If love is stronger than pride then you can have a bit of both from me. Download 'Bowl of Pride' free above think of it as a lil more goodwill from the Pegster all I ask is if you play it someone and they like it pass it onto them too...........; ))
Music to me has always been a bandage some artists taught me more about life than any uncomfortable parental conversation. I have always found some answer in songs and this in time has elevated, healed, and amused me. Now it’s my turn to say something, leave something. They had critics and I will have mine. I have been frightened because many have told me that my way of writing songs is not regular, everyday, standard, and I think that some of you will appreciate this and some won’t. Fortunately I’m past caring it is what it is. If all of this is about making pots of money then I’ve never been greedy, so I’m just chancing my arm that amongst this sea of ears some will be mine. You just have to try at the end of the day to be happy being you.
I have co-written with some established songwriters and at the end of the day you are left with greed and business. People all over my compositions because they want a bigger cut often-changing things into something I don’t like and then arguing with me heaps about it. Apparently I sometimes write without chord structure some have said with only two chords. I would like to use more but what seeps from me is what I have written. These songs aren’t odd to me they are heartfelt. In the beats lie my mojo and my spirit settles in the rest. These songs are me unfettered and not bullied by a publishing company into writing regular R&B (which I could do; )) but a amalgamation of all the things I like in music. Influences aren’t many in this folk, jazz, acoustic assemble as I really have tried to get to the core of me which is a bit childish, kooky, cheesy but what I can’t hide is my soul which I hope shines out like a beacon through my words. I have already said everything you’d like to know about me is written in my songs so pull up a chair, put the kettle on and have a listen you might just like it? These songs are the creation of just another worker bee, sometimes bumbling around with her head down trying to pour learnt wisdom into song.
I'm still about noticing everyday moments and trying to find the joy in the little things. Tickling Pudds stomach whilst reading seems to be my fave spare time occupation at the moment. She's happy I'm happy. Hmmm everything to do with myspace is fab as you know but I have been a bit lazy keeping in touch with some people but it's that choice spend days online or enjoy the a few bevvies and see some long neglected friends. I'm trying to create balance but it is difficult as I've been chatting to some really lovely people/friends here. I guess I'll figure it out, I just wish I could type faster and that my computer behaved itself. At the moment it's taken to opening email like it's got snails in it's hard drive this takes some of the pleasure out of answering them but maybe this is a life lesson in patience. I'm one of those people who likes everything yesterday I had lunch with a friend yesterday and he said I had to slow down because even in conversations i'd moved on at a lightening speed to a conclusion and he was still pondering so here I am then learning patience. It's going ok but I do think it's over-rated tee hee! ; )
I've heard some really great stuff so far on myspace/music and i'm looking forward to hunting down some more music that will touch me in all the right places (sonically) tee hee.
!Easy now!
Pegy ;-)
Anyone living in London that would like to come to one of my gigs could you please check my SUBSCRIBE BOX below. This way i don't have to become an email pest to people living in other countries. I find it annoying to get bulletins from bands that I can't see because there too far away. It's ok when there's one or two but sometimes there's blooming hundreds of them."
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