Art By Gyreck profile picture

Art By Gyreck

“Genius is 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” - Thomas A. Edison

About Me

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my visitor map - added: 02-11-2007
Map of Gyreck's Art World
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Most of the works on this site are posted in the 'pics' section.
They are at a fairly reduced resolution. This is due to a combination of the limits of myspace, and the fact that I don't really feel like handing out full resolution pics of my works. Enjoy!
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Another place to see my art:
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Welcome to my art page. If you send a friend request, please send a message along with it giving a few lines about how you came across my page and why you want to add me to your friends list. I do turn down many requests, and it could help my decision on whether to add you if you send the message.
If you want to add me just to occasionally browse through my works, then that’s great. Browsing is free after all. In return though, it would be good to get feedback from time to time in the form of a picture comment, profile comment, message, etc.
I actually look at the pages of the people who request me. I will not add fake pages (spammer/hkr/bullshit pages) or any pages that I think might be fake, or pages with so little content that I can't tell.
If you have no profile pic, I will deny you without looking at your page. This is due to the fake pages, many of which don't have profile pics. If it's been a while since you sent the request, I'm either busy or waiting for a message from you. With no communication, I'll eventually just deny you.
I will probably not add you, and if you don’t send a message as described above, I will definitely not add you. If you really want me on your list for some reason other than building up yours, you should let me know that.
If you hadn't noticed, it makes a difference to me who's on my list, and I have a better page for it.
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***Posting Comments***
Hello everyone. I have no problem with my artist friends posting their work in my comments section... in fact I'd encourage it. I would like other people to see your work, so self promotion here is all good, provided you're not sending the same thing over and over. I'll delete duplicates like that.
Try to keep the maximum width to around 600 px wide (a little over isn't bad, within reason).
I have very few restrictions on content as far as posting. If you put a comment that is grotesquely violent on my page, not only will I delete it, but I might delete you. No eye gouging gifs, or nails through fingers, or anything remotely like that. If you want to know if something is passable, feel free to send it to me in a message first.
***UPDATE (2008-26-02)***
Thank you for all the awesome comments !
I check them all, but I will definitely not be able to respond to all of them. Aside from being busy in the "real world", I have several other profiles I manage on here.
I do respond to most of my messages though.
Thanks everyone !
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***Requesting Free Work***
In a word... don't.
I've been getting an increasing number of requests from people to do drawings of them, including from people not even on my friends list, for free. Although it is appreciated, and I take it as a compliment when someone wants me to draw them (I take them where I can get them), I don't accept such requests.
I'm very busy with my own projects and with homework in my Masters Program, but even if I wasn't I still wouldn't be accepting requests for free work.
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Who I'd Like to Meet:
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People more interesting than a pile of dead puppies.
Setting the bar low?
You tell me.
- Gyreck
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Here's a link to help brighten your day !!!

My Interests

Art, Philosophy, History, Psychology, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Music, Comedy, Strategy Games, Anime, Lowbrow Art, Shiny Objects, Writing, Belly Dancers, Burlesque, Pin Up Art, Costume Art, Neurology, Dice & Paper Roll-Playing (D&D), Magic The Gathering, Science Fiction, The World in My Mind, Martial Arts, Astronomy, and Creating Things in General


System of a Down, Korn, Nine Inch Nails, Nirvana, Rage Against the Machine, Rob Zombie, KMFDM, Collide, Gwen Stefani, Metallica, Marilyn Manson, The Cranberries, Static X, Tool, A Perfect Circle, Puddle of Mud, The White Stripes, Smashing Pumpkins, Tenacious D, Staind, Gary Stadler, Yoko Kanno, Scott Glasgow, Danny Elfman, Tea Party, Information Society (album: Don't Be Afraid), Beyon-D-Lusion, Feist, Primed, Switchblade Symphony, and assorted classical music


V for Vendetta, The Matrix Trilogy, The Terminator, Aliens, A.I. - Artificial Intelligence, Apollo 13, War of the Worlds (original version), Earth vs. the Flying Saucers, Bicentennial Man, Pirates of the Caribbean, Gladiator, Assisted Living Dracula, Star Wars Trilogies, The Fifth Element, Back to the Future, Groundhog Day, Office Space, Spaceballs, The Gamers, The Princess Bride, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Brewster's Millions, Trading Places, Indiana Jones Trilogy, Starship Troopers, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, Labyrinth, Ghost in the Shell, Akira, Vampire Hunter D, The Usual Suspects, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Good Will Hunting, The Predator, Dune, Pitch Black, The Black Hole, The Abyss, Event Horizon, Army of Darkness, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Universal Soldier, Total Recall, Devil's Advocate, The Village, Unbreakable, In the Mouth of Madness, 12 Monkeys, Brazil, John Carpenter's The Thing, 28 Days Later, Fight Club, The Silence Of The Lambs, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Perfect Blue, Silent Hill, Flatliners, Serenity, Sleepy Hollow, Stephen King's It


…no wait, the other one… tedious."
I despise most television, especially network TV. The majority of TV I watch is off of disks, from Comedy Central, or one of the Discovery / History / Science / Military channels. I'm a huge fan of Science / History / Technology.
All that being said, here's a list of my favorites, past and present:
Late Night with Conan O’Brian, South Park, The Daily Show with John Stuart, The Colbert Report, The Comedians of Comedy, Mythbusters, Battlebots, The Man Show, My Name Is Earl, Futurama, Family Guy, Robot Chicken, Metalocalypse, The Boondocks, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Classic Twilight Zone, Doctor Who, Red Dwarf, Classic Star Trek, Twin Peaks, Battlestar Galactica, Firefly, Heroes, Saturday Night Live, The Adventures of Brisco County Jr., The Tick, Aqua Teen Hunger Force
Anime: Ghost in the Shell - Stand Alone Complex, Full Metal Alchemist, Big O, Cowboy Bebop, Robotech, Trigun, Wolf’s Rain
I'm a huge fan of the anime, and every one of the above shows is most excellent! So watch them!
Other Good Anime:
FLCL, Eureka Seven, InuYasha, Star Blazers, Voltron, Record of Lodoss War, Bleach, Samurai champloo, Scryed


[Refresh Page To Update]


NOTE: The placement of a name in this section in no way suggests that I endorse, support, or approve of every quality, belief or action attached to the owner of that name. There are people who have achieved things that I admire, while at the same time I might hold distain for other aspects of that persons actions, beliefs, etc.
Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert, Donald Trump, Hugh Hefner, Keyser Soze, Steve Wozniak, Bill Gates, Nikola Tesla, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris, Isaac Asimov, Jules Verne, Penn & Teller, Richard Dawkins, Ben Franklin, Pierre Bernard, John F. Kennedy, Charles Darwin, The Flying Spaghetti Monster (ALL HAIL!!!), Bender B. Rodriguez, Leonardo da Vinci, Archimedes, Heron, Alex Louis Armstrong - The Strongarm Alchemist, Bruce Campbell, Henry Rollins, Unicron, Strongbad, Master Shake, Christopher Walken, Lord Sesshomaru, Gunther & the Sunshine Girls, Brock Sampson... and my Grandparents.
Other than my parents and wife, my Grandparents have contributed more to my life than all others combined.

My Blog

Name This Character!!!

Name This Character!!!Hello everyone! I've been thinking about a name for this character that I've been using for my default pic. She is the first of a series of characters I've planned out that I ha...
Posted by Art By Gyreck on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 08:06:00 PST


***DANCING HAPPINESS!!!*** I hope that this has made your day a little better!|:]'- Gyreck...
Posted by Art By Gyreck on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 07:08:00 PST