Bent On Blowing Away: ignorance, intolerance, indifference, inequality, infrasonics, income tax, indigity, impropriety, indoctrination, inxs, inhumanity, inbreeding, insolence, ingratitude, intergovernmental intrusion, etc., etc., etc. (you get the picture).
People involved directly or indirectly in Music and other Arts (may be professional or not). Peers, mentors, fans, heros, friendly folk with a zest for life and something to contribute in an upbeat and/or entertaining manner. Those with a gracious regard for others they may encounter passing through this life. Purpose is essential.
Rock, Blues, Jazz, R and B, Latin, Soul, Lounge, Electronic, Classical, Broadway, Pop, Country, Zydeco, Folk, Swing, Funk, Bluegrass, Ska, Alternative, Gospel - World Music of varied styles and native orgins. May be fusions of assimulated genres by musically inclined people.
Must be stimulating, educational, thought provoking, OR perhaps humorous, escapist, surreal...but NOT your typical mainstream non-nutritional commercial fare.
See above.
See above.
Any person who would inspire or motivate me in a positive and productive manner - artistically, emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, or socially (thus.....there are many).