ionique-gfx profile picture


Love isn't an emotion or an instinct--it's an art.

About Me

I am an artist, on many levels. I love to create. I spend a lot of my time doing things related to Computer Graphics, but I'm also a photographer and poet. I draw a lot and I'm learning to oil paint.
I'm a free spirit which has got me into trouble once or twice. I can venture off on my own accord without the needhoi of company. I love company, but if something intrigues me and my curiosity is running, then I'm going to investigate with or without other people. I like doing new things. I embrace the unknown with a sense of adventure. I usually jump at the opportunity to do something I've never done before. If I had only one self-philosophy that I followed, being dynamic would be it. I strive to be dynamic in my everything. My thoughts, my actions, my feelings, etc.
I have a really strong interest in understanding people. I have a gift for naturally being a psychologist/therapist but without the degree. I'll listen more often than speak. Though, I'm neither shy nor quiet. I like to hear what people have to say, to understand where they're coming from. I can just about always relate to just about anyone. I like meeting new people who offer a lot to learn from. I especially like meeting people who are quick to getting real. Who don’t need to know someone for weeks before opening up. I like meeting people who dive right on in and can engage in deep conversations. I love that more than anything...being at a party or where ever and talking with a complete stranger for hours on deep, mind-bending philosophical topics or perhaps deep emotional conversations. Somehow I find it really fun to talk/counsel complete strangers who are going through a lot.
I'm a hopeless romantic. For the most part, I’m a very positive thinking person. Though, I’m a realist and reality isn’t always positive, but it can still be embraced with positive acceptance. I believe there is something I can learn from every situation, from every person. It’s just a matter how I view something that will alter how much I can learn from that something or that person. For example, even a complete drunk who is acting obnoxious offers at least one thing to be learned from. Don’t drink as much as he/she did. ;)

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I'd like to meet:

    Greg Egan
    Okay, this Aussie turned me back on to Science Fiction. You see, Egan actually uses real modern science in his stories -- even the speculative stuff is intelligent. And man does he have amazing ideas. Egan blows my mind. Check out his books Diaspora, Permutation City , (and more) as well as his awesome collections of short fiction Axiomatic and Luminous. He has an awesome Home Page as well. Karl Sims
    This guy is the god of cool. He makes *the* coolest software in the world. His work has had a huge influence on me. You can see all of his stuff at his Home Page Douglas Hofstadter
    Author of Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid Pure Genius. This guy is sharp as a tack, funny as a plastic yellow goat, and is possibly one of the greatest minds of this century. Douglas Adams
    Maybe I just have a thing for authors whose names are Douglas , but this hoopy frood is even funnier than a plastic yellow goat. His Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy series is without rival. And don't get me started on the Meaning of Liff ...
    Trillian would be a good name for a tree, don't you think? Norm MacDonald
    Ah, he was no doubt, the best news anchor Saturday Night Live has ever seen. Sadly, he was fired because he would not let us forget that Germans love David Hasselhoff, OJ is a murderor, and Michael Jackson is a homosexual pedophile. Norm's just such a cool smart-ass. Tom Murphy 7
    This dude is a lot like me, only cooler. He's possibly more insane than I am, and has more free time than I do to express it. I used to think I had an enourmous web site until I discovered Tom 7's HTML portfolio. Make sure you check out His Home Page Richard D. James
    Aphex Twin, Polygon Window, The Diceman. Just what in in the name of Bob is going through this guy's head? I'd like to know. I hear he goes weeks without sleeping. Cool, no? I'd try it too if I didn't have to work all the time...



My Blog

Men Are from Mars, Women are from Venus

Here's a prime example of "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" offered by an English professor from the University of Phoenix: The professor told his class one day: "Today we will experiment wit...
Posted by ionique-gfx on Thu, 20 Oct 2005 03:39:00 PST

Hell Has Frozen Over

The following is supposedly an actual question given on a University of Washington chemistry mid-term. The answer by one student was so "profound" that the professor shared it with colleagues, via th...
Posted by ionique-gfx on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST