SKYE profile picture


Here You Are Whole, Not Broken

About Me

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Hello, I'm Skye, yes it's me running my own page. I read all my messages and comments but can't reply to all.
I used to sing with Morcheeba and now, I don't.
I made an album called Mind How You Go. It's in shops now or you can get it on itunes

ORDER"Mind How You Go" at (US)
ORDER "Mind How You Go" at (UK)

For concert bookings etc please contact

Thanks for stopping by

Till the next time...

Mind how you go!

My Interests


Member Since: 1/22/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Me
Influences: Shirley Bassey, Frank Sinatra, Bjork, Sade, John Martyn
Sounds Like: Yummy. Chocolate.

Billboard Magazine Aug 2006

Tastemakers know the voice; it's the stuff dreams are made of. Incredibly cool, yet oh-so-warm, it is like no other. The voice belongs to Skye. As the former lead singer of British act Morcheeba, she helped usher in the trip-hop movement of the mid-'90s. After waving goodbye to that group, Skye ushers in her solo career with "Mind How You Go," an album that is subtle and sparse but beautifully layered; as electronic as it is unplugged. "Tell Me About Your Day," an ode to New Orleans, is filtered through blue skies, while the chorus-less "What's Wrong With Me" is decidedly gray. Other choice cuts include "Powerful," "Calling," "Stop Complaining" and "Love Show." A co-write with Daniel Lanois, "Jamaica Days," reflects upon Skye's roots. By Michael Paoletta

New York Magazine Aug 2006

Austere, warm, and direct, Skyes new disc plays like the long-lost follow-up to Morcheebas 1998 classic, Big Calm. That disc perfected melodic trip-hop, but Skye, the lead singer on four Morcheeba recordings, here advances the sound on her own, making it more intimate and plaintive. Her songs are like conversations with a friend who knows her way around but is self-confident enough to admit her mistakes. The sound wraps Skyes amiable rasp in a delicate backdrop of strings and keyboards, and the track produced by Daniel Lanois is his best work since Emmylou Harriss Wrecking Ball. By Martin Johnson

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Just in case you didn't get a chance to read my "Captains Logs" :

Some photo's from my recent tour opening for Ziggy Marley here

A short vid from my last show of the tour

Some more pictures from the tour HERE and HERE

A wee video blog on a travel day from Texas to New Mexico

Record Label: No Thanks
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Maybe To Spain

Hello you!How goes it? Is the sun shining where you are?Some of you may have noticed my mail box is closed at the moment. It's coz I have a back log of lovely messages that I want to reply to. My kids...
Posted by SKYE on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 04:51:00 PST


Hello youHow goes it? All is cool with me, been getting on recording my 2nd solo album. Sounding awesome (if I don’t say so me self!) Maybe I’ll add a wee sneaky preview of one of the trac...
Posted by SKYE on Sat, 05 Apr 2008 11:32:00 PST

I read it on Wikipedia...

Hello you!How are ya? What you been up to?I know, this blog is well over due! I realised 'cause folks started telling me what I'd been up to! How do you know that I ask?!! "Oh I read it on Wikipedia"....
Posted by SKYE on Thu, 31 Jan 2008 09:25:00 PST

Its coming on Christmas...

Hello you!Wow it's been ages since my last blog! I feel like I've gone in to hibernation over the last few weeks specially now the winter months are here. What have you been up to in the last few mont...
Posted by SKYE on Fri, 07 Dec 2007 09:37:00 PST

From New York To London

Hello you. How have ya been keeping? It's been a while. I didn't have internet for a month, but now I'm back on line! Hurraaaay!Thought you might like to see a few pics of my travels...Outside the QT ...
Posted by SKYE on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 03:06:00 PST

Tune in drop out and...

Hello you! Hope you're keeping well. I'm good, had a fun weekend! Saturday morning I went to Radio 4. You can go online and listen again if ya fancy. You'll hear Peter Curran talking to the comedian ...
Posted by SKYE on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 04:40:00 PST

Nouvelle Vague

Hello you!I thought I'd start by showing you a pic of my latest creation, cos in my last blog I mentioned that I had just learnt to crochet! I've made a hat for my daughter, for Steve and myself. The...
Posted by SKYE on Fri, 01 Jun 2007 05:48:00 PST

La Easter Bonnet ah!

Tell me, did you have a good easter? Stuff yourself with chocolate eggs? My children did. It is obscene how much chocolate they got from the grandparents! I must admit that I've really gotten into eat...
Posted by SKYE on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 04:38:00 PST


I thought you might like to know how it went at SXSW. Well, I had a bad cold and took so much stuff to try and shift it. Hot lemon and honey, paracetamol, hot baths with Olbas oil, aspirin, good ol' F...
Posted by SKYE on Sat, 24 Mar 2007 10:12:00 PST

She'll be comming round the mountain...

Hellooooo you! I finally got round to doing another blog, as it's been a while. What have I been up to?Well, I moved house. All settled in now and it's lovely, roll on the summer! I think I'll get one...
Posted by SKYE on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 05:07:00 PST