jovovich-hawk profile picture


Heavy on the pepper

About Me

"; We are two girls who want to make you feel beautiful for who you are... our history starts pretty far back, we lived between two rivers in Mesopotamia, we were handmaidens to Europa, we watched her get kidnapped and taken across the water, we read tablets in Sumer and had lunch, of bread baked on hot bricks, we remember when Babylon came down, and, when she came back up again, we struck Egypt a deadly blow on the side of the mighty Hittite army, while single-handedly ravaging the Scythian hordes from the north, we put the first stones down of a city later known as mighty Rome and saw the founding of Byzantium which is no more, we sang of Charlemagne and died many times of plague in 34 totally different cities in Europe, later, we saw the duality of light, we realized that the things that you don't see have a stronger effect than the things that you do, we fought for our rights in so many different walks of life, we flew in an airplane, walked on the moon, mars, got ripped apart by massive storms on Jupiter and later appeared real, real faint orbiting the outskirts of the kuiper belt, we currently reside about 25 to 30 AU closer, in over sixty shops worldwide like Barney's, Ron Herman's, Harvey Nichols and Isetan. to see the collections go to

My Interests

Flappers Balthus

I'd like to meet:

All of the Gods & Goddesses: Ganesha to stay away from vanity, Buddha because he saw the light, Isis the mother, Aphrodite the lover, Artemis for solitude, Shiva for annihalation, Vishnu to preserve us, Sita like all us helpless ones, Jesus Christ who came back again, Apollo who gave us music, Dionysis for passion and wine, Maya because it's all an illusion, Tezcatlipoca for night and sorcery, Eshu will lead through the afterlife, Obatala who never made it on time, David Bowie our hero, Yahweh the creator, Vulcan the artist, Calliope for poetry, Clio for history, Erato for love songs, Euturpe for pleasure, Melpomene for tragedy, Polyhymnia for geometry, Terpsichore for dance, Thalia for comedy, Urania for astronomy, Shakti the balanced one, Kali is time, Teoyaomqui who guards the souls of warriors, Yemaya for childbirth, Anansi the sneaky spider god, Minerva the wise who split her father's head in twaine, Shango for thunder, Olorum for peace, Anu who's rich and bountiful, Bel when you need healing, Horus the child, Thor for strength, Tlaloc who dwells in storms, Zeus the ever powerful, Hermes the fleet, Brahma who gives us day and night, Bumba who made you vomit on your shoes, Neptune for peaceful waters, Persephone for those who disappeared, Hades for those who stole them, Amen to keep us safe and warm, Hathor who gives eternal sleep, Brigit who is three in one, Caer Ibormeith who sends us all our dreams, Elaine to keep our innocence, Vespa to keep our home safe, Mary for compassion, Tlazolteotl for her quintessentially open


this one will take awhile as it is endless*


Annie Hall,The Women,3 Women,Xanadu,X The unheard music(now that movie has style!!)China Town,Bonnie&Clyde,The Last Unicorn,Lets Rock Again,Belle du jour,Contempt,Weekend,Foxes,Prom Night,Mildred Peirce,Harold & Maude,The Jerk,The man who fell to earth,Bad Timing,Days of Heaven,Badlands,Mi Vida Loca


Tita Modotti a fragile life,1000 dessous,from the tip of the toes to the top of the hose,ozzie clark,rudi geitrich,the history of victorian lace,Biba,mick rock-Ziggy stardust,Evidence,vintage sears cataloges,fashion design 1800-1940,the art of theater and dance,Brassai paris by night,Kiki's paris artist & lovers,hollywood dressed & undressed,costumes by Karinska,Fashion the century of the designer,pola woman,Alfred Stieglitz,Chanel & her world,Loretta Lux,Sin in soft focus,the complete costume history,Goddess,The classical mode,the civil war images of Mathew Brady,The Rudy Gernreich book,All of Dickens,all bukowski, the early essays on manners by Frances Burney, Maria Edgeworth, history books, especially books on the french revolution, as well as, the first and second empires. Emile Zola, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Stephen King, ukrainian prayer books, The Dancing Wu-Li Masters, books on art from the Viennese Secession, books on Dogtown, Victorian and Edwardian Engravings, Daniel Dafoe's journal of the plague year, all books on plague, the Dune series, Tenessee Williams, real life letters and journal entries, science magazines and taschen collections of porno through time, taschen books, Mikhail Bulgokov, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Anais Nin, Henry Miller, Joris-Karl Huysmans, Colin Thubron, Lewis Carrol, the journal of Albion Moonlight by Kenneth Patchen


I-I wish you could swim Like the dolphins-like dolphins can swim Though nothing-nothing will keep us together We can beat them-for ever and ever Oh we can be heroes-just for one day I-I will be king And you-you will be queen Though nothing will drive them away We can beat them-just for one day We can be heroes-just for one day And you-you can be mean And I-I'll drink all the time 'Cause we're lovers-and that is a fact Yes we're lovers-and that is that Though nothing-will keep us together We could steal time-just for one day We can be heroes-for ever and ever What do you say? I-I can remember Standing-by the wall And the guns-shot above our heads And we kissed-as though nothing could fall And the shame-was on the other side Oh we can beat them-forever and ever Then we could be heroes-just for one day We can be heroes We can be heroes We can be heroes Just for one day We can be heroes We're nothing, and nothing will help us Maybe we're lying, then you better not stay But we could be safer, just for one day Oh, oh, oh, ohhh-oh, oh, oh, ohhh, just for one day Oh just for a day