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I've been a netgrrrl for the past 11 years.
I'm passionate about Innovation and creativity - and I don't see why there need to be "boxes" around these things.
I love the idea of cutting through - of defying stereotypes, and converging live multimedia, entertainment, video, music, radio, across tv, mobile phone, internet and mobile broadband networks.
I usually work between 1 - 10 years in the future conceptualising, building & delivering new ways to gradually enable amazing new services and content.
I love sharing ideas, and amassing an 'A" team.
Most of all, both communities and the people within them generate and network ideas
which ultimately become the future
I really like working with my friend Rob on secret projects that promise to change the world
Like Rob, I like studying systems
I enjoy LIVING
I like helping people with good ideas/talent
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I are some low quality snapshots of my paintings...
Even though I have all the right female physical bits, my brain is not that of a woman ...maybe that's why I work with engineers!
You are Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Iron Man
Green Lantern
Which Superhero am I? I am a beautiful princess
with great strength of character.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...
Charity Calendar.
Proceeds go towards assisting women who wish to study/enter/or are involved in ICT Industry..
(ICT includes internet)
My IT Goddess Rant Blog
The image of Ursula Andress in DR No is a beautiful shot of a wet cold angry woman about to kick serious ASS, striding bravely and purposefully to achieve her goal.
As a child I never viewed her swimsuit as anything more than that. Because young girls don't have dirty minds - they only see a wet woman in a swimsuit.
Her image didn't make me want be become an actress, go on a diet, become an anorexic alcoholic or get married in Vegas.
......Although I did lots of other stupid things - However, these were MY OWN ORIGINAL stupid things - not merely a faddish copy of the *flavour of the moment*.
God help me! /:->]
I'd like to meet:
I want to meet an iHoff - so much cooler than the original!
I'd like to meet people who are creative, constructive, curious, compassionate, calm, and considerate. If you know yourself to be a person such as this, I'd like to know you.
Music is my passion, it causes my soul to fly free. It doesn't matter which music style as long as the music moves me.
Bottom line - IT MUST BE GREAT ~ Eclectic; X genre; Cut thru.
The music has to make me become one with it - pulsating right through me - in the music.
Howling Bells, DefFX, Quesh ("candi girl"); the Hilltop Hoods("nosebleed section") & Sneaker Pimps ("six underground")
"Free your Mind".
Free you mind
And the rest will follow
be colour blind
Don't be so shallow
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
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There is always the Hoff to stimulate the intellect....
I read and read and read so much ~ I can't remember who wrote it and what it was...only the content and sentiment - but my shelf is wall to wall with and an eclectic collection of genres.
I love GREAT WRITING (which is rare, but not so rare as to remain totally hidden amongst all those damn best sellers) ....
I'm insatiably curious - I need to understand both *why* and *how*. So I love reading novels, analysis, and both hard & soft sciences; Somehow weaving some unified tapestry of knowledge born of inference, experience and adaption: astrophysics, philosophy, biology, chemistry, History, sociology, economics, psychology.....whatever.
Some major influences for very different reasons:
* Plato. How his words resonate - centuries apart, BUT with breathtaking precision & timeless relevance. His words provided me with a compelling *mirror* mind map: for the breadth and unity of his vision; his love of knowledge, truth, humanity, and balance;
How to capture this in so few words?
* Jung. Mirro Mind Map 2. The symbols in my dreams form birth were always archetypal. Jung handed me the legend and the symbols came to life.
* Michael Parkes. He mirrored my *dreaming* in oil on a board; arousing within me a compulsion to capture and illustrate the essence, sensuality and mystery of my soul.
I write a lot - hundreds of pages per week, thousands per month, millions per year - all those words......
......and all under N.D.A.
Inspirational people are heroes of mine......
Paul was a hero who saved a woman and her son from a burning car. Now he is dead. (read more , scroll down page to Amazing Grace. You will always be remembered with love, Paul.
Sharing PPL
People who make the world a more beautiful place
PPL who change the world for the better
Pople who save lives
The Unsung, Anonymous ppl- let their talent to shine
Happy people
Pure of Spirit
Seekers of Truth - skeptics(those who question)
gentle people
The curious
Those who dare to be themselves
People of conviction and commitment
The courageous - always be strong
Poeple with warm smiles in their eyes
Modest ppl
ppl with values
PPl who r real
Socrates + Vitalism rules ~ Pure rationalism rejects the notion of a universal life force on the basi that its existence cannot be mapped or measured. Maps only describe a reality in relative terms. Lacking complete sets of information, or a means of comprehension does not invalidate the existance of something which cannot yet be proven.