Writing, Reading, Thinking, Speaking (whilst hopefully thinking), Breathing, Living and sometimes Sleeping...and back to writing again...Click here to read my blog the sorry tale about a Muse in Meltdown...
Authors; Publishers; Thinkers, Script Writers; Shopping List Constructors; Doodlers; Romantics; Bards & Poets; Photographers; Creative People; Comedians; Posers; Politicians (the greatest fictions writers of all) - in fact anybody who puts pen to paper in a creative and subjective manner and enjoys looking outside their own box...Please visit on our Website to find out more.
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Links of Note
ANNOUNCEMENTThere are so many talented writers belonging to this site we have now decided to showcase these multi-gifted friends.We will now feature, on a revolving basis, excerpts from your current project, a poem you are particularly proud of, a link to your blog, or even a rant you would just like to get off your chest. If you are a book seller – feel free to promote your latest publication.Just email me the piece you would like displayed and these will be posted in the blog section, so don’t forget to subscribe !The hope is that the MySpace page for Writing in the Margins, will be come the place that people link to, to read inspirational writing on the web today.
I love movies where people are portrayed as being an author or screenwriter etc., and spend all their time mooching around Malubu beaches. Less chatting and more writing, I would say - and do something about the closeup typing shots !!
Spoiled Ink Writing Community
A writing community for poets and writers.
Check out our Meetup!
Current Project:
The Muse in Meltdown is trying to consolidate her portfolio and build on the successes of recent projects.
Authors are our heroes..people who don't just talk the "big talk" or complain about not having enough time or the right pen - Our heroes are the people who get on and face the page - this is how to make dreams and visions happen.