Erik profile picture


I blame Superboy for the current state of my hair

About Me

I write and draw comic books and that's pretty much the extent of it. I listen to music and write stories and draw and monkey around with crap all day long.

My Interests

Comic books, original art and all related junk. I buy lots of old comics and plenty of new ones. I can't get enough of Jack Kirby, Herb Trimpe, Gil Kane and Walter Simonson.

I'd like to meet:

Most anybody, really. I don't really idolize folks like movie stars and whatnot but if you want to shoot the breeze about whatever--that's fine by me.


Really--a lot of stuff. As a youngster I was really into Elton John and the Beatles. I still like those guys but you're as likely to hear me listening to Fountains of Wayne, Aimee Mann, the Beautiful South, Elvis Costello, Barenaked Ladies, Counting Crows, Army of Lovers, the Knack, the Monkees or any of hundreds of others from the big band era to now. Einstein's Sister is a big favorite. If you can find one of their CDs snap it up! These guys are awesome!


I like movies--I like Groundhog Day and Ghostbusters and Star Wars and Summer of '42 and others plenty--but I'm not a huge movie guy. I'd rather read a good comic book for the most part.


I don't watch a lot of TV.


The Oz series was a big favorite but I most often read non-fiction. Most often left-wing rants that support my world view.


Savage Dragon, of course!

My Blog

Savage Dragon 135 on sale!

Whew! Finally--issue 135 of Savage Dragon goes on sale Wednesday March, 26th 2008.It guest stars Prism--a hero from my Graphic Fantasy days. As a special bonus this is a 48-page issue which reprints t...
Posted by Erik on Wed, 26 Mar 2008 06:50:00 PST


Still piecing together CRACK COMICS 63.Whereas FANTASTIC COMICS ended at 64-pages and a great lineup of characters--CRACK COMICS wasn’t quite so sweet. I’ve ended up picking up a few issue...
Posted by Erik on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 11:44:00 PST

Death and comics.

Holy crap.Dave Stevens just passed away.Another comic book creator--another amazing talent--is gone.I never met Dave.Regardless--I was totally floored by his stuff--I was a big fan--I loved the Rocket...
Posted by Erik on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 10:39:00 PST


Yikes. Just got a copy of CRACK COMICS 62--the issue before our upcoming Next Issue Project issue and--it's not pretty. The art fell off--the format is slim--and insubstantial. Ouch.The Captain Triump...
Posted by Erik on Tue, 04 Mar 2008 03:58:00 PST

Next Issue Project format...

Okay--so FANTASTIC COMICS 24 is out (or soon will be--I've had my copy for a few days now and I can't stop looking through it). The next book to get updated/continued is CRACK COMICS.So, the big quest...
Posted by Erik on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 09:52:00 PST

FANTASTIC COMICS 24--holy shit!

We just got in copies of FANTASTIC COMICS 24 to the office-- the very first of the NEXT ISSUE PROJECT titles and it is the most jaw-dropping, awe-inspiring comics I have ever been involved with. The f...
Posted by Erik on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 03:22:00 PST

Savage Dragon 135

Christ almighty this issue is taking forever.It seems I'm led to distraction. A lot of things here and there take up too much of my time until suddenly I look up and--crap--a month went by and I didn'...
Posted by Erik on Wed, 23 Jan 2008 09:33:00 PST


"Honey, Valentines Day is on its way and I thought I'd give you something that will mean a lot to you now and years to come.""Oh, really?""Yes--I names a STAR after you!""You what?""You know those 'st...
Posted by Erik on Fri, 11 Jan 2008 08:56:00 PST

What the hell?

Okay--this is weird--somehow or other I've managed to get a pretty nasty case of poison oak! Dunno what the deal is with that but I have the crap all over my hands and here and there all over my body!...
Posted by Erik on Wed, 09 Jan 2008 10:06:00 PST


Just finished coloring Joe Casey & Bill Sienkiewicz's contribution to FANTASTIC COMICS 24. Bill saw that I made my yarn look all old and crappy and he wanted the same treatment. So--it's finally done-...
Posted by Erik on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 09:34:00 PST