANCE: I read poetry at Full Circle Books, at 2 p.m. on the last Sunday of each month. My book of poetry, Guitar & Voice, is available through my church bookstore, 1st UU of OKC. CD in progress. Two of my solo songs are at (See top friends.)
ADVICE FOR ARTISTS (in all artforms):
1. You are your own best teacher. Take responsibility.
2. Eccentricity is no substitute for competence. Learn your craft.
3. Cultivate humor. You will need it. "Don't take it all so seriously" (Paul Engle, founder of the Iowa Writers Workshop).
4. Exorcise perfectionism. Crave inspiration. Technique will follow. Technicians make boring artists and teachers. Avoid them in your head and your bed.
5. Artists are whole brained. Most people think 'normal' means left brained and 'artist' means right brained. No, drones are left brained and airheads are right brained. Artists are integrated left and right -- but only occasionally. The rest of the time they are drones or airheads.
6. 'Artists' are not the only creative people. Creativity occurs in all fields more or less. Raising children may be the ultimate art form.
7. Art is about ideas. If you learn a trade or get a science education for employment, fine. But whatever else you do, get a liberal-arts education, in university or not.
8. Artists are entrepreneurs. Don't expect anyone else to appreciate the uncreated. That is your job.
9. The highest art form is each other. Devote yourself to Love, and your life and art will mean something.
10. Think large. "Timid artist" is an oxymoron.
I believe in the separation of corporation and state.
I believe in Love. It begins with family and friends. Then romance draws us toward our new home. As we grow, we add loves to increase our pleasure and that of our community. The larger our home/community, the more we care about justice. There is no justice without love. Imagine market based courts or legislature! What kind of country would that be? [Wink wink.]
I believe President Eisenhower was not "soft on defense" when he said "... we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex." (Farewell Address. Radio and TV January 17, 1961). It was his great conclusion. He was a two-term Republican president, a West Point graduate, and Supreme Allied Commander in Europe in WW-2.
We don't have a problem getting along. We have problems being sheep. We don't need politicians or any other public servants to "unite" us, to lull us back into complacency. We need to argue more, not less. It's a duty of citizenship. And the loving to do.

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Religions tend toward escapism and fatalism. They are anti-democratic to the degree that they distract us from issues and abuses of power in this world.

Education administrators should be on the same pay scale as teachers. Let them manage who are dedicated to education, not to over-sized houses, cars, and egos.
The arts should be emphasized in schools. Their benefits have been well documented to increase critical thinking and integrate left and right hemispheres of the brain.
Team sports should be greatly deemphasized in schools. We are a naturally competitive species. Team sports teach young people to over-value competition and subordination. As such, team sports are anti-civilizing. (I'm not talking about solo sports (track, tennis, swimming, etc.) even when organized into "teams".)
I believe in education to satisfy curiosity and empower creativity and action -- not nationalistic and cultish indoctrination.
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

My Interests

Writing, democracy, environmentalism.
Tangos, fugues, tornadoes, mockingbirds, moss gardens.

I'd like to meet:

Stephen Sondheim, Leonard Cohen, Paul Simon, Hans Zimmer. Artists and intellectuals with passion and compassion.

My religious* views involve no invisible parent figures, playmates, or bogey men.
* In this section, "religious" includes "spiritual". One is more collective and the other more individual, but the thinking is the same.
I use the word "God" in the Socratic sense, to mean the highest good we can conceive. For this reason, it is not to be used lightly.
Religious thinking is artistic thinking. Art includes religion, not the other way around.
Religious terminology is ambiguous. I avoid it. GB Shaw said, "The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place".
Religious institutions tend toward cult. I am a member of the Unitarian-Universalist Church despite its theistic terminology.
Moses' greatest contribution to human thought was the undefinability of God. "I am that which I am" (Genesis). Here Moses shows the influence of Akenaton.
I reject the magic category of "holy books" but recognize their influence for good and bad.
If God is Love as the New Testament says, then clearly, Love is God. My Christian friends disagree. They say I've thrown the baby out with the bathwater. I think Jesus is not the baby; Love is. I appreciate their interest in God's love, that is arguably imaginary, and turn the conversation to their love, that is no better developed than anyone else's. Jesus said, "Judge a tree by its fruit".
After four years in Saudi Arabia, I came to see Wahabbi Islam as a step backward in the development of religious thinking, from ethical to legalistic, from symbolic to literal thinking. Fundamentalist Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are all similarly regressive, and dangerous.
The problem is literalism.
I pray to Love. I sense it at times, but It may very well not exist beyond the mind. Still, It works in me as I allow it. Understanding Love/God is impossible. Loving is possible. The very concept of theology (the study of god) seems ludicrous to me, even blasphemous.
My meditation is defiantly informal--through art, nature, relationships, and life itself. I avoid all cult forms, rituals, prayers, positions, etc., although they seem to have helped me in the past and may yet again.
I see the role of the artist as a priest of enlightened humanism. (My pastor calls me a mystical humanist.)
Authentic humanity is civil, cooperative, and creative. Self-protection is so basic to survival that our distrust of strangers, who may be predators, is perfectly reasonable. But world culture is continuing to absorb subcultures and overcome threats to the collective good. Our challenge as a species is to create a civilization that maintains ethnicity and individuality within the global collective.
The evidence suggests that divinity (god, spirit, etc.) is a product of human thinking, not the other way around. Still I wonder. Is God/Love an illusion? Then it is a beneficial illusion. Is God/Love a force we generate? Then it must be the ultimate art medium. Is Love/God the psychic echo of all living things? Is the Universe Itself sentient and evolving after so many billions of years? I accept that these questions are unanswerable, and I am not tempted to make up or accept made up answers, as all religions do. They cheapen the Mystery with hysteria and pseudo evidence. They contradict Moses, who insisted on the Great Unknown.
I KNOW ONLY THIS: When Love seems to me to exist as both subject and objective reality, I am most happy and productive.

I lived in Saudi Arabia for over four years and observed Muslim fanaticism up close. I have lived much of my adult life in America's dark interior, where Christians are slightly better mannered only because it is legal to tell them to shut up and get a life.
I agree with most of Pat Condell's points (below video). He is addressing evangelical Christians and Muslims only. He does not mention Orthodox Judaism or Eastern religions. In my experience, Buddhists are as smug as any monotheist, but they are not in power in the Western world. If they were, they might deserve mentioning here.
Religious hysteria has recently moved beyond personal and social support. It subordinates more and more human effort and creativity to terrorist, nationalist, and corporate objectives. For these reasons, the video message deserves attention.

RELIGION & WAR (an essay draft I'll probably never finish)
Aphrodite I adore. Dionysus, well, I am Dionysus so hey. [Licks hand, slicks back hair. Begin again.]
We went to church last Winter Solstice, sang along without reading, and cried cheerfully the whole time. Theology is an oxymoron. Why is religion the only field where the oldest books are the most authoritative? Thesis: Religion is an art form.
When it's one fundamentalist v. another, the differences don't matter; the similarities are deadly. The problem is a trinity of victimization, ignorance, and defensiveness. The fundamentalists around here don't know they are fundamentalists. Like the fascists. Sadly, they don't enjoy being informed on the topic. Or maybe it's the way the veins on my face pop out when I try.
Why try? Because democracy and survival depend on this debate. One band of fundies begged to start WW-III, and another band has agreed. American fundamentalists are the largest block of swing-voters in the U.S., which has the most powerful military in history. They therefore constitute the single greatest threat to world peace in history.
After electing this evil-cartoon of a president TWICE, who has alienated our lifelong allies AND united the Muslim world against us, these fascists for Jesus are only now beginning to wonder if maybe, just maybe, they might have been a BIT mistaken.
Sorry, kids. That's not near good enough. We can no longer abide American anti-intellectualism. Ignorant and proud of it is not amusing or tolerable, least of all in the name of God.
Athena help us.

Free Hugs Campaign


1. My mother's metronome
2. Beethoven bust, 14" bronze
3. Carlos Montoya poster, signed & framed

'There is a crack in everything
That's how the light gets in' -- Leonard Cohen
Oh What a Beautiful Morning
1. Whatever I'm writing
2. Into the West (Lord of the Rings)
3. Democracy (Cohen)
4. You Are Not Alone (Sondheim)
5. Lili Marleen -- the most loved soldier's song of all time. In WW-2, it was sung by all soldiers in Europe and North Africa -- German, Russian, English, Italian, French, American, Greek, Polish, etc. And they all sang it in German!

1. Into the Woods
2. West Side Story
3. I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change
4. Oklahoma
5. H.M.S. Pinafore (if I can sing along)
SPECIAL MUSICAL INFLUENCES (in chronological order): Chopin, hymns, Broadway, Beatles, Paul Simon, Byrds, Beethoven, John Dowland, Gordon Lightfoot, Joni Mitchell, Cat Stevens, Sean Phillips, Eagles, Carl Orff, Mikis Theodorakis, Conlon Nancarrow, Angelo Branduardi, Baden Powell, Michael Hedges, John Barry, Astor Piazzolla, Beth Nielsen Chapman, Hans Zimmer.

Paco De Lucia - Solea

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FAVORITE AD JINGLE: Rice Krispies--the long version in which Snap, Crackle, and Pop have their own solos. See below.

FAVORITE CELTIC PLAYER: Niamh Ni Charra. Main fiddler for Riverdance for 8 years. Notice how nuanced her playing is. She is also a master of the concertina. (See my top friends.)
FAVORITE CELTIC SINGER: Fiona Wight, absolutely the best singer of the sean-nos style. (See my Top Friends)
FAVORITE LATIN BAND: Strunz and Farrah
FAVORITE FUGUE: 2nd part of the Overture to The Messiah (Handel)
FAVORITE BEATLES: The End (Abbey Road)
FAVORITE DYLAN: Tangled Up In Blue
FAVORITE MUSICAL VIGNETTE: The Hare Who Lost His Spectacles (Jethro Tull, Passion Play)
FAVORITE TANGO BAND: Skanstull Tango Trio (See Friends)
FAVORITE MALE SINGER-SONGWRITERS: Bob Dylan, Leonard Cohen, Paul Simon, Hank Williams
FAVORITE FEMALE SINGER-SONGWRITERS: Sheryl Crow, Beth Nielsen Chapman, Joni Mitchell
FAVORITE COUNTRY BANDS: Byrds, Eagles. (Country doesn't mean Nashville.)
INSTRUMENTS I'D MOST LIKE TO PLAY WITH: Violin, accordion, bass viol, English horn, harmonium, congas.
FAVORITE ACOUSTIC GUITAR STRINGS: Newness matters much more than brand, so I suggest buying whatever is cheapest. I like light gauge, bronze wounds, with medium 5th & 6th strings for stronger more bass.
FAVORITE CLASSICAL GUITAR STRINGS: Savarez highs, Augustine lows. (My classical has a cedar top. I love lots of high overtones from the high strings. But the cedar needs help with warmth in the bass.)



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SOME OTHER FAVORITES: The Secret of Roan Inish, Das Lieben vom Anderen, Pulp Fiction, Amelie, Il Postino, As Good as it Gets, Sex Lies & Video Tape, Being There, Groundhog Day, Out of Africa, Dances with Wolves, The Mighty Aphrodite, Moonstruck, Scent of a Woman, Meet Joe Black, Forrest Gump, Sideways, The Last of the Mohicans, A Bridge Too Far, Casablanca, The Lady Eve, early Marx Brothers.
FAVORITE ACTRESSES: Amanda Plummer, Mira Sorvino, Meryl Streep, Greer Garson
FAVORITE ACTORS: Nicholas Cage, Peter O'Toole, Anthony Hopkins, James Stewart, Gregory Peck.
FAVORITE PRODUCERS/DIRECTORS: Preston Sturgis, Frank Capra, Charles Chaplin, Woody Allen
FAVORITE WOODY ALLEN: Bullets Over Broadway
FAVORITE FILM QUOTATION: "Don't piss down my back and tell me it's raining" (The Ballad of Josey Wales--Clint Eastwood)


PBS if anything.
Radio: NPR and BBC (In the US, Clear Channel Corp. and others have completely ruined broadcast radio. Apparently, the Democrats have little desire to break up the media monopolies, and the Republicans love it this way. Recent FCC legislation has have made the problem even worse.)


Lifelong voracious reader. Can't enter bookstores anymore. Spend all my money. I do libraries now.
The Rest is Noise, by Alex Ross
FAVORITE LIVING AUTHORS: Me, Barbara Kingsolver, Charles Simic, Richard Bach, Karen Armstrong, Noam Chomsky, John Irving, David Foster Wallace, Paul Theroux, Bill Bryson.
FAVORITE DECEASED AUTHORS: Thoreau, Twain, Tennyson, Neruda, Hesse, Walker Percy, Douglas Adams, Kurt Vonnegut. . . . Alas, too many Yoricks.


.. My parents, Solon, Aristotle, Boadiccea, Arthur, Espinoza, and far too many visionaries, creators, and Lovers throughout history to list here.
I see heroism everywhere--in children learning to walk and ride their bicycles, in people trying to get and keep their mind-numbing jobs and trying to be nice when they really don't feel like it, in finding new ways to have meaningful lives.
In time of war, we should remember the warrior. Having served, I sympathize deeply with all of those who confuse patriotism with the propaganda of the owner class. It's very common, especially in this backward country. Pray for us.

Here's to the Crazy Ones
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My Blog

NEWEST POEM: I Started a Poem For You

       I Started a Poem For You          (a poem in progress)I started a poem for you And then the doorbell rang But I rememb...
Posted by Steve Beeney on Tue, 27 May 2008 04:45:00 PST

11 Poems by Steve Beeney

      Something to Capitalize I hate it when I feel a poem coming on And don't know what it's about I love it when I feel a poem coming onAnd don't know what it's about Then ...
Posted by Steve Beeney on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 10:22:00 PST

NOT SO NEW POEM: Before and After the Next Terrorist Attack

Before the next terrorist attack Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables Avoid sweets, processed foods And carbonated drinks Before the next terrorist attack Don't believe advertisements Salesmen, pre...
Posted by Steve Beeney on Tue, 18 Dec 2007 08:41:00 PST

ESSAY: Toward a Theory of Tango and Catfish:

                                or Nature's Threat to the RightIn two port ci...
Posted by Steve Beeney on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 10:44:00 PST

POEM: The Red Bookshelf

I can't go into bookstores anymore Spend all my money on shiny covers That make me dizzy You find them at closing time They feed you potatoes and onions But I prefer the subtle ones Who keep you in su...
Posted by Steve Beeney on Tue, 01 May 2007 02:17:00 PST


I just decided to start a new religion called "Lovers".  There's no theology.  No ceremony.  No holy book.  No credo.  Only one commandment: Love.  Tired of religio-...
Posted by Steve Beeney on Fri, 15 Dec 2006 03:41:00 PST

SONG: America the Beautiful: the Update

    (to the tune of "America, the Beautiful")We learn the words when we are young And try to understand These symbols of the heart and tongue Of God and sky and land America, America We...
Posted by Steve Beeney on Tue, 10 Oct 2006 11:31:00 PST

A Basic Definition

Wikipedia says, "Fascism is a radical political ideology that combines elements of corporatism, authoritarianism, nationalism, militarism, anti-anarchism, anti-communism and anti-liberalism." Any que...
Posted by Steve Beeney on Tue, 19 Sep 2006 01:40:00 PST

Happy 9-11 Day!

Only 88 shopping days left till Pearl Harbor Day!  Speaking of terrorists, take our news media.  Real professional fear mongers!  I know fear mongers.  I lived in Saudi Arabia for...
Posted by Steve Beeney on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 08:19:00 PST