Kazinka profile picture


Excuse me, while I whip this out!

About Me

Una cagada

Yo YO!

Check it~ 1~2~1~2!!!

Here are some inspired verses, an ode to our beloved Bert-man.

Feel my words, my friends lovers future acquaintances
Peace and love,
Raise a fist to our darling Bert

Kazinka - OUT!~

Download Otafuku-Rex's "Do Me.mp3"
[right click save target as...]

My Interests


Experimental Sushi..meaning what ever's put in my face, I'll eat it. (that can be taken in a very Dirrrty way..) I like Piercings, so show 'em if ya got 'em! I like the ones that surprise you, while.... ah hem.. I am in love with really vivid tattoo's. No Pirates PLEASE.
I have never been to Sweden, been meaning to go. What great things have come out of Sweden? Well, I enjoy a relaxing Swedish massage, Biting into a juicy Swedish meatball, and throughly enjoying Swedish women with very Big Tits. "how sweet it is", I always say.
On Saturday there are so many dope places to check out yard sales. I try and barter as much as I can. One day I got a foam head, grass skirt, and blue Elton john glasses for 5 bucks. It was a steal. Somewhere off Hollywood and vista..or gardner... I forget. I fequent "Out of the closet" on Santa Monica Blvd. Did you know you can get a test there? I don't know what kind but I hope you don't have to do math.
Let's talk about Alcohol....Red Label Whiskey, SO CO, and Black Velvet... If I'm not enjoying dowing a bottle of Whiskey, I love to shoot Jello Shots. yum....I can taste them right now...
I dig chick singers. Some suck, but some could kick your ass! Here are a few I love- Chrissy Hyne, Juliette Lewis, Carrie Nations, the run aways, Luna chicks, more later....
I love spicy food..like Cuban food. I like it HOTTER than you..so don't try and out do me..I'll win.
I am a girl, I like both worlds, I love to Orgasm. But who the hell doesn't?
I like Dreadlocks, But only the upkept kind. I like Incense you buy in Venice Beach. I get so many for like 2 bucks. Lasts me a month. I love Expensive imported goods from India. I have 4 great pieces sitting in storage. I love Vespa's. Living in San Fran. you need one.
I build crushes on geeky professors. The best Gilligans Island. That Professor can shack up with me anytime, Ill show him some new moves that Mary Ann couldn't show him!
I Love PETA and I love little rabbits....Fur is MURDER! I know It feels nice and looks great with a pair of Jimmy Choo Shoes, and a Diamond earrings, but...it's still murder! you with me??
Best places to go :Eagle Rock, Birds, Home in silver lake, but don't eat the Home skillet. Blah.

KaZinka Ka-NO LIKEY:

hair nets male oppressors racism- when will it end?? George W. Bush DICK cheney haliburton hairy men, ugh. Helllllllo Shave! Wax, or get electrocuted or something! People who shop at the beverly center maxim and stuff magazines They EXPLOIT women! airbrushed sell-out women...TERA REID can Leave this planet now! record label Exects record labels in general men who only want sex, can Suck IT! pick-up lines, unless you are VERY creative.... football....Blows.... fossil fuels.. gumby....like he's so Yesterday.

I'd like to meet:

The young Jodie Foster, The young Drew Barrymore, (the Guess Print Ads..Oh god oh god) GIA the original....supermodel. David Bowie, Ziggy Stardust days,..Lorrie Petty..Gina Gershan,..


Luna chicks, Fiona Apple, the smiths, the Cramps, L7, Janis, HorrorPops, Indiare, bright eyes, tricky, cher (sometimes).. etta james, ..


Bound. Threesome. 9 in a half weeks. U-turn. Party Monster. Anything by John Waters.....cry baby...


The L Word, Queer as Folk, Six Feet Under, Animal Planet, Monster garage, design on a dime...


Fear of Flying, Rubyfruit Jungle, women of the moment...



My Blog

Im soo excited!!!!

Oh my god, I'm soo excited. Otafuku Rex is going to be in a very exclusive Digital Robot sellers pack and there is a picture of all of us in BPM, mini Filter, and Agenda. This is so freaking great. ...
Posted by Kazinka on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 03:56:00 PST

Kazinka + Suicide Girls! Lets make it happen!!!!

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! I just sent in my submission to be a Suicide Girls model. It's a dream I've had ever since they started. I don't want that fake ass Playboy shit. I like it dirty. I want to know NOW ...
Posted by Kazinka on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 08:23:00 PST

Mash it UP

Ladies and gentlemen (but especially the lovely chicas). I am pleased to announce that our Otamator has made it up on our website: www.otafukurex.com   So do like i do. Mash it up strip naked and...
Posted by Kazinka on Wed, 05 Jul 2006 01:04:00 PST


So the boys Left for Bonnaroo yesterday. Now I'm all alone for the weekend. Is anyone going to keep me company??  Hopefully Word and Bert won't fight too much, and Cam won't get too sloshed, and ...
Posted by Kazinka on Fri, 16 Jun 2006 03:21:00 PST


KAZINKASCOPESIf life isnt intense enough for you, todays Scorpio moon could really fuck up your life right now. There is a sense in esoteric circles that Divine willpower is at work during this full m...
Posted by Kazinka on Wed, 19 Apr 2006 04:08:00 PST

Another Girl on My Mind

My muse for this week is Forbidden... Who will be my muse next week?
Posted by Kazinka on Fri, 07 Apr 2006 05:44:00 PST


what do you think of my latest creation! I'll be posting pics of random people from my friends list who rock my socks off... ...
Posted by Kazinka on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 04:47:00 PST

Kazinkascopes Will Rock Your Planetary Alignment

The Hizzaps for March The steadying influence of the sun's favorable position, ( what's your favorable position?)  to pragmatic Saturn Friday could keep you from going apeshit while Venus tests ...
Posted by Kazinka on Sat, 25 Mar 2006 04:54:00 PST


Check out where'sbert.com and see the letter Bruce willis wrote to help support the search for Our beloved Bert! ...
Posted by Kazinka on Wed, 01 Mar 2006 05:41:00 PST

Ode to Missing the Bert-man... A Haiku...

You left us too soon like the sands through the hourglass the days of your life. ~ ...
Posted by Kazinka on Wed, 22 Feb 2006 05:12:00 PST