I think "everything" kinda covers it.
Details? Boxing (doing, watching- boxing rules). College basketball. Cryptozoology. Movies- I actually watch all those special features and listen to the commentaries. Making and reading comics. Meeting new people. I'm pretty much down with doing anything that seems fun at the time (and won't get me hurt, maimed, or arrested) and isn't full of cigarette smoke!
Other people in the entertainment industry (other writers, artists, actors, producers, directors, models, editors, musicians, etc.).
My friends list has shot up in my short time on here. I'm not in it for the numbers, I just like interesting people with similar interests and it just happened to turn out this way. All my MySpace peoples rock! If you have similar interests feel free to add me, too. My internet play time is pretty limited (I only stop in here for like 3 minutes a day), but I try to catch up on here when I can.
Usually, if I've sent you a request, then that means I've scanned (aka skimmed or speed read) through your profile and figured that the person you've represented yourself as could be someone enjoyable to grab a pint with. Or you're in a band that I like/support. Or you're a successful self-promoter/artist. Or you're a hot gal/lady/woman/girl/chick/femme. If you send me a request, I'll most likely add you.
Not much time for TV with my schedule (so I don't have cable), though there are a lot of shows I like. Right now my favorite show is Supernatural.
Other stuff I'm catching up on (mostly through the wonderful invention of DVD) are Lost, CSI, E.R., Law & Order: SVU, the Shield, the Outer Limits, Twilight Zone, & the Dave Chappelle Show.
Sadly I don't have too much time to read, but when I do it's Maxim, FHM, King, Source, XXL, Velocity, LEO, and comics. Most of my reading is done online I'm afraid.
Barack Obama, Russel Simmons, Steven King, Todd McFarlane, Terry Moore, Sean "Diddy" Combs, James Cameron, Joss Whedon, Stan Lee... more I can't think of at the moment.