leeloo star™ *poppets* profile picture

leeloo star™ *poppets*

& Other Charmed Gifts www.leeloostar.com

About Me

LEELOO STAR'S MOJO POPPETS...PLEASE GO TO www.leeloostar.com OR SEE BLOGS FOR DEATILED PICTURES, DESCRIPTIONS AND ORDERING INFORMATION FOR LEELOO STAR'S MOJO POPPETS. If you have any other questions feel free to contact me. Blessed Be!A LITTLE BIT ABOUT POPPETS...A poppet is a magical doll made for the purpose of spell -casting and/or ritual magic in Witchcraft. Poppets are usually made to represent someone or something that for some reason is not present at the ritual performance, or it is the object of the spell -casting. The intention of poppets is that whatever actions are performed upon the effigy will be transferred to the subject. It is the intent and the energy that it is empowered with that counts.Mojo is a magical charm, a spell. It is usually a bag containing one or more magical items to charge the spell, carried, worn or put on altar or under pillow to bring the charm of the spell to its user.Do not mistake these dolls for voodoo dolls, they are NOT the same thing. Voodoo dolls are used for acts of binding and revenge. I do not give energy to that type of practice.The term poppet is also sometimes applied to a Maiden or Mother Goddess doll, used in harvest or other festivals to symbolize the fertility of the Earth and/or Goddess. In some instances, dolls are used to represent the male gender instead of the female ( corn dollies scarecrows and the Wicker Man of the Druids are examples). Poppets are believed to be infused with life by their makers. The doll is a "little life", symbolic of the owner’s inner person.It has been suggested that poppets were first used by Paleolithic hunters from about 50,000 B.C.E. An image of the animal being hunted was created, and a ritual resulting in a successful hunt was performed on the poppet. In ancient Greece (4th. century B.C.E.), poppets were referred to as "Kolossos". They were used for healing and self defense of the individual or community and protection of boundaries. Among the Greeks and Hellenes the most common material for making poppets were clay, wax and lead. The Babylonians often used poppets for defensive or protective magic. They were often made of clay or wax. These poppets were place around the entrances to their homes. and still others were buried, depending on the need. The ancient Egyptians also used poppets for protection from their enemies. In the United states, mountain folk, particularly the women, have used poppets for ages in order to attract lover. Witches often use poppets for healing and love magic. Though one should not use these for binding magic. The point being made is that poppets have been in use for centuries and in different ways by many diverse cultures.Get Your Own! | View Slideshow

My Interests

atlantic.and.pacific sunrises.and.sunsets shooting.stars.and.making.wishes. red.wine.on.a.fall.night. a.cool.pool.on.a.summer.afternoon the.smell.of.the.ocean september.trees beltane.and.samhain friends.and.foes soul.mates.and.kindred.spirits painting.and.creating long.conversations red.roses.and.black.cats oils.and.insence...

I'd like to meet:

witches.n.ghosts hippies kindred.souls gypsys spirit.guides philosophers artists.in.every.form goths.n.punks people.with.kind.hearts.and.open.minds


peter.murphy...the.cure tori.amos...mazzy.star frank.sinatra...elvis.presley fiona.apple...cocteau.twins johnny.cash...fugazi eels...chili.peppers this.mortal.coil...arcanta the.clash...coldplay bob.marley...depeche.mode crowded.house...morcheeba

My Blog

LeeLoo Star's Mojo Poppets...

About LeeLoo Star's Mojo Poppets:These powerful mojo poppets are entirely handcrafted, witch-crafted, and are filled with a variety of magical items such as stones, feathers, talisman or amulets, and ...
Posted by leeloo star™ *poppets* on Wed, 26 Jul 2006 06:31:00 PST

Custom Made Mojo Poppets...

Do you need a custom made poppet? Something for that special occasion or that special someone that you don't see featured here? Please feel free to contact me regarding any custom made poppet you ar...
Posted by leeloo star™ *poppets* on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 01:25:00 PST

Mojo Poppet Ordering Information...

To order a mojo poppet, please send me a message with the name of the poppet you are requesting or any questions you may have regarding a custom made mojo poppet. Paypal information will be immediatel...
Posted by leeloo star™ *poppets* on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 01:34:00 PST