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Wondering through life

About Me

I am of Apache, Navajo and Spanish descent.
Existing for the moment until the next moment passes. An artist for most of my life. Living with the bear and thunder-being medicine. An explorer and observor throughout many dimensions in life of our creations. In past moments, I have done ceremonies, sweat lodges, and various other divinations depending on intent. Or, I am just me.
I do not answer to any one belief, but do recognize them all. I do have a contrary nature with this present human life being, so learning or accepting to face ones self, handling inner fears, and unknowns, is important. If you initially intend to aproach me for various reasons of seeking. I am true to nature so I am not the one to prove anything too. Or, I am just me.
12-31-06 Just think of the massive energies
moving at the moment.
And we are all apart of this historical
moment of energies shifting toward the better of things.
Collective thought in a global scale for peace.
Our thoughts may not go as directed,
but where it is needed.
Ultimately to what is better for all.
Some things need to pass for things to move on.
An ex-President(Ford) passing in peace and
another ex-President(Hussein) passing in chaos.
This has a profound effect in the worlds
spiritual energies.
Finally a large element of darkness
has been taken out of this realm,
yet there is more to come,
but it is in a good direction.
Chaos will still attempt to cloud
things as it is the way.
But, the levels of good things has
moved forward in this moment of
a new light for mankind.
A Step in Awareness
It is a gradual thing. We could not handle it should too many things hit us all at once. The thought process has to go thru changes to recognize new senses, unseen possibilities, and a different sense of thought. Many people out there speak the words, but only understand the surface of it's meaning. Wanting to include the known perimeters of this reality tends to keep us at the lake side.
A small step at a time can pass thru many dimensions and if thought has not adjusted to the new surroundings of possibilities, then it is only a brief passing. Expanding awareness is expanding to new senses in thought.
This can be a strange and scary feeling if you do not truly have faith in self. One tends to feel the crossing of sanity because of the new sensations. I did when it first happened. These are nothing to fear, but allow the faith in self to grow with unknowns. Observe and make conscious choices to explore.
I had to briefly pass the veil to get to these levels and that is the other way many would prefer not to take, but it is the core that keeps many in this realm. The fear of death. I no longer have that fear of natural passage and it has opened so much in that area alone. To me, it is an element that keeps us from seeing further. We can see past it and still live out this lifes wonders.
Living this reality has to run it's course. Learning of our higher self can be like looking thru a window until we separate from our physical bodies. And continue to move on in our varied lives through our awareness.
The events I have been a apart of have been life long. The things I speak of are of my perceptions and many ways similar to the varied views of others. The things I speak of can be as guidance of possibilities. Not venues to be followed as doctrines. This is what I move with and allow space for others to expand their own journey of awareness.
The good/evil scenerios are concepts of humanity. Yet, very real in the minds of humanity as they create it. This is an area that has less weight when awareness begins to unfold. There are many unknowns and the conditioning of the good/evil concepts keep many from seeing past the many spiritual wonders that we are about.
Want to see more spiritually? Do not fear seeing past what you know. Observe it. Your strength is believing in self. Observe the things not familiar and move as perceived in a good way. Observe your life and the little things or series of events that affected the way you react. How did it correlate to society around you in the moment.
Its interesting to observe many people in various societies experiencing the same or similar events. It also gives a peek at how energy moves in life. Resulting in our behavior. Learning to see these things spiritually gives understanding on things to come. It can also aid in more choices not previously realized in handling situations.
What is your path? You have been living it! These things are gradual when the sight is awakening. The searching should be within as that is where awareness in spirit is growing. Thats if you want to observe things as they flow in movement and unfold in events. The initial confusion is the growing choices in direction of life.
This is a beginning as the directions of existence can all exist in a moment and living them all within a moment is an awareness of all possibilities. Don't expect anything. Let things move in their natural way. Observe, comprehend, and move on. No reason to stay in one spot. Things do reoccur till you get the understanding of things to be.
There is no need to feel left behind. You are a part of all things created and your understanding of awareness in life evolves within the lives you exist. Eventually moving beyond life as comprehended. The choices in life and observing life of choices is ones path of wanting to understand more of self and evolve.
A Thought on Body Healing!
To help, if you are not good with visualization of your own body healing. Get a medical illustration of the human torso. One with the internal organs illustrated. Visualize the areas you are concerned with. Practice viewing the parts of interest and eventually see yourself with the parts inside you.
Practice getting closer and closer to your area of interest. Gradually get to cell level and eventually further, but mainly the part of interest is what your concerned with for now. For basic visualizing, see the part as a whole. Practice visualizing them as the healthy parts in the medical illustration. Expect nothing and live a good life. shash
Existing is beyond the birth of stars and countless realms of non-times.
Where the expansion of thought is boundless.
But for now, we are human.
Life beyond life.

Passing Memories. 12-21-07
Another linear year is passing into memories.
There were challenges and there were triumphs.
Whatever choices we made they were done and now we move on.
Some want it better for living in this world
and some do not.
However we chose, linear time did not stop.
We lived to continue the cycle of life.
Hopefully our added experiences will make us wiser for what is to come.
Its a human experience we ponder about.
It's a life we want to shout.
We ask what is life, but do not see.
We are experiencing it until there is more to be.
Some want shortcuts, some want it quick,
but without the experience of existing it's fruitless to see.
Be at peace with your inner self and allow it to be with soulful things in a natural pace.
They will guide you and bring solice to thee.
As we journey toward our next cycle in life.
Be grateful you were given life and able to be.
J Palace, copyright 2007
A Thought on Stillness.
Stillness... gather your good memories to get into your calm state.
Withdraw in further to your inner safe place and be silent in thought, but observe your surroundings, like looking thru a window.
Being emotionally detached.
Observe the turbulance and watch its movement as the waves pass.
Look back and attempt to observe where it is originating.
Sometimes it can be pin pointed and sometimes there are many elements involved.
Do not attempt to correct them as there are many variables involved.
Learn to move through them but be stilled to allow things to pass.
Observe and learn the movements they make to affect the life of humanity and other life forms.
The state of calmness counters and lessens the waves as they pass with less resistance.
That is where getting involved is passive but can be longer lasting.
Learn by observing and living life.
At times to calm my surroundings I envision I am surrounded by rolling grass covered land that is calmly moving with the breeze.
From there I go many directions.
One of many ways.
J Palace, copyright 2008

Gojiiya '07
As I sit here gazing at the snow and ice of nature a past memory emerges of a recent journey to the Jicarilla Apache Reservation. I went to their annual Gojiiya weekend held in a valley of their land next to the tree lined Stone lake.
This was the once a year event when most of the tribe would move to the valley of their land. Moving there for the weekend. I mainly visited the families that invited me, and enjoyed their company.
The land even gave me good visions of its nature.
I found the campsite of the hosting family and waited for the family to arrive. For now, I was on my own. I had layed down to rest. As I rested my eyes went blurry and I was attempting to re-focus them. When they focused there were women cooking and tribal families setting up many tables of feast. I turned around to see the spot I was resting on. There was nothing there, but I still felt I was there.
Then I moved around the tables and put two coins in each container of water and thanked the family member. The thought was saying two quarters-50 cents. I began returning to the place my body was resting and then, I was stopped by a male figure. He handed two coins back to me and said he did not want them. I seemed to be confused of the behavior and then one of the women preparing the feast approached us.
She asked if I had given this man what I had in my hand. I answered yes and she asked me to follow her. We approached one of the feast tables and she picked up a moccasin and handed it to me. It looked like it had a stove pipe on it as I had accepted it and thanked her.
She said, I was welcomed there and for me to feast on the various foods and givings on their tables. I moved from table to table cherishing the givings, then my eyes refocused and I was laying there on the ground watching the red ants around me. They were also visiting, but did not bite.
Its was really refreshing to see the children sitting there with their great, great grandmother and relations. Visiting the star lit evenings with family campfires throughout the valley. To the wee mornings rays were singing and random yelping between camps echoing in the valley surrounded by the forest.
This land and its people seemed to be a resting place for me. I am glad I was allowed to visit their land. I do not ask for much; just camping out for the weekend with the tribal families in their valley was comforting. Memories from somewhere...
The many human elements where there, but being in the land of the ancestors brought solice. Being raised in the cities has reminded me to appreciate these moments. It was a very fullfiling experience. I got to meet one myspace friend. Another refreshing experience and then moved on.
The trip was continued with traveling afterward to Albuquerque to my first grand-daughter's, first birthday. A few festive days with the family and then back to Missouri. It stormed around us all the way back and it was very comforting to me.
This was a good moment.
shash (2-2-08)
J Palace, copyright 2008
...souls learning of life.
I get ecstatic when observing a soul learning of what more they are and can be. For now the threads of human nature influence the extent of how far we want experience and too what extent.
Boundries of ego and known sanity wavers as thought also goes thru changes. One can sense many bounce back to familiar ground when the senses of the unknowns expound. It's ok to learn about life.
Things will be when humanity eventually allows beyond its material boundries and emotions.
Believe in self.
shash (3-17-08)
J Palace, copyright 2008

Answering a Question.
Be open and observe all avenues of healing. During my leukemia experience I did the western medicine to get a feel of where they are at and to experience the outcomes of their way.
The processed chemicals in their treatments did make me feel seperated from my higher self as it clouded the mind. But then I'd back off to what I feel in nature. With confidence in who I am. Visioning the self and synching it with the western medicine ways. Like having a second opinion and to get a better handle of where the physical body was. I am open to the ways of others and their methods of healing but choose what works for me.
I also express this for others.
Do what works for you.
My journies of healing for others is usually not planned but, sometimes when asked with the humble intent of healing. With consideration to natures design.
Letting the natural things around us move in their natural course of life is where I like to be and the fast pace of society hinders what we are to see and be.
Yet they all culminate our experiences.
To truely heal listen to self and learn to understand the messages.
Listen to self.
J Palace, copyright 2008

A Natural Thing.
Its a good time of the year for me as the ever changing weather conditions bring many things.
My seclusion from city life has aided with many introspectives and the natural things around us give our truer answers than any man-made whim.
Having nothing to do gives me plenty of things to do.
Experiencing life in many forms is amazing.
In recent weeks I've been enjoying a few very intense highly electrically charged thunderstorms. Tornadic behavior whisking by for another in its path. Nothing more exhilerating and humbling than a large thunderous energy body overhead pounding the ground around me with large electrical bolts and a large bolt air burst overhead.
Another nexus with nature among the many throughout this linear life span. My rottweillers even stood with me in a clearing un-afraid. Natural forces will orchestrate the final reactions as global pollution continues.
Relating to nature unfolds many mysteries.
We only need to relate.
J Palace, copyright 2008

A bewildering moment.....
History has its marks of good intentions being stricken by mankinds own hand. The religion that nails the poor guy to the cross every year does not seem to allow much growth of spirit. The messages that walk among us have to protect themself from this same negative aspect of man. It is bewlidering. We have many perceptions. Many not understood.
I have had in the past few years extremists verbally attack me with their cristian beliefs. They really get hyped up when an audience gathers. Surrounded by a crowd with a person shaking their hand in my face while verbally damning me and reciting bible scriptures at the same time. It is a very strange place to be. Only thing I could do is withdraw into my inner self and search for the moment of time I am really in.
It brought up the memories of how this imposition was forced on our ancestors. They were not allowed choices. What has caused this fracture in time! This was some old age stuff from another time period yet it is still allowed in this day thru the faceless. Eventually we will know what it means to walk our own path.
I am only saddened when I experience things like this. I am sombered to know there are many ways and I know my path is different and I have the choice to make it so for self.
J Palace, copyright 2008

Walking Your Own Path is the way.
Only words from a wondering soul.

My Interests

Working with various art mediums through the many years i this material life: computers(tech geek), Web page design, airbrush, pen-n-ink, oils, wood carving, sculpting, photography, auto mechanic, carpenter, silversmith, etc. If it is a shapable medium, it can be created.

**Creating custom jewelry is the present skill I have my shop set up for. This is usually on request from those who know me.
Sample of silver work.

**Web page design is another current media I work with in commercial business or personal web design.
Inquiries welcome.


Nature is wonderful,
even in its destructive stages. Being outdoors and away and still in a crowd of people. Practicing my spiritual levels. Being a friend of the thunderbeings and other natural dimensions.

Likes: Being a part of the natural elements and energies throughout life as they are an energy for which we exist in our purist forms of natural forces. Results of our creations.

Dislikes: Those who fear death as it is our return to which we come from, but forgotten by many.

A Thought
Ocean Dreams:
When you've experienced life in the oceans, it is enduring to stand on the beach and view what was.
Waiting for the moment to delve into the oceans, again.
J Palace, copyright 2006

The many facets of onesness can be a gem.
J Palace, copyright 2006

What is a light!
If you cannot see it in darkness.
J Palace, copyright 2006

The image of mankind is varied in the eye of our creations.
The purpose is to evolve.
The dreams are moving to see more of who we are.
J Palace, copyright 2006

It's good to move past the comfort zones and expand your eventual boundless realities.
The material world does have it's limits, but the elements of nature gives us many wonderful things to experience in wonders of our dreams in life.
Recognize natures whisper and recognize the many realms of their existence.
J Palace, copyright 2006

Peaceful surroundings makes its waves through many places.
You do not have to know the results, only know your universe is part of it.
J Palace, copyright 2006

Perfection can usually be out of reach.
Things change and moments turn with time.
What could of been perfect has now passed and we settle for what is left.
The allusive prefection could be a simple acceptance of the moment in front of you in a breath.
J Palace, copyright 2006

Nature's Whisper:
It's good to move past the comfort zones and expand your eventual boundless realities.
The material world does have it's limits.
The elements of nature give us many wonderful things.
To experience in wonders of our dreams, in life.
Recognize natures whisper and recognize the many realms of their existence.
J Palace, copyright 2006

A whisper say's it ok.
Things are peaceful where I am.
And I see that among others,
but do they see it themselves.
J Palace, copyright 2006

A healer who cannot heal, does not know when to rest.
J Palace, copyright 2006

One day at a time,
pacing what we can.
The moments are continuous as grains in the sand.
Sifting thru our choices, seeking the grand plan.
But living for the moment
is where I stand.
J Palace, copyright 2006

It needs to last longer than a day.
It needs to be more than we can say.
Enjoy it your way.
J Palace, copyright 2006

What do I want to be in life?
I want to experience individuality.
I want to know self.
I want to see beyond sight.
I want to know more of what I can be.
I want to create life.
I want life.
I am life.
J Palace, copyright 2006

In another time.
In another place.
We would of done it another way.
Live for the moment.
J Palace, copyright 2006

New times to come.
New things to do.
New ways to see.
New choices for you.
J Palace, copyright 2006

There is no time in the universe for the moment to unfold.
A moment that could span a lifetime or a blink of an eye.
A moment to be what you choose in life.
A time you choose for the moment to be.
Be it in this reality or another outside of this realm.
It is your universe and more outside of time.
It is your time to be with a universe within.
Live your time and be without time as you live.
J Palace, copyright 2006

To have your life flash in front of you is an awakening to all your experiences in life.
There are no judgements.
Then we move on in life beyond life.
J Palace, copyright 2006

One day at a time is the human element existing in this reality.
I do go thru the motions, but being an observor of life in its many realms is where I prefer.
My purpose in life is where I am.
I have no more searching.
J Palace, copyright 2007

It's an experience in moving with life.
Going with the flow. It's interesting to sense the patterns and observe the movement unfold.
Living life becomes more familiar and the conscious choice is our validity of living beings.
Searching for life that we are.
J Palace, copyright 2007

In a manor of speaking, we are all gods/goddesses.
The choices we make in this reality are what we're creating in this world we live.
J Palace, copyright 2007

We have similarities and differences.
In our individual forms we have many ways of separating things from the one.
Whatever way we see,
our individuals have found it their way.
Many things are learned in a moment of many individuals learning of a thought of one,
J Palace, copyright 2007

Experiencing life on a daily breath can be interesting.
Watching things form, unfold, and go.
No matter which choice was made, time still moves for the next events.
Many ask, what is life?
Your living it!
What else does one want it to be.
Our choices.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Seeking spiritual things is opening a doorway.
But, to open doorway to one thing, opens the door to all things.
Faith in self is the key.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Day by day we live for more. Until the day of more we live.
J Palace, copyright 2007

What A Life!
Day by day we say.
Week by week, hey.
Any longer we fly away.
Enjoy this moment doing it your way.
J Palace, copyright 2007

A heart of hearts I give a share.
Of many beats to be of life.
A breath of air to show I care.
A moment of thought I see of you.
A thought of you I give to air.
To roam the world for all to see.
A beat of heart I give to thee.
J Palace, copyright 2007

We have many spaces in other worlds,
in other dimensions,
in other places.
A spark among flight.
Moving beyond the speed of light.
A world of step by step,
one way, one day.
Taking a break and live it this way.
A place to see a blade of grass,
Gazing at a stone of time.
The passing storms in my mind.
Constant movement, new and old.
This is more than what I'm told.
Only thoughts of a wondering mind.
Passing moment of a passing time.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Nature is full of journeys to pass in time.
The body may have it's limits,
but the journey is still on.
Marvel with life.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Things expanding and more to see.
This world is a trip,
curious place to be.
A world of war,
small peace we see.
Whats it like have peace enveloped in thee.
A world we see.
A world to be.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Things are good around my realms.
Living day by day.
Gazing at life as it passes in wonders.
If we could only quiet those who like hate and wars.
At least teach them to play well with others.
Human nature has many lives.
J Palace, copyright 2007

If I have touched you how can I be a stranger.
If I have memory of you how could I not forget.
My thoughts are of those I have touched.
My thoughts are more than a day.
Time moves in my thoughts.
A thought is of you in more than I can say.
My thought is of all in a better way.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Life is good inspite of its ups and downs.
Moving on makes the difference with the results as it is only the experiences we learn from and continue, in our lives.
Till we do it again.
Hopefully in a better way.
I know I am not perfect,
but I do strive for the better ways in this reality.
J Palace, copyright 2007

What a life.
Things keep moving.
Life keeps changing.
Think I will sit down for awhile and watch the flowers bloom.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Creation beyond life has many paths for us to choose from.
Free will gives us the opportunity to evolve in any belief of choice.
There is no exclusive to creation.
Be good in your life.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Beat to the drum of life!
J Palace, copyright 2007

Know self.
Observe unknowns and learn.
Have faith in self to make good choices.
Your dreams will come to you.
J Palace, copyright 2007

I missed you and found you.
In the dark there is light.
You'll be a place in my sight.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Many wonderful things open up when one can accept life beyond life.
The passing thru vail of mourning the physical detachment can weight heavily.
Accepting it graciously can thin the vail and the meaning of the spirit passing to their realms of creation can be sensed.
It is an expansive feeling of our place in this world and beyond.
Very humbling.
Until it is our turn to return to where we come from.
Be good to self.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Thank you for the remembrance.
A simple element of humanity that exemplifies and solidifies our existence in this reality.
Remembering our lives of past and present to learn of our experiences and shape our future.
A will of living in harmony and dreams for a better life.
Enjoy the simple things around you and be at peace with your choices.
What a life.
Be good to self.
J Palace, copyright 2007

The generations are in our DNA.
The DNA is our life.
What we know is what we feel inside.
Our generations are alive.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Age is a strange concept in this reality. BR J Palace, copyright 2007

I come by when I can
and move where I am.
I ask nothing of you,
but hope your life is for the better.
For you are one of creations "I am."
J Palace, copyright 2007

When the thought comes to me for one soul,
then it is also for another.
Many of us move with similar paths but walk as individuals to experience life in our varied ways.
A touch of one thought.
J Palace, copyright 2007

A moment to pass.
A life with mass.
We touch with self.
A flash within an hour glass.
J Palace, copyright 2007

I've never said I was perfect...
All I can say is, "I am."
J Palace, copyright 2007

Learning of Self;
A Consciousness Among Mass Consciousness.
J Palace, copyright 2007

I walk in light and in darkness.
But sometimes it takes a little more effort to dust off the residue when returning to the lighter side of self.
J Palace, copyright 2007

For now, I am human, living with human conditions, parameters, wonders and distractions.
Yet, my mind moves beyond until I can return home.
J Palace, copyright 2007

I do think of you in our expansive worlds.
I ask for your life to be good to your nature and your surroundings.
J Palace, copyright 2007

The human psyche can be very confusing.
Yet, I would experience it to know its potential.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Good to know you are a place to be.
Enjoy your life as there is more to see.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Things are a world of difference in a thought.
The choices to make in what we have brought.
Enjoy a good life in content of being for what is sought.
J Palace, copyright 2007

As we move in this world we experience life in our eyes.
A doorway to another we may cry.
Many things we have learned and many moments to come.
Will lead to the light when we are one.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Being true to self is all we can be.
To know in life, to stand and see.
Be grateful of life and live to be one.
With all things of our nature that move in our path.
Learning our future and cherishing our past.
J Palace, copyright 2007

I am content and welcome the passing to my journey back home to creation.
But for now I am to live this human life with its nature and boundries.
Life beyond life.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Be good in your mind and thoughts of you I will vision.
Stand beside your pain and be strong in spirit.
I will ask for you to heal and be at peace with the inner self for you to see.
My thoughts are yours.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Your reality is a life of creations.
Your place is a place to be is who you are in this universe to see.
Your place is a place to be is who you are in this universe to see.
Your experiences of self and those who connect with you and your lifes journey.
A friend visiting, a thought of things to come, of things past, and all things that fill your mind.
May your choices be plenty.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Ghosting the trees!
I can relate to that.
They are nature and I recognize nature as we are a part of them and they are us.
I enjoyed shape shifting with them during festivals in the forest.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Pondering life can be mind boggling.
Living life can be amazing.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Many good things to remind us of life's passion in this world.
J Palace, copyright 2007

The world is a cool place beyond its conflicts.
We choose where we want to be and our nature will adjust.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Our cycles of coming and going do continue and thoughts of you are a part of the movement.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Hopefully one can meld with the experiences of life and thereafter.
Its who we are.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Live your life with your choices and be grateful in living it.
J Palace, copyright 2007

Be good...
"Be grateful for who you are..."
J Palace, copyright 2007

I enjoy it when the natural elements change their nature.
The transition of seasons change many things.
J Palace, copyright 2008

Its good to experience life.
Then we move on to experience life.
J Palace, copyright 2008

Many travel the world for what is in self.
J Palace, copyright 2008

Humans are all around us.
I'de bet your probably one.
Spend time learning what your own soul is about.
Life moves on.
J Palace, copyright 2008

It does help to hear others are speaking similar words.
A comfort to feel we are not alone,
even when in solitude.
We are one.
J Palace, copyright 2008

Prophets come in many forms.
...and usually leave before their time.
J Palace, copyright 2008

A moment has passed in being grateful of your image cast.
Hoping your life is cherished and dreams are vast.
Thanks for allowing me to be in your light emitting a beam in my path.
J Palace, copyright 2008

Life continues with each sunrise and sunset.
However we chose it to see the sun will rise again and allow us to be.
J Palace, copyright 2008

There are many words, then there are none.
Its back to experiencing until we are one.
J Palace, copyright 2007

I'd like to meet:

My higher self, again.

CURRENT MOON moon info


"What The Bleep Do We Know - Down The Rabbit Hole." I very much related to the quantum mechanics theory and the realms I traveled when crossing over during my leukemia experience. It is only the tip of the iceberg. An area where spirituality could come closer to science, but what we do with it will show us who we really are as a human race. There are many others, but that is all they are.
This is only one opinion of many.


Sci-fi, stories of the future and multi-dimensional possibilities of thought.

My Blog

SHORT STORY: Leukemia Vision - Who is God?

A Leukemia Vision: Who is God? Dec 21, 2004 is when a doctor told me, "You have Leukemia and it is hitting you like a thunderstorm." I did have a moment of grief, but quickly got over it. What stuck o...
Posted by shash on Fri, 24 Nov 2006 12:13:00 PST

SHORT STORY: Becoming a Reborn Human.

BECOMING A REBORN HUMAN. Drip, Drip, Drip. The last of the red blood cells emptied into the life lines connected to the chest of Shash. This was his last day in the hospital and his last blood trans...
Posted by shash on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 01:39:00 PST

A MOMENT: Remembering a life of souls

I had recently received a message from a good soul who is speaking of whats to come in her world. Many of us live and then we move on. This person as well as others are in my thoughts and I really fee...
Posted by shash on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 12:25:00 PST

SHORT STORY: clik...clik...shaa...

clik...clik...shaa..... The desert land was very warm and barren. Rocky bulges randomly filled the raw elements of surviving life and landscape. There walked a visitor in a small village with sparse r...
Posted by shash on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 12:24:00 PST

SHORT STORY: Heyoka Turned!

Heyoka Turned! There was a male native person who visited the Lakota reservations, but he was not himself a Lakota. He was more of Apache and Navajo heritage before his past family had been separated ...
Posted by shash on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 03:58:00 PST

A THOUGHT: Fearing a Typical Prophet!

There are many occasions of others experiencing something more. But many will not speak of it because there are many willing to discredit anothers experience. I can relate to it because I have experie...
Posted by shash on Mon, 08 Jan 2007 02:39:00 PST

A THOUGHT: What is death?

Life is interesting. I have been keeping my inner self in calmness for the last month, every now and then speaking my thoughts. To many, the words only last a day. I was hoping to write more about my...
Posted by shash on Fri, 05 Jan 2007 02:35:00 PST

A THOUGHT: Experiencing the Higher Self.

  In the beginning of my leukemia experience in December 2004,  I had fully accepted it in a good way. I opened my spirit self to embrace what I was about to go through a...
Posted by shash on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 07:28:00 PST

SHORT STORY: Bear Medicine

Bear Medicine: This is an extension of our relationship with natural life: be it animal, plant, rock, or other natural forms of life on this planet which we are suppose to be the care-takers. There ar...
Posted by shash on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 01:58:00 PST


WHAT A LIFE! What a life, we enter it in pain thru a bearer of life we live. We grow with joys and we endure what we can, seeking knowledge, or just being what we know. The forms do mature to the limi...
Posted by shash on Sat, 21 Oct 2006 03:32:00 PST