Look out for the WILD HANLONS CARTOON! Remember them from NBC TREASURE HUNTERS!Along with my team of writers, we have several movie scripts in the works.I also have my second book close to completion
After meeting my wife, I haven't given this question much thought. I guess it is because I have been happily married to my beautiful wife Terri for 14 yrs. We do not accomplish anything in this world alone. The bond that links Terri and I together and makes us a family of two (well four if you include our dogs)is the mutual respect we have for each other. I began writing poetry in my teens, but I never abandoned my love for story telling. As a matter of fact my first published book THE GOLD COIN, I hope to have in stores by November, 2007. Its a childrens story that I hope speaks as loudly to the adults that take time to read it as it does the kids. Its a story of friendships old and new, of hopes lost and regained. It is the story of truths woven with words of fiction. This book has been my dream for many years and I hope persons all ages will enjoy it. uthors, writers, publishers, cartoonist, script writers, comic book venue, Horror, & SCI-FI, artist... I can also be found at www.freewebs.com/tonnybrown If any of you are fans of the NBC Reality Television show "Treasure Hunters" great. My brothers and I thank you. As one third member of TeamBrown I invite everyone to review the "Wild Hanlon Cartoon" which is based on the real lives of "Team WildHanlon" also of NBC Treasure Hunters check us out at www.freewebs.com/tonnybrown see ya and enjoyTonny
THE GOLD COIN see my review at http://boards.nbc.com/nbc/index.php?showforum=48