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Biff Bam Pow Comics!


About Me

One day, a little while ago, I was sat at my iMac, reading comics, listening to podcasts, drinking tea and eating cookies. Anyone who knows me will tell you that it was 'just like any other normal day' - but on this particular day, I was down on my cash, I wanted to buy more comics - and I wanted to get them cheap.
I'd been taunted for about a year and a half, listening to Comic Geek Speak (which is well worth a listen) - hearing all about the wonders of fairly priced comic books on sale in America. But not in the UK - because of damn shipping charges.
In the UK we have had to put up with 'collectors' editions if we want reasonably priced Marvel or DC goodness. 'Collectors' editions that are usually 2 or 3 years out of date. Or 'collectors editions' that have already been relased in far more 'collectable' manner - i.e. trade paperbacks or graphic novels.
"Well f@*k that for a game of chess" thought I.
I did some searching around while I was looking for cheap comics, and do you know - there wasn't one good online comic store in the UK that caters not only for a desire to read good books, but for people to talk about them too?
Again - "f@*k that" I thought.
All I'd ever wanted since I was a child was to be part of comics. I wanted to draw them, and I wanted to read them. Hell - I wanted to read them so badly at one point, I 'borrowed' my brother's entire collection, and craftily hid them under my bed, where he would neverfind them (until he did find them - and slapped seven shades of @*&$ out of me).
I wouldn't have borrowed them if I'd been able to afford them myself though.
I couldn't remember a time where I wasn't interested in reading about how Peter Parker and Mary Jane were getting on (or not, in the case of Brand New Day), or how Batman and Robin were fighting crime and patrolling the streets of Gotham (or, again, not, in the case of Knightfall).
But I'd never been able to find out what was going on without shelling out more money than makes good sense.
Back when I was a kid, I remember laughing my little cotton socks off over Giffen and DeMatteis' Justice League International. I'd wonder what was going to come up for Blue and Gold next - and I'd always be dying to chat with someone about it all.
But I couldn't. My mates couldn't afford to read the expensive imported comics. They could only get the 'reprints' - which at that time had such 'stunning' storylines lik DC's Millenium. Not a patch on what I was reading - comic books that had matured past the bad storylines - comic books that showed us what could have been with Amageddon 2001, or showed us the Hearts of Darkness within Wolverine, The Punisher and my Ghost Rider (Danny Ketch).
And did things improve over time? Well - a little - but not a great deal. I could log on to forums and talk comics with people in America (which wasn't bad - don't get me wrong - some of my favourite people are Americans) - but I couldn't help thinking - "wouldn't it be nice to chat to someone... Nearby me?"
So I decided I'd had enough of al that. I wanted comics. I wanted good prices. I wanted to talk to people nearby me about comics.
And then I thought - "I bet you want comics too. And I bet you want good prices. And if I want to talk to people nearby me about comics - maybe you want to talk to people nearby you about comics too..."
So why the hell not...? If no-one else is going to give me and the rest of the UK what we need - then it's up to me.
I'm going to do my best to make the best damn comic book store and meeting place you ever did see.
With great comics - comes great responsibility. Watch this website for more information. And this very myspace page for special offers...

My Interests

Comic books - and everything related to them!

I'd like to meet:

All kinds of UK and worldwide comic fans! If you've read a comic book in your life - you owe it to yourself to get in touch and get talking!


Spider-Man, Spider-Man 2, Spider-Man 3, X-men, X-men 2, X-men 3: The Last Stand, Superman Returns, Batman, Batman Returns, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight, Superman / Doomsday, Ultimate Avengers, Ultimate Avengers 2, Invincible Iron-Man, Iron Man, Hulk, Incredible Hulk, New Frontier


Battlestar Galactica (new), Star Trek, Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Babylon 5, Star Trek: Enterprise, Crusade, Batman: The Animated Series, Teen Titans


The Killing Joke, The Death Of Superman, Identity Crisis, Knightfall, Rogue Trooper: Future War, The Walking Dead: The Calm Before


The Savage Dragon, Batman, Spider-Man, She-Hulk

My Blog

NEWS: Oh thank heavens - the DCU will be ok...

...on the Xbox360 and PS3 that is.To say I was worried about the lameness of the upcoming Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe when I heard about the 'no fatalities' rumour - would be an understatement.Mortal...
Posted by Biff Bam Pow Comics! on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 02:10:00 PST

REVIEW: The Boys - 20

You know you have a good book in your hands, when you're left completely speechless.If you haven't read Garth Ennis' The Boys before - you're in for a pretty huge surprise. On the offchance that you d...
Posted by Biff Bam Pow Comics! on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 01:49:00 PST

MEANWHILE: Clark’s holiday romance

Posted by Biff Bam Pow Comics! on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 01:13:00 PST

NEWS: Comic-Con 2008 go-ers - you’re all lucky gits

Yes you heard me right - those of you going to Comic-Con 2008 this year are all a bunch of lucky buggers who have a whole heap of wonder waiting for you. Wonder such as a Stargate Continuum panel, a Q...
Posted by Biff Bam Pow Comics! on Mon, 14 Jul 2008 06:06:00 PST

REVIEW: Green Lantern Corps - 25

So here was a nice surprise.I'm a pretty hefty Green Lantern fan. I used to read my brother's Hal Jordan comics, and when I was old enough to get my own, I was picking up the post-Emerald Twilight sto...
Posted by Biff Bam Pow Comics! on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 10:15:00 PST

MEANWHILE: "Shh - don’t tell anyone I’m from the Empire"

Posted by Biff Bam Pow Comics! on Sun, 13 Jul 2008 09:40:00 PST

MEANWHILE: Skrull Jones doesn’t understand

Posted by Biff Bam Pow Comics! on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 03:44:00 PST

REVIEW: Secret Invasion - 4

So we've hit the halfway point with Secret Invasion. But is it still the roller-coaster ride of previous months? Or is it starting to peter out a little?***HEFTY SPOILER ALERT***As you might expect af...
Posted by Biff Bam Pow Comics! on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 03:44:00 PST

NEWS: The Wanderer Returns!

I'm back! Yes - you've probably only noticed a little Meanwhile over the past couple of days - and that's purely because I've been off swanning around the globe. Well, swanning around Warwickshire. Bu...
Posted by Biff Bam Pow Comics! on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 04:50:00 PST

MEANWHILE: Michael Keaton remembers...

Posted by Biff Bam Pow Comics! on Sat, 12 Jul 2008 04:34:00 PST