About the Film...
The idea for movinG originated when Elvin asked Fabian to help him move when they got off work at two in the morning which ressulted in a GHB fueled
surreal night. There was encounters with Elvin's ex-girlfriend and her big black boyfriend who tried to kick their ass as well as a flamboyant drag queen who tried to pick Elvin up.
This got them discussing how real life can be stranger than fiction and after
swapping personal stories, Elvin looked at Fabian and said "Hey this could be a movie!" Eventually they came up with the idea of doing a low budget clerks
style movie.Fabian wrote the script and after a year of trying to find an investor to finance the movie, they came up with the capital.
After purchasing the most basic equipment to start filming, the most difficult task was about to begin...finding someone on their less than $10,000
budget who actually knew what he was doing. After seeing a documentary done on one of their co-workers they asked to meet the cinematographer.
To their suprise it was a nineteen year old kid, Andy Starck, who later came
aboard and the filming began
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