Video by DJ Skibo featuring The Superfriends' song: "Love Is/Amethyst/Who Need's Diamonds" & "XTC".
Hello, my name is Natassja. I come from a musical family and I am totally in love with music. Its sounds, melodies, lyrics, harmonies, emotion, depth, simply amaze me and when all of these elements fuse, an awesome and enthralling work of art is conceived. Hearing beautiful music gives me goosebumps; making it - feels surreal.
There is no way for me to describe exactly what happens when I sit down to write a song, or from where my ideas or concepts emanate. Sometimes it's an aria that whispers in my ear or a poetic euphony that craves my spirited and innovative attention. It's that tune that's been ringing in my ear all day, almost like I'm hearing things. It's that little ditty begging for my soul to breathe some life into it. As with anything I am fond of, I give it my essence, reverence, influence and energy; I claim it, birthing a beautiful composition.
People have let me down more times than I can count. Things in my life have fallen apart in the past. My years on this earth have been no walk in the park. I never used to give myself enough credit for anything I had ever done. I'm finally realizing the talent that's been here all along; the talent others have always seen. Never have I felt so sure about anything in my life, but I feel so sure and positive about this thing called music.
So to all the idealists, dreamers and visionaries who fear failure or rejection, when there is something you want to accomplish but your fears keep you from acheiving your goals; remember your dream is just that. If you don't take the steps to make it possible it will always remain a dream. You must stay focused and motivated so others can see your dreams as if they were looking through your eyes. Never cease to amaze yourself.
I was given a gift and it is my purpose, promise and obligation to share it with the world. I'll see you all in '08'