KiLLeR WRiTeR! profile picture


I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

This be me:

Be sure to check out MY SKETCH COMEDY MySpace Page!

If you take a look at my blog, you'll see my current pet project is fixing Spider-Man...
I'm also working on an Off-Broadway satirical musical!
Recently finished a horror novel I'm shopping around entitled MEPHISTOPOLIS .
I've also got several high-concept screenplays -- action, comedies, and the like -- that are pretty damn sweet.
Some of this can be seen on my blog. If you cannot view certain parts of my blog, that means you must FRIEND-REQUEST me. But, you know, it'd be nice if you said "Hi" first.

My Interests

Better late than never:

As for "Interests"...I find most everything interesting. Save for watching other people bowl or play baseball. I mean, seriously.

I'd like to meet:

An agent with a magic wand, please.


I like to tackle all genres, all kinds of writing: on my blog you'll find true short stories, as well as a children's story, a couple of satires are coming soon, and I think I've even got a section of my original Muppets script up there.

My Blog

Amazing Spider-Man script -- Issue 550 part 2 - Goblins & Osborns

Amazing Spider-Man 550: SPECIAL DOUBLE-SIZED ISSUE - part 2... PAGE TWENTY-NINE: Panel 1: We're looking at a monitor of a DNA strand  let's make it similar to the one seen in the films if possible...
Posted by KiLLeR WRiTeR! on Tue, 13 May 2008 04:59:00 PST

What's Happening on my Spider-Man Blog

This blog post is a combo of things: kind words I've received, thoughts about my future Spider-Man stories, and responses to letters from people re: Spidey.For those of you waiting for my next script...
Posted by KiLLeR WRiTeR! on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 08:04:00 PST

Amazing Spidey 547 - Spider-Man vs. Iron Man (aka UNDOING Brand New Day) ASM 547

WELCOME, READERS! Feel free to skip my welcome note and go RIGHT TO THE SCRIPT: scroll to the BOLD LINES... KEITH'S SOAPBOX (borrowed from Stan): If you've been checking out my bountiful blog of Spi...
Posted by KiLLeR WRiTeR! on Tue, 13 May 2008 05:55:00 PST

ONE MORE DAY, PART 4 of 4 (Amazing Spider-Man 545):

Hiya! If you'd like to get right to the script for My Part 4 of One More Day, just scroll down a bit -- the first few lines are in bold below! BELOW ARE ALL MY AMAZING SPIDER-MAN STORIES (issues 545-5...
Posted by KiLLeR WRiTeR! on Tue, 13 May 2008 06:15:00 PST

Amazing Spider-Man 546 - A Different Kind of DAY!

What I'm doing here is my take on how to continue one of the most-famous comics out there: Spider-Man.Why am I doing this you ask? Well, I'm a writer.  And while I think Marvel's done something i...
Posted by KiLLeR WRiTeR! on Tue, 13 May 2008 06:00:00 PST

Amazing Spider-Man 548 - Rhino-riffic! Brand New Day-like

Welcome again, o' fearless friends! If you'd like to get right to my Amazing Spider-Man script, just scroll down past my oh-too-long opening remarks!In my merry marching milky way, I have been taking...
Posted by KiLLeR WRiTeR! on Tue, 13 May 2008 05:08:00 PST

ASM: 549 - Spider-Man vs. Thunderbolts! A New Marvel-ous Brand New Day

Hello, Honest Devotees, and welcome to my newest issue of the Old & Improved Spider-Man!Yes, "old & improved" -- this is the Spider-Man you know if you're a comics fan: married to MJ, smart, f...
Posted by KiLLeR WRiTeR! on Tue, 13 May 2008 05:04:00 PST

Amazing Spider-Man script -- Issue 550 - Web Shooters!

Welcome, o' Honest Devotees!  For here you shall find solace in some scintilating stories of the super-heroic Spider-Man! What's this blog about?  Simply this: to accomplish what Marvel acc...
Posted by KiLLeR WRiTeR! on Tue, 13 May 2008 05:00:00 PST

Childrens Story: The Biggest Hug in the World

The Biggest Hug in the Worldby Keith PlanitSomewhere in a soggy swamp sat Hallee and Geeter, twin alligators of the Florida Everglades. Geeter was six-and-three-quarters years old. He's the kind of ...
Posted by KiLLeR WRiTeR! on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 12:07:00 PST

The Biggest & Best Christmas Story EVER!!! (TEXT & MUSIC)

The Great Big Santa Story!A Storybook ByKeith PlanitBE SURE TO CHECK OUT MY MYSPACE PROFILE!To HEAR the story, click PLAY on the player below! I made this music player at THIS SIT...
Posted by KiLLeR WRiTeR! on Mon, 26 Nov 2007 02:57:00 PST