Rock Opera profile picture

Rock Opera

a shitload of rock, no freakin' opera

About Me

Rock Opera

Not a musical or a documentary, Rock Opera is a critically acclaimed and award winning dark comedy/caper/stoner flick with music from a ton of great bands, including: Nashville Pussy , Honky , Butthole Surfers , The Crack Pipes , Pong , Cherubs , Ed Hall and tons more!

Go buy a copy from so they'll send me a check and I'll then buy you a drink or something!


Jerry Don Clark

Chad Holt

Kurtis D. Machler

Paul Wright

Rob Gasper

Nashville Pussy

Butthole Surfers


Russell Porter

Corri Mava



A CrashCam Films production

A film by Bob Ray

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

a friend with weed...


the motha-fuckin rock & roll. play me some sweet local honey. austin tx rock and beginner-rock! my balls hurt from waaay too much rock! fuck a paper and a scissor... rock!


look, books are for retards okay? geez, how high do you think i am, cuz i'm waaaay too fuckin high to read a book.okay, instead of reading stupid books, play the Rock Opera drinking game. It's all got words involved and shit, so it's kinda like reading... here are the rules:1. When you hear “Dude,” “Fuck,” or “Man” – you take one drink.2. When you hear or see a band name – you take a bong hit (then pass the bong (you greedy bastard) so the next person can take a hit when another band name is mentioned).3. Whenever Toe gets slapped around – you take a shot of booze.I swear to freakin god that you'll be shitfaced w/ in 17 minutes. By the credit roll at the 85 minute mark, you'll be so fuckin zombie-drunk that you'll shit your pants... again.


This is BongMan! He's not in Rock Opera, but he loves the flick so freakin much that he kicks ass just to raise awareness about the stoner movie.Dig it?BongMan has laser beam eyes (to light his bong, duh), and an awesome ear-splitting gargling bubble sound sonic attack. His arsenal includes a debilitating smoke screen, and after justice is served, he’ll loaf on your couch and watch Aqua Teen Hunger Force on your fancy cable TV. You’ll know he’s been there because all your Doritos are gone and his trademark calling card is emblazoned on your carpet--the initials “BM” stained in bong water (that shit never comes out!). Take that you nefarious bad guy, you!Oh yeah, he’s got nunchucks!

My Blog

bong hits & cartoons

watch some side-splittingly low-rent and obnoxiously hilarious 'toonage: ...
Posted by Rock Opera on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 09:10:00 PST

Rock Opera DVD released today!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005 Rock Opera DVD release is today!!! Rock Opera DVD release is today!!!  That's right.  Get them while they're hot.  Tons and tons of extras... too many to ...
Posted by Rock Opera on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 02:15:00 PST

Rock Opera DVD details

Monday, January 24, 2005 Rock Opera DVD details Rock Operarelease date: April 12, 2005Just in time for your 4-20 party, Rock Operawill be out on a jam packed DVD on 4-12. So harass your local vi...
Posted by Rock Opera on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 02:13:00 PST

Rock Opera DVD deal finalized

Wednesday, October 27, 2004 Rock Opera DVD deal finalized Rock Opera DVD deal inked in bongwaterLike a gravity bong from hell, this DVD will blow your brain! That's a threat and a promise Problem...
Posted by Rock Opera on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 02:12:00 PST